Sananda and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell

Ashtar  and Ashira channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco


(Note: these messages were given during our 1st Sunday of the month joint call with Hollow Earth Network over Blog Talk Radio in Phoenix, AZ on November 6, 2016)



I am “Sananda”. I come with this new energy. It was spoken that there would be a new energy and this is it.  It is not a being. It is not a Galactic brother or sister. It is your energy. It is your love personified into the higher vibrations, vibrations that you have not known for a very long time. But you remember. Each and every one of you remembers this vibration at some level within you. 


So, trust that. Trust that you are that vibration. That you carry it at all times. Just as I, as Jeshua, carried the Christ vibration so do you carry the Christ vibration, each and every one of you?  Very soon it will be time to let that vibration out to all that you come in contact with. Not for all to know that you are the Christ but to sense it, to feel it, to see that there is something different about you.  Something is special, not in the egoic sense, but special because you carry this vibration, that you are this vibration.  And as this new vibration, you are all bringing about the new changes that are coming.


As you see these things come out in the news, your alternative and other news. And you wonder is this real. And you use your discernment over and over. I tell you now, as “Sananda”, with all of those mentoring to you now; I will tell you that those times are very short.  Soon you will be reading, hearing many different news reports and you will not have to wonder any more, is this real?  You will not have to ask if you are making this up or is the one who has prepared the report making this up?


As you have heard many times, the truth shall set you free. The truth is coming. The truth is out there. It is being made known to you, even now, as I speak. There are many truths. Many parts of truth that are a part of the illusion that you are in.  But there is only one truth and that truth is you.  You are the truth. You are the Way, the truth and the life.


So know this as many things begin to come forward. Many new understandings. Many new levels of what are considered the truth come forward. Those of you who have been acclimated to these many energies will hear these things and nod yes, we knew this all along. While others around you wonder, is the Earth falling apart? Are we doomed? Is this what is spoken of in the Bible, is this the end times?


And you will laugh slightly and answer, “No my friends, my brothers and my sisters, this is only the beginning.  This is the beginning of the New Age. The beginning of a new understanding of Oneness.”


But for those of you, when you come to this, you will remember that this is what you came from. This is what you knew before. Oneness. Service. This is what you are all about. This is what you are all returning to.  But you return to this knowing that you have been through the wringer. You have been through many turmoil’s.


Because of going through all of these many turmoil’s you have grown greatly. With this growth and this strength you have acquired you will be able to assist many.  When the time comes and I reach out to each one of you, and ask you the question, “Will you be a part of this mission? Will you be a part of the Council of Twelve? “ 


You will be able to give your answer. Many have already done this at the higher vibrations within you. It will be coming very shortly when your conscious knowing self will be answering that question.


I am “Sananda” and I leave you now with all of my peace and love be with you, for we are in this together and we will continue to be in this together. Until the day when you find  yourself on the bridge of the New Jerusalem or on many levels of the New Jerusalem where I, myself, come to be with you in person.


Peace and love be with all of you.



I am “Ashtar”. Brother “Sananda” has given you wonderful news. We knew what he was to speak on.  I am here to talk about a little bit different things with you.


I have a big smile on my face because this is a wonderful group for us. We love you. We watch over you. We work with you in the nights and we play with you in days, even though you do not notice.


This is a day for many meditations to be going on around the planet.  Meditations on GESARA. Meditations for the New Planet.  Meditations such as this that is purely for service that you take part in on Sundays.


We know that there is so much that has risen to the surface in the past week or two. We know that it confuses many who view the sites and wonder what is good and what is bad. We would say that it is best to not take a side. There will be more information coming that will strike you one way or another. This is an odd time to be alive. That which is in your heart, your gut will tell you what is real and what is there to lead you astray.


Remember all is love. You are love and it is love that is showing you the light on your path.  Love is there to show you where this one or that are ready to be folded into your heart and loved and helped along their path.


This is a time where you will start to pick up many people. You will start to find those who are attracted to your messages, your words. Even your family members may surprise you.


This is a time of beginning.  The beginning of the newness and to see it unfurl before your eyes. To see as things become obvious for you, even more obvious then they have been in the past.  You will see those events now unfurl in the actual world.  And you will give up a joyous glee. 


Things are in good places, my friends. And I am here again to say that we are here to love you, to be of service to you and to be with you throughout all of this.


Thank you.


“One Who Serves”

Greetings to you. We are here to answer questions but before we do we want to tell you that your crazy ideas about those time zones and all that goes on here on the planet is soon to be in the past. You will not have to deal with those time zones anymore. Some have tried to get on the phones here and the time zones have been changed. Some have had difficult times with this.


We attempted to tell the James here that there was nothing to be concerned about but did he listen? No, he wondered if this was going to be a call or not here. We tried to tell him, yes, you are going to have a call, it is going to happen.


So, here we are. We are ready for questions. “Ashira” is standing by here.


Question: When Ascension happens, how do you know if the people, for instance, sitting in this group are really here or are they part of the illusion you are in?


"One Who Serves"

Dear, dear one, how many times do we need to talk about this? If you are on this call, if you are experiencing these types of energies, if you are even in a remote way interested in these things, you will be Ascending. There is no question about this.



Please, do not be concerned about this anymore. It is true that there is going to be individual Ascension, yes. Also, group Ascension and planetary Ascension. Yes, all of this is happening.  It will happen in your frequency. As your vibration reaches what it needs to reach, there will be the Ascension. But please understand that this is simply still a process. It is not that you are going to be here one moment and the next flying up in clouds or anything of this nature.


This has been somewhat of a misnomer bought about by the "rapture". It is not going to be quite this way but it will feel like it at different times. It will feel like you are moving into "Never Never Land" or something of this nature. You going to feel the sense of bliss and love come over you and it will be overwhelming at times.


This is part of the process. Many of you have been feeling this. You know what we speak of here. As of yet you have no idea of how great this is going to be. OK?



We are going to answer this a little differently. Since you asked the group if you would know they are going, let us say that you were a person who has opted to move off the planet, to another location.  That person chose their path and would not experience missing people on their new path. They would not remember others in this frequency.


But you please do not worry about this. Keep on plugging along, friend.


“One Who Serves”

Yes. Keep on keeping on! As your saying goes.

Question: Are you in agreement with Esther and Abraham Hicks teachings to be positive about everything including people?


“One Who Serves”

My goodness! Do we believe in Abraham? Of course we do. You may not know this one who comes in this energy. Certainly, yes, we believe in all of this and we certainly subscribe to this as well.



Yes. We certainly agree with you. This one is very strong and powerful and has done wonderful work on this planet. Those who have followed what he has taught have had much direction with their lives.


Question: Abraham looks at everybody with a positive light even if they are walking the dark path. Everyone is from God so isn’t that the best way?


“One Who Serves”

Yes, that is because all have come from this energy so yes that is correct.



Yes, everyone deserves full recognition of the Oneness.


Question: I have studied “Oneness” through Christian Science for the past 25 years. My friend, Dave, just died Monday and he introduced me to Hollow Earth Network several years ago. I am really struggling with all of this and I can’t believe that “this” is all really happening?



We are sorry for you for the loss of your friend this week. We are sure it brings up all kinds of issues for you in terms of what is right, what is wrong. What is here and what is not.


The election is to take place in two days. The past three or four days has brought to the surface a tremendous amount of information about a variety of topics. We have been saying and will stand by this that the election will not take place as it normally does. Perhaps it will be delayed awhile while another candidate comes to bear. Then again, the mass consciousness affects everything. Even though we have said this is not taking place, we will also say there is an option to open another door to have the election take place and go from there. We are standing by what we have said.


Is this true? Is this really happening? It would be nice for you to be with a group such as the Sunday group here. A group that discusses everything in the news, the alternative media and more to discuss where each person feels the world is going as it relates to them.


We will say that for the world to be cleared, for all to be open to this new energy level, for people to be open to receiving it, all of the darkness must come into the Light. All of the darkness must be seen by the people on the planet as it comes into the Light.


You are in that transition process now. It seems that it cannot be happening. It seems that it is more than one can handle.  Know it is perfect. Everything is in Divine Orchestration. There is a Divine Orchestration and everything will turn out perfectly. OK?


“One Who Serves”

Yes, we can tell you that the information that is to come out is even greater than that which has come out yet. So much, yet but it is based on probabilities and mass consciousness and this. As Ashira” has said everything can change on a dime. But from where we can see there is a lot to be revealed within a very short time left here.


So, you could see a postponement or cancellation of this election. But it might not. There are those who are making decisions about the information and have decided they cannot bring it all at once. This has been what they are doing up until now, it is too overwhelming for the public.  Your ears cannot take too much of this and all of this type of thing.


Do not be too concerned about it. Also, the new energy you felt here today when you did this meditation, imagine for yourselves, you felt the pulsating revolving energy in your body even for a short time. Imagine if all across the planet felt this energym what would it do to consciousness? There you have your answer as to what is coming. OK?


Question: I have been a listener for a couple of years and I don’t know what to say to people. What are they going to think about all this that is coming out in the news?


“One Who Serves”

That is where you all come in. This is your mission. Get ready! The show is starting and you are part of the show.  I’ve got news for you. OK?


Question: People ask me about the election and we discuss saving food, saving money and a lot of fear based things. I tell them there may not even be an election but what can I say to these fo9lks?



We tell you, all of us in this room and more, that this in Divine Orchestration. Do you think that for one moment you would be left to fight off an army of people? These things are not going to happen. With the new wave of energy there are new waves coming down from the heavens into this planet, into each person. This is changing people.


People are so eager to jump on fear, on things they are afraid are going to happen. Tell them that every6thing is in Divine Orchestration and whatever it looks like at the moment, it is in Divine Orchestration. OK?

“One Who Serves”

We would like you to use your logical thinking for just a minute. You all have logical thinking, do you not? So, think a moment here of all the technology that is out there. All of the technology for wars, all the technology for defense and fighting each other and all of these types of things. Think of all this technology the Cabal has created for the purpose of destruction, the purpose of raising fears, all of these things.


Now think of the nuclear weapons, the pandemics that could have been, the skies being polluted, all of these things that have come before. Now think of if they had been allowed to, if they wanted to they would have done this many times over. Your planet would have been destroyed because that is what they wanted. They wanted to destroy the planet and go off into the sunset or go up into space. This was their reason for being. They wanted to wipe out the entire population if it wasn’t destroyed by other means so that they could be the ones completely in charge. They only wanted the slaves left.


Have you seen nuclear weapons go off? Have you seen any pandemic takeover? Ebola and Swine Flu that were going to devastate mankind. What a joke Ebola virus was! Some dealt with this but as a global pandemic, it never occurred.


All is being protected. All is being orchestrated as “Ashira” said. So you will not be put in place where, as Lightworkers, you cannot spread the Light. That would be a farce. You are a Lightworker but you cannot spread the Light. (how ridiculous)


You are here to do this. You are going to be able to do this. You are going to be assisted to do this. You are being assisted even now. OK?


Question: We were given the green light for the “Event”. Is that a series of smaller events building up to the “Event” or is it one big event?


“One Who Serves”

We will say here that the green light has not been given for the “Event”.  This was not quite understood here. The green light the “Guardian” spoke about was to move ahead, all systems go, you might say. It was not to bring about the full “Event” here.


First are the smaller portions of the “Event” leading to the one big “Event”.  This is a pulse coming from the Galactic Central Sun.  When this occurs there will be no question as to whether or not it has occurred. You will not look at each other and ask, was this it? Are we there yet? You see?


It was time for the Galactics, the Agarthans, Company of Heaven and all of those you talk too and come to you to know that it was time to move forward. It is systems go and we are in that movement now. When the green light is given as you are speaking for humanity that is a different story here. When that happens, you will know it. OK?


You are speaking correctly of the smaller events that do lead to the big “Event”.  Think about the smaller events as those things that are popping in your alternative media. Think about the waves of energy. The newest one turns you up a full notch in terms of your spiritual frequency.


As these continue to come into your planet think of it as a heart beating. Mother
Earth beats and beats. As she receives these waves and passes them to you too, you are prepared part and parcel for the “Event” too. OK?


“One Who Serves”

We wish to tell you that the energy you felt with the meditation today was part of moving with the energy. This particular process that we did here with you today has altered your biochemistry. Has begun to alter your DNA even more than it has been. It has moved you along in the process greatly. You may not know it yet but you will.  Many of you will feel some symptoms as a result of this.


Get ready for this. There may be some dizziness that will accompany this.  There may be some various aches and pains, some stomachaches. You are here for this so we go with the idea that you are ready for this. OK?


Question: I have been awake since the mid-1990’s and I have been doing a variety of things and having experiences. I have been cutting and sending out info on things that are going on but I know that uses a lot of my energy. Is there a time where I can retire from that?


“One Who Serves”

It is up to you whether or not you want to retire. We can tell you who is asking and those who are listening, you are here to be part of this mission, and you are here to spread the Light. You would not be able to walk away from this if you wanted to. You know too much now, you are too much awakened. You cannot turn away and we cannot turn away.



It sounds like you are busy at work at what you are doing. As you move along your path you will find more and more people who are drawn to you. People will contact you and you will find things easier because you will find a more and more open audience. As people find you it will seem that you are having an easier and easier time giving the information.

Take heart. You still have time for your spiritual work. There are many, many people who do not feel that they are doing enough at this point in time. They may be sitting at home or going to their 3D jobs and do not feel that they are contributing. But you have a purpose and as you follow your purpose you will like what the next step turns into. OK?


Question: I have cancer and I am attempting to rid myself of this. Any help?


We are taking a moment to visit with your body. We are sorry for the discomfort and challenges you have had. This is a time for you to pick up and continue your movement forward because you will see as the frequencies arise your aches and pains will move through you and from you.  You will see a life after that which you are experiencing now.


We know that does not seem like the truth but that is the truth as we see it for you, my friend. Every day get up and do something for somebody else. As you continue of thinking of other people, your life will be changed.


“One Who Serves”

Are you familiar with Louise Hay? Find Louise Hay’s books that information about how she healed her cancer. The way that she did it would be helpful as well. Do not consider any of the allopathic remedies here.


(Brief ending because of challenges that day with inappropriate questions and attempts to disrupt our call)


Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated

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