

Channeler: Julie Miller /channeler/134578/julie-miller You Are a POWERHOUSE of Intrinsic Wisdom Melchizedek’s Weekly Message ~ December 16 - 23, 2012 Received by, Julie Miller December 16, 2012 There is a special and unique nurturing flame within your heart chakra dear ones that many celestial beings besides myself speak of, and this divine flame is the Threefold Flame.

It is sometimes described as a divine spark and the seed of life that has always been within each of you. This beautiful flame on its own without you doing anything is your spark of inner-godliness. Within your heart chakra, this unifying flame resides and embodies love, wisdom and power that with your pure intent has the ability to manifest a unifying bond within the Heart of God.

When you finally discover this flame and work within each plume in the construction of your spiritual foundation that will bring more peace and calm into your whole life you will begin to see the subtle changes that will occur when you demonstrate your I AM Presence. It is this very spark dear ones that will bring you further into your unlimited being of God in Action.

The Threefold Flame is found within the Eighth Ray of Light from God and within the Buddhist philosophy the Threefold Flame is understood as the Eight-Petaled Chakra. Understand dear ones; it is your spiritual heart that speaks with the purest of love and intent that connects your soul’s divineness. Comprehend dear ones your own I AM Presence is centered within a sacred flame, it is the essence of your SELF; it holds the spirit of God as the I AM Presence is a Creation of God shared within each of you.

Some of you have already can see these flames blazing through their meditations, while others are still trying to find them. Understand dear ones when you have come to certain terms of your own individual truth your inner flame raises a little higher and brighter providing you with the ability to see and envision these flames in glorious action. These fiery sacred fires that represent the Holy Spirit - Pink, Yellow, and Blue pulsate with the Holy Trinity that is within your own spirit body expressing Love through its energy.

The Father is Blue, Son is Yellow, and Holy Spirit is Pink; and these three colours are a magnificent display of pure unconditional love within each of your hearts. In addition dear ones, these colours also represent Power, Wisdom and Love. Power is needed to utilize and bring function to your body; Wisdom is required to nourish and replenish your mind, and Love is needed to consciously fulfill your soul’s mission that is exercised through outward manifestations that speak of compassion for your Self and all others.

This beautiful unifying flame that occupies your spiritual heart is for you dear ones to actualize and use to concentrate on the strength it is very capable of providing you. Through the nurturing of this sacred flame and when you bring its qualities into every aspect of your personal and spiritual life you are bringing yourself closer to becoming One with your Higher Self, that also connects this ONENESS with your Christ-Self, Inner-Buddha, if you follow the Tao you will discover a unifying embracement of energies and deep connection within the Atman that brings together in all mighty combining force of peace to settle over you.

Try to understand dear ones, many years ago before early man’s departure from innocence occurred and before the first three golden ages there was a crystal cord that was less than 10 feet in diameter, know that the Threefold Flame wrapped itself within the man of this time. During these early times before so much change took place your energy was truly unlimited and your consciousness was able to reach higher planes of consciousness that unfolded at a much quicker rate.

It was after the life changing fall of those times that your opportunity to apply your free will was stopped short. At this time the sanctifying Threefold Flame was reduced in its size within you to a mere spark that is beginning to finally resurface its majestic-ness once again. Now through the ages, you have brought your consciousness up more and more expanding the brightness of the sacred Threefold Flame each time within your consciousness.

Because of your conscious efforts, the Threefold Flame is beginning to be noticed more often and exemplified through the love-filled choices you are making more often representing the I AM Presence that is very much alive within each dear soul. Please realize dear ones as this blessed flame grows and unfolds even further your entire being will bring God’s Holy Wisdom to be crowned within your precious spiritual heart.

And each time you increase with Wisdom, the Power of your Love also increases by the approval of your own perfect devotion. Without the Power of your devotion the Wisdom will be unable to be retained. As you increase your level of consciousness it is necessary and essential that the attainment of Wisdom and Love to be in perfect balance - knowing that Love is an actualization that is manifested through your Power and Wisdom.

To speak of the Threefold Flame’s size, know dear ones that each plume is not necessarily the same length. Recognize its growth when it occurs. It will grow and expand only when each plume is in balance of each other, then it will expand in complete togetherness of each other. Know dear ones, that when the Threefold Flame that is within your heart expands and grows it is your precious spiritual light and inner power that will evolve at a rapid pace.

You maintain balance of this magnificent flame through your selfless service to life and pure love-filled devotion to God. And yes dear ones, devotion can still be met while you are dealing with difficult situations, it is the best time to continue your devotion rather than quit and put your spiritual practice on hold.

During the hardest of times, reaching for God’s infinite love, protection and support will help tremendously to bring you through those dark moments and into His guiding Light that is filled with loving energy that will warm you from your heart that will spread wonderfully throughout all of you until you feel His love wrap around you in a most comforting embrace that you will feel right down within your very soul as PURE LOVE.

It is within the precious Threefold Flame that holds a great symbology that speaks clearly for the love of God and all His Creation. Within the Threefold Flame is also the Violet Flame, this flame speaks of the truth of God’s unwavering energy, the second flame that is within the Threefold Flame is silver, this flame demonstrates your knowledge that is forever moving towards pure intent and the third flame that is held within the Threefold Flame is golden and it is the purest expression of love.

The promise of your manifestation of pure intent lies within this precious flame. It is very possible dear ones to utilize the Threefold Flame during situations that present themselves to you. All you need to do is know who you are in the matter of love, and how to express that love in the purest intent of that love and then seeing this intent manifesting from your divine effort and devotion.

The future is yours dear ones, and in the world which you live in you are encouraged to always express yourself through your I AM Presence as often as possible. It is through your challenges and experiences that you gain knowledge that turns into wisdom and there is so much intrinsic information stored within you. It is through this information that provides you with the passion to continue with certain customs that have helped forge your unique and individual intellect.

Each time you choose to live through your heart and demonstrate your I AM presence you are clearly expressing the very essence of your divine purpose. At times the outcomes of your choices may not be what you exactly wanted, but if you search within the unappreciated outcome you will eventually see the value it has brought you.

Don’t allow a disappointing outcome to erase all the good that also comes with each challenging lesson. Remain soulfully in power of your mission and see both the good and the bad and take the bad and turn it into positive lessons to learn that will provide you with the wisdom needed for growth and preparation for becoming more YOU. We encourage you when you have the time to meditate on the wholeness of the Threefold Flame.

When you have this image fully within your field of vision and you feel its profound connection within your heart and soul then you are able to truly feel its power. It is you that is this sacred flame, and each plume is a part of you. When one plume moves towards you or seems to we suggest for you to reach for it and direct this flame to a situation that quickly comes to mind that could be benefited by this particular flame. Understand dear ones this flame carries your energy and within this energy is a message that is filled with pure love and truth.

Once done, simply bring forth your acceptance of this particular situation and let the emotions of love to come forth and move within you. It is recommended for you to do this exercise with each plume, allowing yourself to experience each outcome fully. When you have completed meditating on each plume, then you must integrate the whole ONENESS of the Threefold Flame and follow the same procedure as you did with the individual plumes - allowing yourself to fully experience the meaning of this exercise which is not just to meditate.

Do not repress the workings of the Threefold Flame and let it bring you its quiet message that will guide you to understand your purpose, renew your inner-strength and possibly align you a new vibration that will aid you along your journey into deepening your awareness of your Self and of others. In time dear ones, you will learn how to tell when one of the plumes are imbalanced and how intensely you feel the Power of God, His infinite Wisdom and Divine Love within your own precious hearts.

If you find that you are unable to feel the trinity of these plumes pulsing within your spiritual heart after you apply this meditative exercise then you will know an attribute of one of the plumes was neglected. Let us explain to you in this fashion, if the blue flame is your strongest of the plumes, then you must understand it is then commanding of the yellow and pink plumes.

Continue to maintain the strength within the blue flame and use this strength to help feed the yellow and pink flames. Then you must with pure loving intent apply your nurturing energy and understanding to increase the pink and yellow flame. Establishing equilibrium between the flames is necessary and maintenance can be achieved while fanning the completeness of this unified flame that is held inside your spiritual heart.

If you are the kind of person that withholds love from your Self, from your Inner Child or even from others, we advise you to go and find some dear souls that really require some of your love and provide this love to them unconditionally and at the same time allowing this giving to be your elixir to yourself and to all that receives your precious love. Remain where you are, sharing your love with others selflessly and unconditionally until you can feel God’s own love fill you, then you will know without a doubt that you have brought Love’s pink flame to be of the same level of the blue flame.

If for some reason you find you are not accessing God’s resplendent wisdom, we suggest you to bring the Light of God’s Wisdom to those that truly need it most. Be of aid to others selflessly and then you will understand and know the liberation of giving the gifts of the Holy Trinity as a sharing to others.

Once you actualize the Threefold Flame your goal turns into an on-going process to balance this divine Threefold Flame in order for the love that fills your heart is equal to the intellect of your mind and to the strong resolve that is of God’s Will that He had contained within each of you from the very beginning.

As we prepare to close, remember dear ones these flames are a vital source of Light and the unifying bond between you and God, thus in turn your complete connection to all. It is this flame that lights up your very life - through this light you are able to become a shining example of Light and Hope to all your brothers and sisters.

Don’t shy away dear ones, allow this breathtaking Threefold Flame to shine forth through your Self and allow it to guide you to anyone who may be of need of unbiased direction and support through your love, wisdom and power. Understand dear ones, each of you even if you cannot see this now, each of you is dependent on the development of each other.

Each of you is evolving and changing through this wonderful journey of life that will bring to reunite with the true source of your being - to reunite with God. As you reach to others with a supportive hand know that I too reach with you. I AM Melchizedek through Julie Miller

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