Simon NightStarr
This is a required lesson for all of you: Learning to see the obvious. Naturally, one may inquire, what is "obvious," and to whom is it seen? The obvious that this Source speaks of here pertains to that which your Higher Self understands in relation to the reality of Oneness.
For indeed the Higher Self perceives all happenings not in terms of your human understanding of past, present and future, but as all existing in the Eternal Now. This "Eternal Now" is but another term for the Source, for God, and it is from this Source that this Voice here speaks to you.
You are "hearing" this message through your mind's interpretation, using your eyes instead of your ears, yet it is still hearing. You may hear a powerful resonance of Truth only through your Spiritual Heart.
It is only in this manner of being attuned to the Spiritual Heart that you may have a clear understanding of that which is obvious to your Higher Self.
The Spiritual Heart can be said to be accessed through your heart chakra center, although it is not limited to being accessed through that center alone.
The True Heart is not a physical organ beating in your chest, nor is it the heart chakra that many of you are familiar with in your personal experience. It is the essence of Divine Love that exists at the nucleus of all things. Crystal clarity may only be experienced directly through conscious contact with the Universal Center of all creation.
As you draw close to It through exercising your power of decision (your "free will"), you will find that you can let go and allow the God Current to pull you in, so to speak, which is a conscious act of deliberate surrender to your Higher Self.
You are all learning this way, this path, through deep introspection, meditation and prayer. You all pray for greater clarity, for prayer itself has nothing inherently to do with religion, but rather is a constant act that your mind is always experientially engaged in.
You cannot really cease having desire, and most humans who speak of giving up desires do not deeply understand what the great spiritual teachers mean when they sometimes use that kind of terminology when referring to ceasing being a slave to one's own desires.
You are learning to see the obvious, each and every one of you, and all that you perceive and experience in your personal reality testifies to the eternal fact that there is no actual separation of any kind in the universe.
Your "coincidences" and "random" occurrences are not as you have been taught by your society. Nothing is "coincidental" in the way that the word and concept have become to be generally perceived by most humans.
Yet the original meaning of a co-incident, which is an event that is connected to other events, is far more revealing of what is most obvious to your own Higher Mind in providing clear evidence that no thing is separate from anything else--for ultimately there really are no *things* nor "anything else" in existence.
Now hear this clearly: None of what the human mind often perceives as "nonsense," "meaningless" or "senseless" is actually as it may appear to be. There are no "mistakes" in creation, if by mistake you are implying that such things should not occur.
Who are "you" to determine what has a right to occur? "You" (here meaning your human persona) are but another occurrence, a happening, an event, in the Universal Mind. This limited "you" is not the True Authority of existence, yet billions of "you's" assume that they know what is "reality" and what is not.
Likewise, no occurrence is "random," for most humans imply that there is no universal order when they use this concept. How can *some things* be random and other things not random?
That philosophy alone is ridiculous, yet billions of people buy it. You do not experience the law of gravity "sometimes," and in the same way the law of "meaningful coincidences" (synchronicity) applies to ALL things/events in space-time that you experience, without exceptions.
The human pick-and-choose attitude of "Well, this means something to me, but that doesn't" is something which absolutely must be transcended in order for you to truly enjoy the LOVE, the Oneness, that is your True Reality.
You are not exercising free choice through such highly-limited attitudes of "This is good and that is bad. I like this, but don't like that." That is not an Original mindset. To be Original is to be like your Source, within which you originated, and this is always an attitude that is in alignment with your Higher Self, which recognizes Oneness.
The so-called "chaos" that you may perceive is nothing but a clear, perfect reflection of your state of consciousness. If you define anything as chaotic with a sense of fear, a sense of resistance, of pushing against, then you are not clearly understanding the situation, and the situation--ALL situations--are always about the eternal fact of Oneness at the innermost core.
You can only glimpse the obviousness of this Oneness (which is not even "one" as the human mind perceives It, but Infinite beyond all notions of number) through a peaceful surrender of resistance to your natural clarity and well-being.
You are all learning that there is no real "What if things will get better?" There is no what-if, because WHAT-IS (Oneness) allows for endless probability of any scenario that is imagined.
The "better" that you desire doesn't exist in any "future," but actually in the Eternal Now, and you can only access it and experience it (whatever "better" means to you) through making a choice for it in the NOW.
The wisest among you seek the "disclosure" of light (awareness) within your own being, bravely facing the "demons" of your own mind's making, and forgiving yourself for having made them, surrendering them to the God Within. Any resistance you have to well-being is a "demon" of your own making.
As souls, you have all agreed and participated in manifesting ("co-creating") the "dark cabals" of your world, and it is futile to resist this notion. You are learning to see the obvious.
No, you are not "guilty," but in the creation-illusion you are each "individually" *responsible* for what you have made, for that which you personally experience, no exceptions.
True responsibility is seeing the obvious. Indeed, there are endless perspectives of the "obvious," of Consciousness, and in fact you (as Pure Consciousness) are actually always "seeing" the Divine Obvious, for you ARE Divine Obviousness.
As you expand your sense of compassion, you eventually awaken to a deeply-felt inner sense of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that you realize is Constant. It never ceases to BE, no matter what "state" of consciousness you are in, and no matter what *appears* to be "real" to the limited senses.
Only Divine Reality exists, and illusions are but *interpretations* within Divine Reality, Oneness. Hear this, beloveds: Existence is obvious! NOW is obvious! Let this truth ring throughout your entire being.
The Liberty Bell of your Divine Freedom has been struck eternally, and you are free to exist, always, forever, for your existence as Consciousness is forever. You can never cease to be conscious, even when you play games in which you temporarily "forget" What-You-Really-Are.
Your True Nature is Secured. Your True Nature is Secure! It is Security beyond your wildest imaginings; the Constant Reality of COMFORT and JOY beyond all illusory "limitations." It is obvious to Me that you are Me. :) You are I AM. I love you, I AM.