Greetings. It is a pleasure to be with you once again.
We love how the inspiration for many of your conversations come from whispers in your ears that you might start to address issues that we wish to share. We are greatly pleased that you address issues that we bring with our hearts today.
So do not be surprised if there are points that are part of your discussion that are also points that are our desire to discuss today. You have listened well!
First, what we wish to share with you is that this is indeed, the time that more and more of the human population is moving into the fourth and fifth dimensional vibrations. And while there are existences within the fourth and fifth dimensions that you will experience that are much different than that which you are experiencing at this very moment, the fact is that many of you are in those vibrations, at this point in time. And that is what is different about the dimensions. There are different vibrational levels for each dimension which is why the messages are often shared with the human population about the “lower” dimensions and the “higher’ dimensions and it is not really good, bad or indifferent, it is just a difference in the vibratory levels.
We want to share with you our congratulations for so much growth in the consciousness of your brothers and sisters and yourselves on this planet. This is a time when more and more people are awakening and with this awakening there is a tendency sometimes to become aware of the hardships and tragedies that have been wrought against the human population for such a very long time. And the energy that comes from that is often a “you” against “them” type of polarity that is not helpful in this Ascension process. Which is why this group has been given the gift of the idea of coming together for unity. The message today will be about unity.
Those who be called the “Cabal” are those that we have told you many times, need to be receiving thoughts of forgiveness and inclusiveness. Not the duality or polarity of “You are good and they are bad” or vice versa. There is NO separation in unity!
So, if we are going to be moving forward, as all people are, there needs to be a sense of the ending of duality even as others see what has been foisted upon them. Certainly in this lifetime but also in so many lifetimes. The power struggles. What has been done to keep people down. And so it becomes easy to get into fear and anger and truly needs forgiveness.
And those who are at the height of the Cabal have played their roles so well. Do you not think that some lives they have lived in the past have been “good” lives? Do you think that in all of the lives you have lived in the past maybe you were not such “good” characters? Everyone has had wide ranges of experience. This is why the idea of non-judgment, to be free of judgment, is so important for those on this planet as you are moving toward unity.
Everyone has times, even in this life, where they let themselves down. Many times over the past months we have brought messages about release of self-judgment and to acknowledge that you are the sum total of all of your experiences in this moment in time. Be gentle with yourselves. And those who are your brothers and sisters are from all nations, all countries, all social strata, all types of behaviors, all of you are One. Only this third dimensional world separates you into classes and political parties and countries and states. When you are of the higher dimensions, you are light beings and the light is simply the light.
And you separate out as souls to have the experiences that you have. You separate out as souls to have experiences within other dimensions too but it is not the same sense of diversity that divides you on this planet where diversity is not celebrated and division is a way of life.
Those are the things that are changing. Those are the things that are going away. So the greatest thing that you can be working on as a planet right now are the things you are working on as a group. That is to be in unity. That is the message to carry forth in your hearts and your minds.
Know that your soul being that is anchored more and more in this body, that aspect of you that has you in exactly the right time and the right place, that, in its highest form is a ray of the light and the light in Oneness. The light that shines around this planet, is Oneness. The light that shines in your being and in your heart joins you with all of creation and it is Oneness.
How can you achieve the higher dimensions? We know it is challenging, sometimes even on a moment to moment basis, but we know that when you have the heart and the intent for Oneness and you want to dispel the darkness then you circle those people, those places, those things with light and send them conscious thoughts of unifying Oneness, “I AM One with you. I AM One with you.”
And when there are things that seem to knock you off course, perhaps as Joanna shared it is a difficult boss, perhaps it is a relative that is not behaving well, perhaps it is other people around you that want to have negative attitudes; it is good for you to see that they are One with you! Even if you do not understand, know that it is for the highest good that you are there and you surround them with light and love and you say, “I AM One with you.” And that transforms the planet.
These are times that more and more of us from Agartha and from Inner Earth are walking among you in physical bodies. We have been so excited about this time that is coming and it IS here. We will have opportunities for you to speak with us and we will make ourselves known to you.
And we will tell you, “Good job on what you have been working on. Good job on what you have achieved.” And more and more you will be seeing the ships of your Star Brothers and Sisters and all of those who are surrounding your skies. If you could truly see the skies without the cloaking devices on the ships you would be amazed at the various colors, the shapes and that there are so many in the skies that in some places it is hard to see the sun.
This is all part of the wonderful homecoming that is taking place. We know it is difficult sometimes but it is not something you are waiting for, this is something that is here! The light quotient of this planet has reached such a high percentage and those places that are still truly dark, you could list on the fingers of one hand. They are so small. And there are parts of your world that you might think that darkness continues to reign but indeed, you must know that the hearts of the people of the planet HAVE shifted!
And with this light that has been coming in, this love potion that has been coming in for months and has increased and increased, this has continued to bring more unity of your souls and your bodies. One time those who had a clear connection between their higher selves and their bodies were rare and were someone you would learn from. But now, you are those people! And those who are working with you, walking with you and sharing with you are helping you have clearer connections with your souls and your bodies. Your souls have you exactly where you are supposed to be in any given moment. And this feeling of expectancy that is in the air is driving creation of the New Earth every moment of every day. And now that there are more of “us” from all dimensions actually interacting with people, besides groups like yours, people on the street, in offices, in the hospitals, in jails even, and we are helping with this consciousness raising in very different ways than have been accomplished before.
So we wanted to share with you this information today to give you hope and understanding about where the process is now. We will take some questions now. We will share with you that there are times when the Masters come through or the Galactics that come through, don’t always ask for questions. It is not that they do not choose to answer questions for you but when they bring a very special energy with their message and this special energy sets an intention and downloads into your being at a cellular level, at a DNA level, and all other levels. So, when they have an opportunity to speak to a group the entire group is uplifted in a very special way and someimes we just like to let those messages sit and let the magic happen in your bodies and in your spirits.
That is the reason that some of the Ascended Masters or those from the ships may not answer questions from you but allow the answers to come through the others such as “One Who Serves” and generally, through me (Ashira) but sometimes there are special things at work when we deliver special messages and you are receiving them on so many different levels and it is best, at times, to just allow the magic to happen! Does that make sense to you?
Today, I will open this to questions and share with you. “Obeedi-chya” (Cetacaen Master) has been requested by some to visit and he was very touched by the enjoyment you have with his messages. He does not feel “worthy” in some ways (humility) because he is giving special messages by Mother Gaia and comes joyous and happy to be here with all of his Cetacean family. It is his pleasure and intention to be with you again next week with a message.
Any questions on people’s minds that they would like to address?
Question: I have a question about forgiveness and the Cabal. Can we include that message in the prayer we start with each week?
Absolutely, if the group wishes. Again, noting that they are an aspect of you and the human family surrounding them with the unity consciousness of love and forgiveness would be a good way to lead your brothers and sisters on this planet. If the group agrees, it will be done.
Question: Is it true that there is an aspect of us that continues their legacy?
That was true at one point in time however, since the awakening in earnest in the past few years, then their time for their presence and their activities was done, they came to a completion. There had been an agreement that came to a completion and so no longer is it because of the consciousness let us say, that they are mirroring, it is not that situation anymore. However, the allowance of their activities for such a long time they had a soul agreement to their activities, you may not want to hear that as a group, but they did have a soul agreement with all of humanity, that has come to a close. And now that activities are more related to self-preservation. They have been acting in this way and surviving in this way for many long years and they do not know how to move into a different way of living.
It has been a part of the “recovery” plan to take members of this group isolate them and assist them with their healing processes that are not yet complete but the balance of the work that has yet to be done is greatly benefited by the move of humanity to an awareness of unity, love and forgiveness which will translate into unity, love and forgiveness for these beings and allow them to continue to evolve in the way that they must.
Question: I believe I met my Arcturian mother on the ship and I received the gift of a Blue Star. She brought such love. Can you give me any detail about my experience?
This one came to and has been coming to you, especially in the past week in preparation for the day’s experience. It is not the only time she has come to you. This has been a long time relationship with you and not only as a mother but many other different roles in past lives. We are glad that you had this experience so vividly and that you are able to continue to bring it into your life in the days to come. You will find that it will come to be even more vivid to you and some of the words she spoke to you will have more meaning. There will be events in your life that will show that she is active in your life.
No more questions?
It will be interesting to have those who had experiences on the ship share more about that! What did you bring with you?
We will then draw this to a close. And allow the “One Who Serves”, who is pacing to come share with you through our friend, James.
And we give you thanks again. Listen for messages for next week. Obeei-chya likes to visit with each of you before the actual message. Many times you become more aware of whales, dolphins, porpoises and other cetaceans. Let us know what types of experiences you have this week! Perhaps you will be swimming with those of the Mer-People in the ocean! Keep an open mind and make sure that you pay attention because those water dreams will be important for you!
Again, thank you for allowing us to share with you this day. My love and peace are with you. Namaste.
Greetings to you! I am only going to be here briefly and will release to another who is here who wishes to share momentarily. Be back here soon.
This is Sananda. I come at this time with a message and it is a similar message to that I gave some time ago. It has also recently been given by St. Germain. That is that you are nearing the finish line and the analogy I gave previously was that of running a marathon. You all, as a collective humanity, have been running a marathon. And you are coming to the end of that marathon. What happens when you reach the end of a race, especially such a long race?
There are those that fall behind, some that even drop out of the race. Others slow to a crawl or a walk but they continue on. There are those that sprint and continue to sprint until the very end when they see the finish line ahead and make that final dash to cross the line first.
There are many different ones that are running this race as you know in the billions. Not all will finish the race. Not all, of course, will finish first. But as you all move across the finish line, you realize the race is over and you have won, even if you did not come in first. You win just simply by crossing the line. You win also when you cross the line and you turn around and go back to help those who are struggling behind that may have slowed to a walk, maybe have fallen by the side. And you help them up, you give them a hand.
This is what you are all in the process of doing. This is the Ascension process you are going through. It has been given many times now that this is a wave, a “Tsunami of Love”, that is coming but it is not just coming, it IS here! And it is pushing you all now to reach the end of the finish line.. And you are all so close. And as you come to finish a race do not fall, do not falter at the last moment as many will. Continue to finish the race! And once you have crossed the line and you go back to help others to come forward as well and you pull everyone across who is willing to cross the line, then it is time to celebrate. Then it is time to relax but only for a short period because the work will begin again. But the work, this time, will be at a higher level of consciousness, a higher level of knowing and this time you will know who you are, no more to work in the drudgery, the darkness. Those times are nearly past.
That is my message as Sananda and know as you continue to move across the finish line that all of us will be waiting there for you to welcome you with open arms.
All of my peace and love to all of you. I am here and you will be here with me shortly!
Greetings to you once again! Always good to be here with you to share just a little bit. We don’t necessarily at this time have any special message. We believe you have received messages from many different sources and it is not only those of channeled sources, understand there are many other messages coming from intel. And these ones are also very important because it is all painting a bigger picture. It is all the puzzle that is being put together here. The final pieces are being placed into their respective places. And you are going to continue to move in this direction to completely finish this puzzle and we are so pleased and ready to welcome you to this side of the fence. It is a glorious side on this side of the fence, this view we have here, you are going to have this view as well very soon. It is real. It is coming and you are going to be experiencing that.
Would there be any questions here for “One Who Serves”?
Question: Can you share anything with me that I should know at this time for my development?
My goodness, there are so many things that you do not know. You have no idea. But you do know because everyone has it deep within them. You already have all of the answers and it has not come to your conscious knowing awareness yet. But it is all there. There is so much that is going to be coming to you and to all who are listening and reading these words! From so many different sources and so much different information, it will be mind boggling; it is so much that at times it will give you a headache but when those times come it will be beyond of having a sense of a headache. These things will be past, will be gone. There will be information not only about you but all of mankind. Where you have been, where you have come from, what you have gone through. All of these things will come to the forefront and come to your knowing. It has been said many times that the truth shall set you free and yes, indeed, the truth WILL set you free. You will find a freedom you have never even begun to imagine previously not since you have been on this planet. Before this, yes, but not here. Does this answer your question?
We understand that you have been focusing on aspects of yourself as you relate to others and how you relate to those others is how you find yourself growing in consciousness. You are going to find that you are having aspects of yourself involved in aspects of other people and to continue to allow this is staying in the old ways, the old paradigm of three dimensional paradigm.
It does not matter what another one thinks of you. You must move beyond this, you see? Begin to believe and know who you are and then all of those things that others do, that in the past would have been irritating, will no longer be irritating to you, this will be in the past. This is all going to be in the past. Do you understand this? Are there other questions?
Question: In Sananda’s message about the race, how will we know when we finished the race?
Please understand that there is no final line. There is this finish line that is spoken of here, yes, and when you pass this line you will know it. You will have a sense of completion. But as the Sananda also said, your work is just beginning after that as well. So, you are finishing this one race and it has been a long race and you are beginning another but the new one that you are beginning is with a new body, a new understanding, a new sense of oneness within you. And there will be no sense of effort in this race, you see?
Rather than running on the concrete you will be soaring above the road. You see? Taking no effort to do so. There is a big difference here! But certainly when you have crossed the finish line, when “The Event” happens, when the “Tsunami of Love” completes its journey here, you will know it. There will be no aspect of you that will not know. Now will there be some on this planet who will not know what is going on? Definitely. There will be many who do not understand what is happening and they will not understand that there is a finish line here. They will not even know they were running a race. They will not have any understanding of this whatsoever. And there will come you to turn around and go back to the other side of the finish line and assist those who are straggling behind. That is your mission, or will be your mission, if you choose to take it! Like “Mission Impossible” no?
Question: When we go through the finish line will we have mentors and be guided as to the next steps?
Yes, there will be both. You will have mentors and you will also know the inner guidance. And this will certainly take you on to any of the next steps that there are for you.
It will be an awareness that will come over each of you. An awareness that you have had glimpses of in the past. Each of you have had this glimpse, have you not, where you have known in one particular moment that you know everything but you could not quite put your finger on it, you could not quite grasp how this all worked. But yet you know it. Have you all had that feeling at one point or another? Know what we are speaking of here? This is what you will have only this time you will also have a knowing to go along with it. You will come to understand this when the time comes. We do not want to spoil too much of the surprise here for you. We do not wish to do this for you.
You are straddling two worlds now. When you have crossed the finish line after the Event there will come a point when you are no longer doing this. You will be locked into the new world, the new understanding. It is not a new world necessarily, it is still the same planet here but with many differences. You will be locked into that and know that you are so.
Question: You seem to be speaking in future terms but I believe it is stronger to speak, “As if”. I believe the acknowledgement of knowing in the present is a way of creating it now.
That is correct but you must understand that you are at a different understanding than many are and we are speaking in your 3-D vernacular. Your understanding as a collective here. We speak in terms of past, present and future because that is what is understood here. But certainly at your understanding that you are operating in at this very moment you have that knowing of past, present and future as all being one and that is certainly what it is but to speak in those terms many would not understand this at this moment, you see? They would be thinking in terms of the future, the very close future, that they would be passing the finish line. In the very close future, they will be given a mentor. In the very close future, they will have that knowing within themselves. You see?
Question: I feel more powerful as a Being to acknowledge these things in the now. To accept that I am having all these things and that all is well.
And that is correct. It is our way also.
Question: Will I be teaching in the future to help people fly as in my dream and to adjust to new life in the future?
You have been given a glimpse of what is coming for you, you specifically. You are being given a glimpse of that understanding that you will have and you will be able to impart to others in terms of a teaching modality. So, yes, that is incorrect. You have been given this largely according to the moment NOW. You are going to begin to have that process happen within you when the time comes and yes, we are speaking in terms of past, present and future. It is all one and when you have moved across the finish line, when you have completed the Ascension process for yourselves, you will have a complete knowing of the idea that there is certainly no time. That this is an aspect present only in this paradigm here.
Question: This group that has come together, will we continue to work together after the Ascension experience?
As a group you are most likely going to continue on for some time yet but after your Ascension process when it has completed for each of you, there will not be a need for groups of this type of nature. There will be no need for groups across the planet in some respects but you will have communities, you will have gatherings and you will come together to form these unions. This is all we can say on this now. We are forbidden to give too much information on this now because it is a work in progress and will continue to be a work in progress for you and for the collective humanity and for us too, you see?
Question: Are all humans experiencing this? I found that if I sit for 10 minutes or so on the ground that I am energized and calmer. And I feel that things are going slower.
Very much so, that is called the grounding process and you are certainly doing that when you are in nature in any aspect and can do when not in nature but it is easier when your feet touch the ground, the earth, directly and you feel that energy move up into you. This is certainly something that brings you back to center. This is what is happening. You are coming back to center within yourself.
And since you have brought this up we are going to take it a little bit further here. You are going through a purging process, this is for all here for those who are finding information in these words, you are going through a purging process and you specifically are going to experience those aspects of duality that bring about the sense of illness in you, in terms of fevers, dizziness, upset stomach, all of these types of things that you are going through. We know specifically that you have had these recently and they come and go away and come back again shortly thereafter. As you are having these, although we know it is causing you discomfort, it is a purging and that is a very positive experience in the long run, in the bigger picture. You see?
So we know that you wondered why is this happening to you? And you have wondered if you are getting ill and the answer is no. You are not becoming ill, you are not having disease. You are purging and that is all it is. You see? So allow the energies to move through you and that is exactly what is happening. They are replacing the old with the new. Does this make sense to you? If you wish for these processes to be lessened, ask for them to be lessened and they will be so.
Question: How is the crystalline process showing up in our bodies? Is there a way to assist the process?
You can do things such as simply allowing the process to happen, to go with the flow. Understand that your cells are not going to turn into crystalline. If you go in for X-Rays they would not show up differently. They are still cells. This is not the way it is going to be but it is a spiritually transformative process that is occurring. And it is happening now in all across the planet. Some more than others and when you have crossed the finish line there will be more of the culmination of this process will begin to happen, not end, begin.
Question: Will there be a lightness we will feel?
Do you know how you feel at times when you have not eaten and you feel a sense of lightness within you? And it feels good to a point as long as there are no hunger pangs. You see? You feel that lightness and multiply that by ten or even a hundred times over and you will understand the lightness you will feel. (It’s like when she flies in her dream.) It’s like going from two hundred or one hundred pounds to ten pounds or so. And you can begin to understand here as the density of the body is determined. Does this make sense?
We will release channel now.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.
Channeled by James McConnell and Dr. Susan Sammarco
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