You Are Perfect As You Are - Love Yourself Unconditionally
By Buddha With Christine Bush
Our message for today is one of loving yourself. All too often we think only of loving others. We have others to care for, others who love us, others in this world who need love. It is important to give love to all who are in your path. It is important to give unconditional love to all who inhabit that world. Love is what you are meant to be. But it is important to recognize that we also need to love ourselves. For if we do not truly love ourselves unconditionally, how can we so love others?
It is often the most difficult kind of love, this self-love. We are taught from an early age that there are standards to live up to, expectations to be met. These standards and expectations become engraved in us. We begin to judge ourselves against the standards and expectations created by others. We are often our most severe critics.
This judgment can lead to feelings of inferiority, insecurity, even depression. But it is time to realize, that as we have told you that you cannot judge another, so also, you cannot judge yourself. What may have happened in the past is over. There may have been reasons for it and lessons to be learned. Release the past. Know that you did what you could do at the time. Know that only the present exists, and in this present are all possibilities.
You can create the future that you want. You are a powerful being. You are first and foremost spirit that is connected to all spirit. Recognize the true you and know that you are goodness. Understand that you are a glorious spirit. Know that love abides in you. Accept that the physical life is difficult and that you might always think you could be better. But in the eyes of spirit, you are perfect just as you are. You are surrounded by the unconditional love of spirit. You are called to love others unconditionally and you are called to love yourself unconditionally.
Meditate on who you truly are. Connect to your inner spirit. And love the glorious being of who you are.
We leave you with love and blessings.
Video - Mastery Monday - Unifying Dimensions
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