You Are Pioneers To Light Up This World
I can’t say this enough. So, I’m going to keep saying it. ~ YOU are the Power You’ve Been Searching For. Be Bold. Be Daring. Open your Hearts. Open your Minds. Expand your Consciousness.
Be The Power Of Love In Your Life
Invocation & Activation By Anrita Melchizedek
Beloved Hearts,
Welcome to the 08-08 Lion’s Gate. As we deepen into this Powerful Sirian Stargate of the Lions Gate Portal, aligning with the Sun, the Spiritual Sun of Sirius, Orion and the Galactic Center, and with Orion’s Belt perfectly aligned to Giza, along with the Solar Flares, Plasma and Gamma Rays, it is a deeply significant Now moment of Soular expansion, Power and Love.
For many, in alignment to the Sun, Spiritual Sun, and Central Sun, this gateway presents choices and commitments of Higher Selves embodiment, Sirian in particular, Light Body and DNA activations, deepening levels of power, “expanding beyond the matrix”, new levels of freedom to express one’s self, along with the release of fear and anger, greater levels of compassion, communication and expression, (the roar of the Lion), next level inner plane initiations, new opportunities and the unfoldment and birthing of new roles in the expansion of our Service work. Additionally, more Souls come together for Service work, as we continually align to our heart’s dreaming, vision and joy.
Within the physical body immense changes are occurring as we activate the “Sirian Stargate of the Loving Heart” (Heart Chakra) and deepen into Soul-ar Christ Consciousness and POWER (Solar Plexus), to experience the perfect balance of Be-ing and Do-ing, amplified through our Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Spirits and Christ Light, as our Higher Mind (Crown Chakra and Third Eye) attunes to the Loving Heart through the guidance of our Universe.
Our Merkaba’s are activating beyond the fifth dimension atomically and expressing dimensionally through and into all 12 New Earth Templates, a key number coming through in this Now through the numerous Zero Point timelines of Infinite Potential as we map and collapse, expand and transcend as the Light of God We Are.
The Key for us all is Self-Mastery. To release all that is misaligned and to let go of all that no longer works to allow for the greatest levels of expansion through our Loving Hearts, whilst connecting deeply to Gaia and the Unity Grids, and Plasma Light fields in attuning to the Portals of Light.
You are invited to experience this beautiful invocation, to listen and attune to deepening levels of your beautiful and amazing Soul, as collectively we expand into the next level of our Soul’s Forward Evolution.
I also invite you to receive our beautiful Andara Crystals and Pendants that wish to connect with us in this Now, along with the gift of the Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Healing Grid and this powerful Invocation.
Enjoy this powerful 08-08 Gateway beloved hearts.
Anrita Melchizedek
Video - 8/8 Lion's Gate Invocation & Activation
INVOCATION TO THE 08-08 Lion’s Gate
I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,
and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,
as I now expand the frequency of my Universe,
as my Higher Selves and Beloved I Am Presence.
Within my sacred space as I attune to the 08-08 Lion’s Gate,
I am Overlighted by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.
Surrounded in their sacred Blue Gold Flame of Power and Compassion,
and now the Pink-Gold Flames of Solar Christ Consciousness, of Love and Peace,
I expand into the Unity Grid of Divine Love,
connected to the Light Workers, Starseeded Ones, and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this Golden Age of Light.
I now connect to the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,
expanding my frequency, to experience the Unified Heart Merkaba,
as I align to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun within my Golden Heart, the Spiritual Sun of Sirius, the Central Sun, and now Great Central Sun.
The sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron now activates within my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint within the perineum center,
and as the kundalini energy gently starts to activate,
I deepen into my breath,
breathing in Love and breathing out Love.
I clear the karmic timelines no longer necessary to experience in this Golden Age of Light, rescinding and breaking any and all vows and contracts created in this lifetime or any other lifetime/parallel realities, and all incarnations for all time, space and dimensions that no longer serves my Highest Good.
I now declare these contracts null and void,
understanding these lessons through Freedom and Power, Love and compassion.
As I align my will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God,
I bring a focus to the Golden Sun and Flower of Life that expands now from within my loving heart into a beautiful Golden Sun and Flower of Life sphere 54 feet in diameter around me.
And now within this, I create a beautiful Silver-Gold sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around my Self.
I now visualize three super-imposed star tetrahedrons within this Silver-Gold sphere of Light, all the exact same size, superimposed over one another.
I now spin my emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction within this Golden Sun Flower of Life, at the same time spinning the mental body star tetrahedron in a counterclockwise direction,
And I now recite the following Fibonacci ratios and God speeds to Infinity as I suck in and blow out:
8/5, 11 times God speed to infinity,
13/8, 22 times God speed to infinity,
21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity,
34/21, 44 times God speed to infinity,
55/34, 55 times God speed to infinity,
89/55, 66 times God speed to infinity,
144/89, 77 times God speed to infinity.
And now, my Merkaba field activates to experience all 12-dimensional templates of New Earth.
Video - Bathe In The Creator's Crystalline Rainbow Light
As this occurs, the Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Healing Grid
activates now as a spinning disc through each of the 12 chakras,
Infusing each chakra with Plasma Light, Power and Compassion,
whilst releasing anger and resentment and compromise from within.
Through the Earth Star Chakra, through the Base Chakra,
through the Sacral Chakra, through the Solar Plexus Chakra,
through the Heart Chakra, through the Throat Chakra, through the Third Eye Chakra,
through the Crown Chakra, through the Divine Feminine Chakra,
above the Crown Chakra to the Left, the Divine Masculine Chakra, above the Crown Chakra to the Right,
through the Soul Star Chakra, and now through the Galactic Chakra,
taking me into the merging with my Sirian Higher Self as I deepen into Power, Compassion and Light.
I feel this power surge through my body and energy field,
releasing all judgments, addictions, and lesser than and better than consciousness,
dissolving and collapsing old timelines no longer needing to be experienced,
expanding into the Golden Blue Fire that purifies and detoxifies from within,
as I expand into Power, Will and Might.
As a re-calibration takes place now between the left and right hemispheres of my brain, and the Higher Light frequencies orbit into my Loving Heart,
my Loving Heart becomes the Divine Intelligence from which I operate as the Sovereign Being I Am, the embodiment of my Soul Light.
I now find myself connecting to the inner plane Ashram’s of Light,
aligning now to Lord Melchizedek’s Ascension Seat within Orion.
As I deepen into the remembrance of being an Initiate of Light,
I experience the Overlighting of Lord Melchizedek and the Brotherhood of the Light.
Lord Melchizedek places around me now an Initiatory Cloak of Light,
taking me into the remembrance of timelines of Golden Ages of Light,
as I merge now with all future Selves, Higher Selves and Ascended Selves that have experienced these timelines of Light, remembering and embodying all Higher Self initiatory aspects in this Now.
I ask to receive the streams of Cosmic Christed Consciousness that activate through all Christed Timelines of my Highest Potential in Self Mastery as an Initiate of Light.
I ask that these Light Codes activate as Cosmic Christ Consciousness through and into my Solar Crystalline Sun DNA Templates of Light so that I may fully remember, re-experience and embody my magnificence and Light, and this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love as an Initiate of Light.
And now, I bring a focus to the Merkaba within the Light Body of Mother Earth.
I wrap Mother Earth and all her Life in these powerful Sirian Blue Gold Flames of Power and Compassion and the Pink-Gold Flames of Divine Love and Peace,
as the Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Healing Grid and sacred geometries of the star tetrahedron and Flower of Life anchor into each country,
aligning us to the Sun, Spiritual Sun of Sirius, Central Sun and Great Central Sun,
whilst bringing online the 12 New Earth templates for all awakening and awakened Souls,
as I continue this deep rhythmic breath,
breathing in Love, breathing out Love.
I now project this star tetrahedronal shaped Andara Healing Grid through the hearts and minds of all Humanity with the Overlighting of their Beloved I Am Presence, assisting in clearing each country I am drawn too of karmic energies no longer necessary to be experienced or re-experienced.
And now, I bring a focus to the balancing of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine aspects within my Self.
As the kundalini energy gently continues to rise through my chakras,
I experience a deepening sense of being my Higher Selves in alignment to the Sun and Sun’s behind the Sun as the Light of God I Am.
Lastly now, this beautiful Sirian Blue Gold Power Andara Healing Grid,
representing Soul-ar Christ Consciousness,
anchors and activates within the Solar Plexus Chakra.
I now find my Self back in my sacred space,
grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I am a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,
a volunteer Soul to Mother Earth and all her Life.
I choose the Pathway of Divine Love,
trusting and surrendering to my Universe and to the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I experience and feel my Self through the Center of Creation,
as the Light of God I Am,
in Unity and Sovereignty, in Freedom, Power, Compassion and Love.
I Am All That I Am.
Video - Healing With Saint Germaine & The Violet Flames
Even all the Shadows and the Wrinkly bits?
Acceptance is a Key, Love will Follow.
Mistakes are just Miss Steps, Forgive Yourself and All involved.
Deep within us All Lives the Perfection of Love, Our Source.
Finding this Place is the Route to Oneness and all Intimacy.
Enter through Your Heart Portal and Discover the Love We Are.
Archangel Uriel & Aurora's Divine Service
“Hail, Beloved Uri-El and Aurora, Flaming Ones of God! Welcome, Lord and Lady of The Most High! Enter, Thou Servants of The Lord. Come into The Sanctuary of Being, where The Kingdom of God is come into Manifestation on earth as it is in The Heaven World Enter Uri-El, Lullaby of Love, Flowing as Selfless Service, Purple and Gold Sphere, Alchemy of God-Transformation.
” I AM” Become, The Servant of all. ” I Live to Serve, I Serve to Love. My Life I Give”; and in The Allness of my Gift, I Become The Allness of Your Life. With Mercy and Compassion, I move with The Prince of Peace, Bestowing The Kingdom of Heaven, to the poor in spirit….comforting those that mourn, Blessing the meek with their Rightful Inheritance, Filling those who hunger and thirst after Righteousness (Right-use-ness), extending Mercy to the merciful, revealing God to The Pure in Heart, Calling Thy Peacemakers to Be The Presence of God in Action upon the earth, imparting the Kingdom to all, who are persecuted for Righteousness’ sake. I Rejoice and “I AM” glad in Thy Light of Ministration.
For as I Anoint The Body of The Lord, I Behold The Christ, “I AM”, THAT Christ, Reborn…. Transfigured! BELOVED URI-El AND AURORA, Archangel and Archeia of The Ray of Peace Hail! Legions of Peace From far-off worlds Come now into The fore of the earth Come now by The Fiat Of The Mind of God Come! Hosts of The Lord Legions of Peace.
Refrain: O Peace, Peace, Peace O Gentle Fire-Breath of God (E3x) O Peace, Peace, Peace O Gentle Peace of God’s Holy Will.
Come now from starry heights Into The cradle of The Mother To The waiting Mother And her children.
Beloved Uri-El, Belov’d Aurora O miracle of Love and Light! Trailing Clouds of Pure Delight Of Gold and Purple Majesty (S3x)
Beloved Uri-El, Belov’d Aurora From The Peace Ray from on High Archangels of God’s Love….draw nigh On Shining Wings of Majesty (S3x)
O my Beloved…..Thou Art in my Heart Mother-of-Pearl, O Rainbow Ray! O my Beloved, “I AM” in THAT Joy of That Golden-Pink Glow Ray (S3x)
O there’s a rustling of Angels A tremolo, a violin A strain of harper’s gently harping Again and again.
Refrain: O Peace….Peace….Peace O Gentle Fire-Breath of God (E3x) O Peace….Peace….Peace O Gentle Peace of God’s Holy Will.
O vials of Light gently springing Heavenly zephyrs on Thy Hill O Mighty miracle of Light O Gentle Peace of God’s Holy Will.
Refrain: O Peace….Peace….Peace O Gentle Fire-Breath of God (E3x) O Peace….Peace….Peace O Gentle Peace of God’s Holy Will.
The Elementals now gath’ring Singing with Thy breeze Expressing God’s Love in Thy flowers Thy birds and Thy trees.
Refrain: O Peace….Peace….Peace O Gentle Fire-Breath of God (E3x) O Peace….Peace….Peace O Gentle Peace of God’s Holy Will. (E3x)
By Thy Flame, O Uri-El Archangel of Ministration We take our Vow Before The Living God “I AM THAT I AM”.
To BE Bearers of Peace To extend Cups of Peace to all To Bear The Flame of Freedom To keep our Vigil Until The hour of our Fulfillment is come!
Coda : In The Name of The Father and of The Mother And of The Son And of The Holy Spirit “I AM THAT I AM” Amen! Amen! Amen! It Is Done! It Is Finished! It is Sealed!
Video - Archangel Uriel & Aurora Service -
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