You are supported

Hi people,


Here is part of the notes from a recent session of the Earth Healing Network, which I am part of. The guidance for these sessions is channelled, and there is also feedback after each monthly session. I find the channelled guidance uplifting and inspiring, and I thought I would share it. The theme for February's session was about support. The text in italics is the channelled stuff.


Earth Healing Session

Our focus for the next Earth Healing Session will be on all the Love Portals in the region of the South Americas, rather than on one single Portal.

The human element is the Thoracic Spine and its supporting Muscles (upper back and shoulders), especially the Trapezius muscle which extends like a sheet from the neck, over the shoulders, and down the upper back. Focus on releasing the tension and fear held in the trapezius, and in all the smaller inter-layered muscles of this area.

I’m getting a sense about supporting one another, and allowing yourself to be supported by others, perceiving the support you do receive from others, support on the emotional and spiritual levels....Is this the focus then? Allowing yourself to be supported in that way and supporting others in that way? Okay, its more about feeling that you are supported in that way.

Imagine the front line of warriors facing a great challenge, and you yourself are ahead of the line with a team of supporters behind you. In the heat of action, you cannot turn to look behind you, to see whether your team is behind you or whether they have dropped back. As you move forward to face the great challenge, it is very easy to feel that you are alone. The test for you is to acknowledge the support that you have and trust that it continues to be there, when the fear is before you and you have to face it.

To be successful, you must continue to look ahead of you and face your fear, rather than turn and falter… to keep your eyes focused ahead, on the direction in which you move, on the inspiration, on the desires, on the challenges which lie before you, without looking back… to keep your courage and trust that you are supported, even when you cannot see your support.

When you have this sense of being supported, without turning to see whether it is present or not, you are free to step forward with surety and courage. In every moment you focus on the challenge ahead, therefore in every moment you act within your power.

As you were describing that I got an image of a person – myself or anybody – striding forward into the future, striding into life, with this trail behind and out to the sides, of angels – heaps and heaps of angels – following this person wherever they walk, and being ready to at any moment to support them in whatever way is needed. It’s a very beautiful, comforting image.

I suppose that’s what you’re talking about when you say ‘trusting that you’re supported’. In physical life, we don’t actually walk around with fifty people behind us, ready to catch us when we fall, or drag us out of harm’s way. But we usually do have a few people in our lives that we know are there for us, and it’s simply that knowing which makes it easier to step forward into unknown territory, or fearful places. You know you can give them a call and get a bit of reassurance, or lean on them for support or advice when you hit a little trouble patch. I suppose its that same thing. Just believing – while you don’t see this loving energy or support which follows you wherever you go, just trusting that it’s there. And in that trust, the energy of it is with you, while the people aren’t actually with you. And also trusting that there is spiritual support available which is constantly with you.

That’s the understanding I get from this image.

It is difficult, when you discuss perceptions and the ‘sense of things’ from a human perspective, to define how this support is to be expressed. But, as you describe, having a knowing that this spirit of support, both physical and non-physical, surrounds you constantly and is available to you at any time, is an apt way to express it.

The challenge for you is to go from that place of feeling unsure of your support, to a place of truly knowing that it is there. That ‘knowing’ place is a place of complete trust. It allows you to be free to march forward into the unknown challenges of your life.

As long as you feel in doubt about how well-supported you are, it diminishes your ability to move forward freely. You wonder how you can take the next step, and where the support might be found to help you take that step.

When you are able to sit in that place of knowing, you cease to look around you and behind you. You simply move. You follow your urges. You are free to follow the unknown and unproven guidance of your heart, without fear of falling. You know that even if you do stumble, you will be lifted up, comforted, encouraged.

It is a big leap to go from hoping you will be supported to knowing that you are. We’re human, and we’re so full of doubt. It’s easy when life is good and your friends are around you… when everything’s rolling smoothly and everything’s nice. You take chances and things work out, so you take another chance, and that works out too. It gives you the confidence to keep moving forward.

But when you find yourself in a very challenging or a very dark place, where there’s a lot of confusion, its very hard to actually believe that you’re supported unless you have a couple of people who are totally there with you right through every minute of it. And even then, the physical presence doesn’t necessarily make it easier to handle, because it’s still your experience and yours alone. It can still be hard to trust, regardless of the fact that you’re being physically supported. It can be quite a challenge. And it’s our natural instinct to pull back. If things look like they’re getting too hard to handle, we do naturally want to retreat – we do want to step back to avoid possible pain or failure. That’s where the greatest courage and trust has to kick in. To keep moving boldly forward through those darkest, most challenging, most frustrating times, is probably the hardest thing to do, if you don’t have a sense of support.

We see this. The greatest challenges to your faith in life are those which also require the greatest amount of faith in life.

The best way for you to set yourself up to successfully move through those dark and challenging times is by continually reinforcing your feelings of support during the pleasurable and easy times.

Never take for granted the easy walks and successful outcomes in life. Don’t take for granted that these have come about because you had the necessary skills or the confidence or the necessary qualities to succeed. Continue to acknowledge and reinforce into your own understanding, that the success of those times had as much to do with the support that you received, both physical and spiritual, as it did with your own physical capability.

This continual acknowledgment will help you to bring this understanding of the nature of support, and the belief that you are always supported, into your consciousness in a very real and practical way. Thus, when you do then encounter a more troubling challenge, where your personal skills may not be quite enough to get you through it, you won’t be held back because of a reliance solely on your own confidence and your own capabilities.

Cultivate this continual understanding that what you create, and what you achieve, and where you move successfully in life, is enabled by the beautiful support that you constantly have available to you… through your families and friends, through your communities and cultures, through your nations and through your entire human family on earth… as well as through the abundance of Spirit.

When you understand that everything you achieve and every success you have is enabled by support from all these areas, it allows you to continue to believe in that support when you encounter a great challenge, where your own personal capabilities don’t seem to be enough, where your own courage doesn’t seem to be enough.

At those times, if you have cultivated this understanding of your continual support, you will be able to say to yourself: “I don’t know if I have the skills to deal with this, I don’t think I have the courage to deal with this, but I know that my world supports me in this and I will take the steps regardless, I know that I will receive the help I need to get through this”.

Yes. So you’re saying that if we rely only on ourselves, and if we believe that we are our only support system, if we believe that we have to be completely self-sufficient because additional support can’t be relied upon, then when we hit those particular challenges where our personal skills are not quite up to the task, it prevents us from moving forward. If we rely only on ourselves, then we’re only able to do or achieve that which is within our own limited ‘bag of tricks’. In a sense, we will be more likely to avoid stepping out into those areas where we’re not quite so sure about our skills or capabilities or confidence.

Whereas, if you believe that you’re never having to do anything alone, if you always feel that there is someone out there to help you get through it – whether that be physical or spiritual or whatever – then you can trust that even though you may not have all the necessary skills to succeed on your own, the support that you have will be able to fill in those gaps, or give you that extra bit of whatever you need to get through that challenge. You’ll be more likely to push yourself through the challenge and overcome it, rather than avoid it through fear.

That is correct. When you consider that your journey in life is a journey of growth, of learning and expansion, the more that you can continue to step beyond your present boundaries and current limitations, the more you expand your consciousness and grow your spirit in the earthly realm.

The more that you feel supported and nurtured in that process, the more you will be able to take heart and take courage when stepping into challenging pathways. Relying only on self, and feeling that you only have yourself to rely on, is a limitation to your growth.

While your true being, your greater consciousness, is all-encompassing and all-capable, you move within the limited framework of physical matter and the material mind – a constricted expression of your greater consciousness. Through denying the greater support available to you, you also deny the greater consciousness which can so effortlessly co-ordinate your life’s experiences with precision and perfection.

All the help you require is accessible when you open yourself to it and release the belief that you alone can walk the pathways of your life. When you open yourself up to the knowledge that you are well-supported, the support you need will always find it’s way to you, whether by the physical presence of a trusted friend or by the comfort of a love-angel or by accessing the fortitude of your own greater being.

However, when you feel that you must do it alone, you effectively cut yourself off from these avenues of loving support. In these times, you will truly believe in your own limitations and naturally avoid those experiences which offer the greatest growth enhancement.

It is a basic truth in the human experience that the greater the fear and feeling of challenge, the greater the possibility for growth expansion. We do not suggest that you must constantly seek out fearful and challenging experiences in support of your evolution. We suggest simply that the experiences which are naturally presented to you as you journey in life offer opportunities for growth into greater joy and loving consciousness.

When fear dictates your approach to these experiences, the potential for expansion is greatly limited.

When you carry a living awareness of how well you are supported, the inhibiting influence of fear energy is greatly diminished, and your potential for joyous outcomes increases as you move forward with trust and courage through the most challenging experiences.

I suppose you could say it’s like climbing a mountain. Like, if you climb a big hill you may feel like ‘wow! I did it!’ but if you climb Mt Everest, which is way scarier and bigger, you’ll be like ‘WOW!!! Look what I did!!’

You just feel 10 million times more amazing when you get through a huge challenge than when you get through a little challenge…

As I was contemplating the view from the top of Mt Everest just then, I also had the thought about how the measure of success is such a personal thing. One person might climb a flight of stairs and feel like they’ve just achieved something phenomenal, while another person may climb that same flight of stairs every day and not think its any great achievement. Do you know what I mean?

Yes. It is completely subjective. Your life experience is a personal growth process, and one individual’s fears are not the same as another’s. While, on the material level, there are many communal human fears, and the influence of these can be quite limiting in the lives of most persons, it always returns to the individual being, to the individual consciousness, to the individual’s own experience of life and to the soul’s journey in that life. What are the intentions and wishes for growth? What are the learnings this being is to experience and explore?

What creates great fear for one person, will not necessarily do so for another. You cannot compare your achievements and challenges with those of other people.

You may have experienced a life full of obvious challenges and difficulties and pain, and you may find that these experiences have encouraged you to expand in compassion and understanding. You may look at another person, whose life experience appears to have been comfortable, and easy, and charmed, and you may think that they have not grown as much as you because their experiences were not as challenging as yours. This is an impossible comparison. For that person, what appears to you to be a small challenge, may trigger great fear within them. It may be, to them, a ‘Mt Everest’, which they may or may not succeed in climbing.

Be very careful not to compare yourself and your life’s experiences with those of others.

There is also no truth in comparing your perception of your own supported-ness with how you perceive another to be supported. You may have an entire extended family and an army of friends around you every day, and still not feel supported. Or you may have one faithful friend who lives in another part of the world, with whom you speak only occasionally, and yet feel well-supported.

You never have true cause to feel that you are not well-supported. By your spiritual abundance, you will always attract the support that you need.

Your need is not to seek out support. It is only to know that you are supported – and to see the expressions of that support manifesting in your life.

We tell you now – you truly are supported, in every need and desire, in every step you take over your entire life, day and night.

If you feel alone, if you feel lonely, if you feel unsupported, it may be that you have cut yourself off from the abundance of your greater being, from the blessings of spirit, and from the support that is around you physically, knocking at your door. You may have pushed others away, and then sit in your trouble, alone, wondering why no-one has come to your aid.

If you feel this lack of support, try to look at yourself honestly and objectively. How much do you allow others to support you? Have you made space in your life and in your personality, for supportive energies to enter? Do you allow others to feel that they can help you? Do you let your vulnerability, the inner truth of you, be seen by those who care for you?

Again, we say, if you feel unsupported, this is your perception.

You can change your perceptions. Believe in the abundance of your life. Open your arms to receive help, and help will come to you. Open your mouth to request help, and allow your vulnerability to be felt by others. Give your brothers and sisters permission to support you. Give your love-angels permission to support you. Give your greater being permission to support you.

This particular healing journey is to be very much focused on shifting any limiting perceptions you hold about the degree of support available to you, both spiritual and physical.

What you say about perception makes me think of the idea that soul won’t give us any experience that we aren’t equipped to handle. I’ve always looked at that like this: “if soul has taken me here, or if I’m being presented with this experience in life, it means that I must have the necessary tools in my ‘tool box’ to handle it. I just need to dig around and find them”. But now, in light of what you’ve said, I’m looking at it also from the perspective of support – that the support we need is always there, and we need to acknowledge that it is there to help us ‘handle’ the experience, and allow it to be expressed in our time of need.

I can see, when I look at myself honestly, that I’m still learning to let myself be supported. And over the years of my life, I can see that I’ve gradually become more open to receiving support. I used to be someone who felt I couldn’t rely on anyone else, so I just learned to handle it all on my own. I truly believed that there was no-one out there who would really stand by my when the ‘shit hit the fan’. Even now, I’m still a very self-sufficient person, but I have learnt to let other people support me as well. I believe that, in this area, I still have a lot of healing to do, especially in relation to letting my vulnerability show.

I think that my current ability to allow physical support into my life actually grew out of my evolving trust that I am supported spiritually. The more I trusted that Spirit truly is behind me, guiding me and keeping me safe, the more I felt able to let the people in my life support me as well. And I acknowledge, when I look back on it, that in the times that I felt most alone and unsupported, it really was as you say – there were people ready to stand by me (knocking at the door), but I wouldn’t let them in. I think I need to listen a bit harder for that knocking, even now!

The process of moving from fear and doubt in your own abilities, to a degree of trust in the comfort of loving support, is a different experience for each individual, and is in itself an experience of growth, of spiritual expansion.

As you continue to live according to the notion that you are well-supported, even if in the beginning it is merely a desire to believe in the possibility of abundant support rather than a knowing of the truth of it, the pattern of consciousness created by this evolving belief will gradually become stronger.

It will continue to reinforce itself in your life’s experiences and in your heart so that, over time the desire to believe becomes belief, and belief becomes knowing, and knowing becomes perceived reality.

Essentially, you are changing your relationship with your world – not only your physical world but the expansive world of your spirit – and this process is a gradual one of shifting perceptions and experiences which can reinforce new perceptions.

Allow this coming healing to shift your belief in support, even to the smallest degree. The permanent changes will come over time, and be reinforced by your experiences, but you can trigger the shifts in this coming healing by observing, as objectively as possible, in what ways you may be limiting your ability to feel fully supported.

Release as much tension and fear from the upper back area as you possibly can, and allow yourself to relax into the loving arms of spirit.

This coming healing also encompasses the group of earth portals which are involved with the processing of this shift in perception, both for humanity and for all life on earth. By focusing on these as a group, the healing will enable shifts in relationship, according to the patterns and perceptions we have discussed.

Allow yourself, also, to absorb through these portals, the patterns of trust which exist in the natural world, amongst small animals, and falling leaves, in the journey of a seed, and the migration of birds. While there is no conscious analysis of the notion of support, there is a natural expectation that all is as it should be.

Let this be your comfort.

Thank you. That’s lovely.



Feedback after the session:


Allow yourself to be warmed every day with the thought that each step you take is a nurtured step… a protected step… a supported step. Allow yourself to receive the gift of this.

To reinforce this knowledge, practice regularly the simple acknowledgment of the understanding that you are supported, and that you are never alone in your journey.

You may even choose to make it a regular daily practice. Acknowledge one positive experience in the day – one success – and consciously consider how the support of others served to help you in the achievement of that success. These ‘others’ may be people in your immediate circle, or some aspect of your society, or some level of spiritual support. By regularly practicing this acknowledgment and this gratitude it will very strongly bring to your awareness how truly well supported you are.

If you find that, at first, you cannot see how that success came about by any hand other than your own, try to look at the situation with a much wider perspective. Try to see the bigger picture of it, extending your perspective further and further outwards until you reach a point at which you can see the involvement of some other person, energy, or consciousness – and then acknowledge that.

We tell you again that you are truly supported in all ways through the abundance of your spirit and your greater consciousness. Your challenge is simply to acknowledge and trust in that support, believe in that support, and know that it is ever-present in your life.

We love* you. We love your journey. You are safe and supported. Be at peace.

*I just want to add that this word doesn’t do justice to the feeling of the energy that came with it. It was all-encompassing. More like… We ‘everything’ you...



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