Dear Ones,
God bless you in you, as you reach this threshhold of the ascending process, how beloved you are to be in you and to receive the gifts that God has come to bring you, I am so blessed to be present with you! Oh the Height of Love, that we can RECEIVE from Hearts, the Unity of God Consciousness in joy.
How do you sit with you, dear Hearts, in your space of yourself, do you sit well? When the voices of the past rise up in your Hearts to greet you, do you treat them lovingly for WHO YOU ARE, and who you came here to be, or do you suppress them with the fear of past failures and understandings.
Oh God bless you, dear Hearts, in your RELEASING, and your transcending, into the Light of who you are, and who is the Light of who you are? Oh dear ones, look, you are the ALL-iens come home to sit on planet GAIA!
OOPS, look at all these ALL-iens present upon our planets, and they are none other than YOU, dear Hearts, God bless you for being so.
Have you embraced your pure GIFTS? How do you sit with your GIFTS? And who has given you these GIFTS, dear HEARTS? You HAVE, to you! For you, to give to others! Oh look, we are SHARING! TRUSTING, each other in HEART space, are we not?
AND oh how dear is the TRUSTING! To LOVE one another so unconditionally! God bless you in you, ALOHA, greetings, dear ONES!
Do you SEE in you that you are not SEPERATE, dear Hearts, or are you still STRUGGLING, to find your TRUTH in the SEA of you!
Oh dear HEARTS, God bless the SEA of YOU! Look how VAST you have become, truly there is no-where you are NOT! And when you see that which you are NOT, who is the one who is SPEAKING, dear HEARTS, but the BELOVED YOU, through I, that is THE HEART OF YOU!
Oh God bless you! For seeing the HEART of YOU as OTHER, but is it OTHER? No, dear HEARTS, it is not OTHER! It is YOU, and look who has CAME, and shown up! To transcend and transform, your family lines for the SACRED HEART of GAIA.
God bless you for doing so! God bless you for being SO! I am EL Anora, and I LOVE YOU! I AM, and I, is with you!
God bless you in you! TRAN-ASCENDING!
EL Anora
Yes we are! The heart is our true self, our true essence, the mind is just the part of our self that acts as the tool for our true self, the heart. Alot of people say to balance the mind and heart, I think that's an illusion, I think the idea is to recognize the role they each play. I think the idea is to live through the heart, and use the mind to navigate and learn things, which then gets funneled through the heart, to become a true realization. Because reality is found in the heart! Reality is felt, it is experienced through the heart, through the self. True knowledge, true understanding, true intelligence comes from a heart level. The heart is just true, it's the truth!
yes you just keep on telling yourself that john, perhaps someday it may even be true
Well it is true lol And I know it's true...and I know one day, you'll realize it's true too, when you can get out of your mind, and start being 100% and totally authentic.