Bashar gets into it, and it's very true, but I want to add more to it, because I'm really understanding now, how we are the universe. Not just on an energetic level, not just in holographic terms, but on a very personal level, in very real terms.
YOU, are your whole YOUniverse. You are you, and you'll never not be you, ever lol I mean how is that even possible. How can you not be you. You are all you will ever experience. Everything in your universe, is part of you, it's your reality, it's your experience. And we can't ever get out of that, we can't ever NOT be us lol
I mean we ARE our universe. It's more than just, oh we are all connected...we ARE everything lol Everything is us, everything in our perception, what appears OUT not out there, it's within us, being projected out there, as a holographic illusion! In other words, NOTHING EXISTS OUTSIDE OF US. It's impossible.
Because all. Nothing exists outside of God, right? God literally is ALL THAT IS, WAS, AND EVER WILL BE. So how can anything, exist outside of God. It can't, and it doesn't. God can never not be God, God can never not be self aware, God can never not have that I AM presence. How can God not have the I AM, if GOD IS everything lol In order for God to not be All That Is, that would mean there must be something outside of All That Is, but there isn't, because it would still be part of All That Is! God can never not be God. And neither can we. We will always be ourselves, we can not be anything else, ever. You are your whole life experience, your whole reality, you're whole YOUniverse. We are the center of the reality we experience.
That's why it's so important to get into yourself, know yourself, discover your self, LOVE yourself, BE yourself and BE who YOU are. Because YOU cannot BE anything but YOU lol It's like Bashar says, the way to truly be your higher self, is to BE who you are, in this moment, in full self expression and creativity. Because that's what we are, and that's what God is and does. God is himSELF, fully, expressing his creativity to manifest all that he IS. And that's all we do, as mini Gods, experiencing parts of God.
There is no out there. There is no separation. Everything and everyone we meet, is an expression of us, it's part us, manifested as an external experience. I mean this is true spirituality, this true oneness, this is real! Not just, some vague left brained idea of oneness that views everything as still outside of yourself...this is real.
This is how it's possible to move things with your mind, because like in the Matrix, it's not the spoon that bends, it's only yourself! Exactly! Because there is no spoon. That spoon is YOU. It's part of YOUR experience. It just seems to be out there, outside of you, but it's not. That's an illusion. And I guarantee, pretty soon, I'm going to be moving spoons and stuff like that, because I'm really starting to understand this now.
There is no reality outside of me. I am reality, period. I AM MY WHOLE UNIVERSE. And so are you! We just have an agreement, to co-experience ourselves together, as apparently different experiences. But it's the same one experience, the same God having ONE experience, called LIFE. And we cannot not be, we cannot get outside of ourselves, it's impossible. We will always have that I AM, no matter what we are. It may be more expanded, it may be more of a conglomeration of different I AMs, but it's still your I AM. Even apparently when we merge back with God, with All That Is, we will experience it as I AM ALL THAT IS.
So you can never not be you, ever. Ever! So you mays well make peace with yourself, explore yourself, love yourself, and stop thinking you're not important, or not worthy of love and attention....or that it's selfish to be your self. YOU are all you will ever be. So you mays well be yourself and express the fullness of who you are, and become master of self, because that's what you are, your self.
Thank you John, for sharing and expressing your SELF! I too have reclaimed SELF-recognition! I love it when the puzzle pieces fall into place! ;)
Hey Cliff, aka MoL, how are you buddy? Hows that heart quest coming lol Thanks for taking the time to comment here, and I agree, I think the illusion, the the glory of God made manifest, it's the only way God can really be and experience his infinite potential.....I say his because that's what I'm used to and it's more personal for me, I know God isn't a gender lol And this journey, this ride, is fantastic, it's life! There might be people who are so quick to want to get out of life, get out of the illusion, and merge back with God, and sure that's the ultimate goal, but let's enjoy this ride. We mays well lol The ride is really the whole point of it all.
Yea I've heard of that idea before....I'm not quite sure how it works, or if it's even true lol To be honest I don't really remember where I heard that, or even what it said lol So..I'm with you on that lol But thanks Unk, for have my love!
Im glad you found this out
: D
But keep in mind that Within The All is the One as well. There is still a measure of ethical behavior that is necessary.
The dynamic between both extremes (one within all, all within one) creates a certain proportion of manifesting power.
You can choose to expand your ability to dictate your reality, but you must sincerely seek/request that, at the highest levels of your being (your Higher Self).
Well sure, I think...if we truly recognized we were all one, would we hurt each other, of course not lol Who actually wants to hurt themselves. Besides some masochist lol But most people don't, so if we all really understood we were one, ethical behavior would come naturally. I know all of us fail at that from time to time, there are times when I'm not as nice to people as I can be, or treat them as I want to be treated....I mean I'm still in illusion lol We all are...but you have to be able to look at yourself and say you are lol
And I agree I think...even though we are the one and all, we are the whole universe....we still are very limited to what we actually can do. At our level anyways lol I mean I'm sure we all wish we could end world hunger, but we can't. So there's not much to do about that, except try to serve others as best we can. And continue to grow and expand into our higher selves, and eventually into God.
I have thought that as well how we have constellations within us and galaxies within us as well.....our body is like like a breathing permiable oganism connected with all around, and inside us is another world. I am always amazed there seems to be many different things going on within the body.....there are the biological functions of the body with organs and then there is the emotional mental body that creates another experience all together.....a permiable universe connected to everything.....Have your tried quantum physics in regards to the body being like a cosmos, or there is another book I have been reading called "The human Antenna" maybe chinese medicine.....
This is how it's possible to move things with your mind, because like in the Matrix, it's not the spoon that bends, it's only yourself! Exactly! Because there is no spoon. That spoon is YOU. It's part of YOUR experience. It just seems to be out there, outside of you, but it's not. That's an illusion. And I guarantee, pretty soon, I'm going to be moving spoons and stuff like that, because I'm really starting to understand this now"
This is what I try to do when I am practicing moving things with my mind. I try to become one with it as if it was me, and feel the object. Feel the object as if it was just an extension of myself....
John Jancer, what a wonderfully delightful post...
Well apparently that's how it works :) I've never done it really, I don't really try to do it...but..maybe I should lol Like anything, with practice, it gets easier....and I wish you luck with that, it's a neat ability to I always wanted to able to go invisible lol That would be awesome!
Thanks TTT :)
I know Semile...thanks :) Peace be upon you!
Well we are each our own universe, we are each the center of our universe, of our life experience. We also share our lives, our universe, with everyone else, in a consensus life, a consensus agreement, apparently. Apparently, in other universes, that's not necessarily how it works. But we here, share a collective universe, within our own personal universes. That's why I am me, and you are you, each distinct experiencing parts of the whole, each in our own universes, together sharing one whole universe. And to be honest, I'm not really sure how it all works, but I think this is how it works lol