(This message follows a long visualization meditation led by Aramda)

This is Aramda. It is always my pleasure to be with you and I find great joy in being able to assist you with these experiences. Much that you are working toward, you have already accomplished and are only now waiting until you receive that call that will be your signal to be ready to assist others in their awakening. You may believe that you yourselves have not yet awakened, but I can assure you, you have. Even though you may not fully remember who you are yet, does not mean that you are not awakened.

You have been asleep for a long time in your understanding, but as you now are beginning to understand, this was indeed necessary for all that needed to take place leading up to this current time in your evolution. You are about to take that leap into the unknown, the unknown for your current understanding but not for the totality of who you are. Many of you have done this countless times before and at some point, this realization will fully dawn on you that you have once again persevered through hardships that would deter many from completing their task. But you have emerged again unscathed and perhaps ready to go into “battle” once again, “once more into the breach”. But this is for another time as first you will take your rest that you have so earned.

You are waiting to go “somewhere” but you are already there. You have always been there. Your mind, with the programming it has, sustains you this many lifetimes, it is what is holding you now. It is keeping you in this 3D world illusion. And were it not for your former programming, you would already be in those higher vibrations with us. You would already be here on the ships with us. You would already be commanding your own ships, if that is your desire.

Believe and you will see. Know and it will be shown to you. We are done now for this time. We will release to another.

Peace and love be with each of you.


Greetings to you! Are you all back? Back here in your physical bodies and probably wishing you weren’t. Probably wanting to stay where you were. Feeling a sense of bliss, did you not? And this is what we were referring to earlier here. The idea that when you have this sense of bliss, you do not want to leave it. You want to stay there. But what is it that is calling you back? Yes, your physical body is calling you back, that is correct, but it is also those levels of attachment that are calling to you. And those levels of attachment are what are holding you here.

Now that is not to say that you can let go of these overnight here. We know this. But it is saying to look out at all those things that are happening in your world, but look at them with rose-colored glasses. Look at it as the glass half full, not half empty. There are enough here on the planet that are looking at it half empty. There are enough here that are looking at these changes that are coming and saying, “Oh, no! The world is falling apart! We are losing!”

And it is exactly the opposite! The reason all these changes are happening and are coming to the forefront is because the truth is being revealed. And as more and more of the truth is revealed and your eyes are open to it, and your ears are open to it, then you will experience it more and more fully. And as you look at those truths coming, you will know and understand that this is the forerunner of all the changes that are here. They are here now!

So we wish for you to look out and not see fear. Do not become the fear-mongers any longer. As much as possible, treat your consciousness to higher levels of knowing and understanding, higher vibrations. That is in the food you eat, what you put into your mind in terms of your media and such. All of these things. Now it is time to become the new you.

Each one here has much to be thankful for, to be grateful for. Look out upon your world and see beauty. It is all around you. Just recently, the Joanna and James were sitting outside and they looked up at the sky and the clouds were not the clouds of old. They were new clouds. It was a new sky. Because they were in that new vibration, even if only temporarily. But even for just a moment they felt the bliss. And bliss is beckoning you to be within it all of the time.

As the Aramda said, imagine the world where there is nothing but bliss, nothing but love. And this is the world of your own believing.

We will step off of our soap box now. Are there any questions that you might have on this or any subject here? Yes, this is a different “One Who Serves” who just stepped in here.

Question: I have a question about Mt. Shasta. Why do I have an attachment to Mt. Shasta?

The attachment to Mt. Shasta is similar to many in this room’s attachment to Mt. Shasta even though they may not know they have this attachment. We are going to take the word “attachment” out of this because it is not so much of an attachment because attachment is something that may be more of a negative nature. But your connection to Mt. Shasta is because of your past because of your Lemurian background. And at one time, you found yourself in the Telos area and dejectedly in some ways, needing to leave it and not wanting to leave it. Talk about your bliss on a regular basis, that is what you had there. You had this but you knew at that time that you needed to come into this understanding, this vibration, this denseness to assist in others to come to an understanding of the bliss you felt there and what it can be like here, as well.

And for each of you here, several of you have this connection to the Mt. Shasta area and certainly that of the Lemurian connection here. And we are even going to broach this subject with you, we do not know how it will go over here, but we are going to bring it up anyway here. It is important that at some point in the not too distant future, toward the end of your summer here, to find yourselves, as a group, to find yourselves there in that area. It would be very beneficial for you if you would do this. We can give more at another time if there is a consensus that it could be undertaken. We know that it is quite a distance. The James and Cynthia have taken this travel here previously and it is a long drive but it can be done. Was it not beneficial at those times? Would you like to go this time and look for and possibly be shown the entrance? We will leave that with you to contemplate as a group.

Question: I haven’t paid very much attention to synchronicities in my life but last night, something caught my eye and I saw the 11:11 on my clock. I have friends who pay attention to those kinds of synchronicities. Why did this grab my attention? Does it have meaning for me?

We can share with you the understanding of the 11:11 in terms of change. The great change not only within your own individual world but in the world in general here. And this has been a synchronicity for many across the planet for some time now. Many have been seeing 11:11, 12:12, 10: 10 and so on and so on. And in particular, though, 11:11 is a gateway. It is a gateway between the pillars, showing the way, moving to the higher vibrations. This is much what is being shown here in the 11:11 but synchronicity in general, is very important because it is showing mankind, in many ways, the collective humanity that there are no coincidences. That all of this is part of the way it needs to be. The synchronicity that is needed here to bring people to the higher levels of consciousness here. Does this make sense to you?

Synchronicity has happened many times for you, my dear sister. You are just not aware of it. And the more you become aware of it, and this is for all of you here, the more you become aware of the synchronous events, the more they will happen. And the more they will happen, the more you will be preparing yourselves for the higher vibrations. You see?

Question: I feel that I am shut off for some reason. I cannot play my music. I cannot paint. I feel that I am not feeling as much. What can I do to get it back?

There is nothing to get back here. It has not left you. There is a portion of yourself now that is blocking these things. A portion of yourself that is trying to hold on to the old, the familiar, the part that your ego is not wanting to let go of. You see, each one of you has familiar guides or understanding, part of this programming in you, and it has been described as the comfort zone within you, the comfort of your ego. And your ego wants to keep the status quo, wants to keep the comfort zone going. What it thinks is the comfort zone, you see?

So it is keeping you from having these higher vibrational visions and such but in order for you to allow for the unblocking here is to talk to your ego, talk to that part of yourself and say, “Enough. You have done your job. You have protected me for all of these lifetimes and now it is time to step aside.”

And your ego is not going to want to step aside easily. It is not going to be the “Easy” button there for many of you but it is going to happen if you continue and persevere through this. This is part of the purging process we have spoken of. It can be the purging physically, It can be the purging emotionally and mentally, all of these things. And you are experiencing that at this moment. So, as we say here, tell your ego, “Enough! You have done your job here and it is time to move on.” And your ego will step aside and allow for this process and you will take charge at a higher level. Do you understand this? Sometimes easier said than done, we know, but we have done it!

Question: I am being called to share the idea of the sacred triangle as well. Is this something you would recommend that we discuss in addition to the spiritual technology?

My dear sister we are so glad you have brought this up because you have been guided here, as all have. You have answered the call that have been given to you to not only come to this group that is certainly important because what you bring to this group can be very beneficial to individuals here as well as the collective whole here. And you bring a different point of view, you might say, in terms of the James and the Susan here. But, you bring here a certain modality that can be very important here. We have given the James here to allow for this process to come and he has so done this. You see?

So, please, yes, persevere, even if at times there is tendency to push back away, it is ok for you to push forward because there are importances here.

You are an open vessel, yes!

Question: I have observed over time that there are a number of people that want to open spiritually but it seems like the majority have extremely “mundane” partners. I would have a hard time with that. Why is that?

It is largely because the opposites attract. You find yourselves searching, each one comes into the planet, into their lifetimes, searching for that other part of themselves they are missing; their twin flame, their twin soul. And they are always searching for that and very seldom do they find that but they find that their soul mates, their soul families, when they find their soul mates they are often opposite of them. They are opposite for a reason. They are opposite to assist you, not to learn lessons, we have said this before, you are not here to learn lessons, that is the old programming that has been given you here. You are here to grow in consciousness. You can grow in consciousness from learning lessons but that is not your primary purpose here. You see?

So, you are in this process to find that other part of yourself, your half you might say. And in many respects, as we are saying, if one is in a spiritual pursuit, then the other is not. That is actually very common place. It is actually very uncommon to be the way it is with you and your husband. You see? Do you understand this?

Sometimes, it is important to just go with it and not wonder why. It is just a matter of fact. Just let it be. You see? It will be very helpful for you as you prepare the vessel for the immense vibrational change that is going to happen.

There is no way to have this call go out or have the horn blow or whatever it comes as, where you will not know it. You will not have the experience of being left out. There is no one going to be left out here. We must make you understand this. There are many different viewpoints. Many different sources say many different things but all are accurate on this one point. All are going if they wish to. We do not mean to another planet. We mean going in consciousness, up to a higher vibration, 5th dimension, whatever you wish to call it here. The movement in consciousness and that movement of consciousness when it comes will be undeniable, you will know it, and it will be real.

Susan, you had an experience some time ago where you thought, “Maybe this is it!” How you felt? You did not want to come back from that but you had to at that time. Well, it will come again and when it happens, you will not have to come back here. It will be the choosing to come back. Think about that one for a minute. All this time to go ahead and move on and you volunteer to come back and go through it all again? Go figure!

Question: Will our  partners have a definite knowing too?

They will have a definite knowing at a different level than those who are preparing for this already. You see those you are speaking of have no idea of what we are speaking of here. Channeling? Space ships? Inner Earth? Come on now, please. They will not understand any of this but they will have a feeling within themselves that, “This is quite pleasant. We like this. We will go with this.” You see? It is almost like having your dream state. And all of you have had this at one time or another when you did not want to wake up from the dream.

If you decide that you will come back, then that is what you will do. We will be immensely grateful if you do that and we are already immensely grateful for all that you have done already, each and every one of you and any one of you who reads and resonates to these words as well. You see?

Question: To the degree that we are connected to our higher consciousness, will we know what to say to others?

Yes. For you will come to an understanding of who you truly are and at that time anything of a lower vibration will be something you will put off immediately. That which would bring you back to the lower vibration and hold you here. You see?

So, when you have had this blissful moment and you have moved on and you have moved through the gateway and all of these things, all of the old programming will disappear and you will have no desire to do anything of lower vibration.

As we understand your earlier conversation, you will have no interest in ingesting animal flesh anymore because you will know a oneness with that animal. You will feel it. You will Be it. That is the difference. You are not “Being” it yet. Some are moving in that direction, yes, but when you are there you will experience it, you will feel it, there will be no denying it. It will abhor you to ever do that again.

Now, that is not to say that there is not a resemblance of meat in your future. There is but it is drawn from the molecular energy itself and it becomes whatever you want it to be. And if you want that delicious steak it will be there in front of you but it will not be from an animal. You see?

Question: If our soul project is to stay until the very last moment, does that mean that it prevents us from ascending and coming back?

You are speaking in terms of a soul contract here. And if your soul contract has been drawn up by you and it is what you are to do, that is what you will do if you decide to hold on to that contract. Once that contract has been formed, we know that you will hold on to it.

Now, that is not to say that you won’t go through the Ascension process and experience whatever you wish to experience at that level and come back to assist others but be able to go back and forth. You see? There is nothing holding you from moving into a higher vibration whenever you wish. You simply go outside and look at the sky and begin to see it and feel it. Rather than see it, feel it, Be it! Be one with it and you will be amazed at what will open up in front of you as the veil drops right before your very eyes!

Question: Can you make a decision to not honor a soul contract?

Yes, you can.

Question: About Ascension, how do we carry on the relationships we have with our family after the time?

In terms of how you carry on with your normal life? That will be determined by them, where they will go. In one moment they can have their experience in the 3 D world and experience life as they have known it and the next moment they can be in the higher vibrations. The more they experience the higher vibrations the more they begin to like it, the more they will wish to stay there, the more they will want to be there more and more and the attachments will begin to fade.

And as the attachments begin to fade, they will begin to stay there just as you. Do you understand this. And please understand, that just because one has moved up in the higher vibrations does not mean that one moves out of experience with their family. Again, you are not going to be leaving your children behind or your spouse behind unless they wish to be left behind. You see?

Question: Don’t we have an ability to help raise the vibration of those around us through compassion, love and kindness?

You have a saying, “You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink.” This is the same thing. You can send one light but whether or not they accept the light is their decision at the time. For you, you can send the light, send the love, send the compassion, send the sense of oneness to another and then let it be. Just as we work with you. From our point of view, from our level of consciousness we work with you, we give you this information, we give you this knowing, these tidbits here and there and what you do with it then is up to you. You see? We do not have this attachment. We have a connection, not an attachment.

Does this answer your question?

Anything further here?

We are done for this time. Please take what we have given you here and work with it in terms of looking at all of those things that are happening in your world and looking through them, beyond them, not getting attached to these particular things that are going on. They will continue to go on because they are trying to hold on to you. The various egos throughout the planet are still trying to hold on. You see? And aren’t wanting to let go but let go they must. Sound like Yoda here!

Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the One.

Channeled by James McConnell
Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and authors website is clearly stated



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