You might be a Zombie

If you believe everything Alex Jones, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Fox News says.

If you believe Obama is the antiChrist.

If you believe Rand and Ron Paul are better than any other politician.

If you believe Obama is out to destroy America.

If you claim you're not a racist yet post pictures of Obama as a monkey or African witch doctor..

If you believe Obama is a Kenyan.

If you believe Obama is going to take away your guns.

If you believe Obama is not an American citizen.

If you believe Obama staged the Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings so he can take your guns.

If you believe Obama is responsible for the Boston bombings.

If you believe Obama is going to drop a nuclear bomb on the east coast.

If you believe Obama is responsible for hurricanes Katrina and Sandy.

If you believe Obama had his grandmother killed to cover up his birth

If you believe Obama is a secret Muslim

If you believe Obama's real dad was Malcolm X or Frank M. Davis

If you believe Obama is gay.

If you believe the First Lady is a transvestite.

If you believe Obama's mother was a call girl.

If you believe Obama is a socialist.

If you believe Obama faked bin Laden's death.

If you believe Obama faked his birth certificate.

If you believe Obama caused the recession of 1995.

If you believe Obama caused the BP oil spill.

If you believe Obama is planning a fake assassination attempt. 

If you believe Obama removed the American flag from Air Force One.

If you believe Obama stole the 2008 and 2012 election.

If you believe most Americans hate Obama.

If you believe Democrats regret voting for Obama.

If you believe Obama has an imperial presidency.

If you believe Obama is a dictator.

If you believe Obama has 15 different social security numbers.

If you believe Obamacare is killing Americans.

If you believe Obama is a supporter and member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

If you believe Obama had an affair with Beyoncé.

If you believe Obama is stockpiling ammo for a showdown with Americans,

If you believe Obama was sworn into office on the Koran.

If you believe Obama is going to round up Americans and put them in concentration camps.

If you believe Obama will seek a third term.

If you believe Obama is responsible for the "fake snow".

So many conspiracy theories so little time...sigh! Teapublicans are the gift that keeps on giving. LOL

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  • Yup, Yup, Yup, wer'e goin' to da zoo.  Dems may not be squeaky-clean, but republicans are lower than whale shit on the bottom of the ocean.  I have always been amazed at how they still manage to con a certain percent of naieve, but good-hearted americans to vote for them.  They seem to be truly, genuinely, absolutely, beyond-the shadow-of-a-doubt, Evil.  The damage they do and the harm they intentionally cause is staggering to my poor mind and insulting to my inner child's bliss.  Treason and raw, arrogant criminality.  How are they not jailed has dumbfounded me for decades.

    • I'm an independent -how are the repubs absolutely evil?

      • Pet Rock....  With your incessant attacks directed at Obama, I find it hard to believe that you are an independent.  As for my opinion of the repubs, it is just that -- my opinion.  I will not try to explain it to you because, in all honesty, I truly believe that you already know exactly what I mean. 

        • can't criticize bama but you and your ilk call ALL repubs evil-this is junior high school nonsense

    • I need a long ride in a rubber winnebago, but I'll have to settle for a relaxing bike ride and a gratifying session with my viola.   later

  • I think he's been threatened with a lot more than merely impeachment, from the moment they failed to steal the election for McStooge and the Alaska clown.  Of course, I may be mistaken and he is the cabal's tool and has me fooled, completely.  I think, not...

  • Aye.. but what sounds.. better.. (is) sexier information etc lol. Crazy strange how people are kept in pot for.. some.. reason. It creeps me out how things are setup sometimes.

     I'd like to hope for what is real.. for what is true of what people really are. But.. sigh (lol). Somehow I think our world reflects "greater" things, then our world.

    I'd like to know another story... but I have not seen that.. in a long time.

     I mean.. most places, haha. ... :)

    Avatar your still you. Thankyou:)

  • Divisional seeds were planted.

    Truth-slur is a pretty creepy rabbit hole yea.The ritual infront of you.
    Alot of baking going on.. has been for a long time.

  • To KNOW

    To WILL

    To DARE

    To be SILENT



  • Yes, the dumbing-down is essential to the cabal's sucess and they are masters at duplicity, bait-and-switch, double-speak, emotional manipulation, etcetera.  Some on this site (I would rather not name names) seem to me to be full-time, well-trained, well-paid professional trolls.  They are really slick and their agenda is hard to see through when they mix truth and disinfo so expertly.  there are layers upon layers, but the entire architecture is a house of cards built on lies that will ultimately come down.  Truth will stand on its own.  Lies can't...not forever.  You trolls out there!  I hope the pay is worth it.  I always though one's soul was priceless. 

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