Friday, 21 May 2010 4:21 AM 

Please click on the link below to contact your senators in the USA.


The following email message from Garret Wood was transcribed verbatim:




Earlier this year, we told you about a bill Sen. John McCain was trying to push through Congress.� That bill would have significantly increase the Federal government's control of the supplement industry.


Thanks to voices like yours, we were able to kill that bill before it became a serious threat. But they are at it again. So once again, we need your help.


You may have heard of the Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010. This bill before the Senate (S. 3217) is intended to reform Wall Street so we don't see another financial meltdown like we did in 2008.


Sounds great, right?� Well not so fast.


You see, the House version of this bill, which passed in December, included an ominous last-minute amendment.� Rep. Henry Waxman of California — no friend of dietary supplements, believe you me —�snuck in a provision that would give the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) unchecked power over virtually every sector of the American economy — including supplements.


If signed into the law, this amendment would literally let the FTC govern on their own.� Rather than going after deceptive marketing practices (which is what they should be doing), the FTC would become judge and jury.� 


Instead of investigating deceptive companies on a case-by-case basis, they will be able to issue law that all must obey.


The Senate version of this bill is being debated right now.� If this amendment is included in the Senate bill — or later added during reconciliation — the FTC will have almost absolute power to regulate supplements.� Your vitamins and supplements are in their crosshairs.� They can't wait to use these new powers to come after them.


The result will be substantially higher prices and significantly lower doses. Many products and ingredients you rely on today will simply vanish.


It's urgent that you tell your senators to keep the Waxman amendment out of the Senate version of the Wall Street Reform Bill. Tell them you don't want the FTC to have unchecked power.


Call and email your Senators right now!� Follow the link below to find their office phone number.� Be polite but emphatic.�Tell them how important your supplements are to you.� Tell them the FTC needs to be on a leash.� Tell them to keep this amendment out of this bill!


To contact your Senators:�


Please don't put this off.� The Senate is literally debating this right now.� We need to rise up and make our voices heard once more!


For your good health,


Garret W. Wood
President, Advanced Bionutritionals

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  • From: Alliance for Natural Health USA

    Sat, 26 June, 2010 6:46:17 AM

    You won! FTC does not get expanded powers over supplements. More next Tuesday.


    A message from the Alliance for Natural Health USA

    Dear Jazmin,

    Congressman Henry Waxman (D, CA) made a strong last ditch effort to save his Federal Trade Commission (FTC) power expansion provision in the finance bill. He also had the support of powerful Congressman Barney Frank (D, MA). The Conference committee deliberations went until 3:00 am this morning. Fortunately, the provision was not accepted and will therefore not be in the bill that is submitted to both the House and Senate. Our concern was that based on its prior actions, the FTC would have used expanded powers to restrict access to supplements.

    Thank you for making this outcome possible by taking action and sending a strong signal to Congress. They heard you!

    We will have a full report Tuesday in our regular newsletter.


    Alliance for Natural Health USA
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