How do you feel about punishing people for crimes.
How do you feel revenge and vengance will serve our evolutionary pathway.
What is the healthiest way to correct human action and negative choices?
Do you feel that armagedeon programming is contributing to our making of positive choices?
Do you feel that fear is a valid tool for pushing people towards taking responsibility for actions?
Is fear a valid way to make beings stay in line to the social constructs of a controler agenda.
i wonder if our heavenly parents are learning how to discipline the human children.
I wonder if painful punishment is really THE WAY TO MAKE PEOPLE RESPECT YOUR RULES.
Hi folks, Hi john, you are correct, we all judge or characterize things based on our limited perspective.
Hi kristofer, I think you are understanding me. We all may judge things, it's what do we do with it, do we label it right or wrong, good or bad or do we try and understand the situation from a neutral, compassionate perspective.
That is what my whole point is about.
When we embark on making judgments in this polarized way, good or bad, then there is little room for compassion and understanding of our limited view of things. And it is this polarizing of our views, observations , judgments, etc. that is the problem that creates imbalance.
It is this polarizing of our observations or judgments, as there both the same as far as I'm concerned, until such point as we polarize it with a good or bad, right or wrong energy label.
Otherwise, judgment or observation is harmless, so yes kristofer was picking up on my meaning, as hard as it is to communicate through words at times, especially on the internet.
And so the human systems that have been created, tend to foster this polarizing of our observations, perceptions, judgments, etc. so as to maintain the punitive, punishment style systems that only serve the few and not the highest good of one and all.
Though, with such corrupted human systems of living, a healing method of dealing with those individuals or groups will be difficult until it is changed, because the ones that need the most healing, are actually most of the time, the ones that have placed themselves in charge, lol. Not quite what the average joe wants to hear, that's for sure.
I hope this helps make more clear my perspective.
peace love light
I so agree with you and this seems to be exactly the kind of thinking that I have been looking for with surprisingly low success. It looks like it is so easy for a lot of people to allow their anger to conduct themselves in a destructive manner, and really strongly supporting cruel punishments, such as, even death penalties (a nice way of saying self-righteous murder?)
To these people I repeat one quote by Gandhi:
An eye for an eye and the whole world goes blind.
To me that one little quote shows very clearly the need for society's humane, loving, rehabilitative manner of dealing with any individual, no matter how extremely dangerous or extremely guilty.
As for the judgement thing, you are right again, everybody judges. And the consequent action is what matters BUT.. Every single individual judges diffirently, everyone has their own sets of right and wrong.. I think there comes a point where you have to know that although you have the right to judge as you wish, you might be judging from a very limited point of view, and it's definitely likely that you don't know the whole situation or what goodness any so called badness might bring about...
I think VioletRay makes a really good point but he might be talking about something slightly different than you are with the word judge. over-the-internet discussions can get so exhausting and full of annoying misunderstandings.
Anyway, just mostly wanted to say good one :) Let's make more Gandhis in the world :)
peace love & light to you, sir!
What I am trying to convey is like the other side of the coin of judgment.
Some might say it's wrong or a crime to take food from a grocery store without paying, is it? When food grows in abundance on this planet.
Some might say it's wrong or a crime not to pay your rent on time or not pay it at all or skip out on the contract, is it? when land is abundant on this planet.
Some might say it's wrong or a crime to travel without a license, is it? or are we free to travel any where we wish without anothers approval.
Some might say it's wrong or a crime to murder another, is it? well the military has made an art of it.
Some might say it's wrong or a crime to drink and travel in a car, is it? who would be harmed from another traveling down the road in a car drunk, so is it the fear of what might happen that did the harm.
These are just a few examples of the perspective I am trying to convey, extreme as some of them may seem to some possibly.
Once we enter that slippery slope of judging others actions or choices, we open a floodgate of suffering and abuse, where once there was none, at least not of the scale that this way of thinking can manifest.
This is not a personal ego trip of me trying to convince you james or anyone, it is me saying, look around and observe for yourself the results, as they are self evident.
There is no need to disagree with me or agree with me, the writing is already all over the wall. No amount of words will change what has written on that wall over his-story.
I hope I've made myself more clear.
peace love light
Hi james, you missed my point again, but that's ok ,that's why were in these seemingly separate bodies. I never said it's wrong or right to do anything.
All i am basically saying is, who is to be the judge, how about we have no judges, though I know that bothers those that wish to control everyone and everything except themselves.
Lol, james, go ahead and judge anything you wish to until the cows come home, it will not change anything.
All I am trying to convey and you don't have to take offense to the fact that I am not about to put on a black robe and pretend I'm above anyone.
Who ever said we have to say this or that is good or bad, right or wrong. Maybe, just maybe, it's those few embodied souls in this world that feed off that way of thinking and it maintains these control systems in place.
At this point, I am done with this conversation, you have contradicted yourself to such an extreme, as to be alarming.
peace love light
Hi james, I'm not saying anyone deserves these things and I fully understand what unconditional love is, you may be missing my point.
The point is, is that these things occur and so it is what it is, I'm only offering possible reasons why these things occur to whatever the age of the human is.
In fact, by you judging any abuse towards another of any age, that is conditional. You see I'm not judging anything, I'm observing the world and giving possible reasons why it is so.
Though from my perspective, none of these things that could be deemed harmful, are not by chance. If the source of all that is represents pure unconditional love, which I think is the case, then it is completely understandable that these things could occur, as it would be a learning experience by those in agreement to experience them.
The only issue is, we would hope that those souls that have already learned a particular lesson, would not need to repeat it again.
I do recall some saying duality is the fast track learning dimension and I can see why that is the case.
Massive variances in contrast to that of unconditional love is a sure way to speed up ones evolution, from my perspective.
I profess to unconditionally love all, though with that being the case, I cannot use force to alter the choices and actions of another, then what would be the point of us all being in seemingly separate bodies. It is to make choices and experience. Just let go and be in neutrality if you can. Spirit will take care of the rest and if you don't have faith in that, then take a look around and see the results, observe and you will see that any punishment or judgment in any form leads to prison/slave world. Who would be the judge of another, how can that be possible?
Maybe that's one of lessons to be learned, you decide.
peace love light
Hi folks, Hi sagitarius13, thanks for your question thread.
I would say that using fear and physical or mental violence is definitely not the most harmonious way to deal with any situation.
Though with that said, I do think that to some degree, we do attract to us situations, though like i said, that is only to a degree.
Now as for young children being abused, it is hard to say if somehow there is a residual from a previous life being acted out, to show a particular child what it is like to be on the receiving end of such treatment, if this child did something similar to another in a previous life, it is possible i think.
So I do think that ultimately, we get away with nothing, we always have to learn from our choices and actions in some way.
Also, I am realizing that at this point in time, our actions, thoughts and words and intentions towards others is being reflected back at an extraordinary speed, so be sure to try and embody unconditional love to the best your ability, or anything less will come back and bite you.
also, james pretty much said what I would say about the control systems in place and I would say that those systems have fostered much of peoples behaviors, thought of course at the end of the day, it is solely our choice when it comes to the basic common law principles.
Which would fit in one sentence, do no harm to anothers body or in any way restrict its use or movement and do no harm to anothers so called property or in any way restrict the use or movement of such so called property, as if we really own anything anyway, lol.
As can be seen, it's very simple and there is no need for thousands of so called laws or color of law (legal system or statutes).
The only reason, as james pointed out, that they created these punitive-punishment style systems, is to consolidate power and control over the masses and thereby enslave societies.
In fact just the other day, I used the example of a 3-4 year old going into a grocery store and taking what food the child needs because the child is starving, I said this to my mother, who is an open minded woman.
Her response was what I would expect, she said of course that's ok, but then made the example of a child taking a candy bar and being punished by police. Her response was fairly compassionate, though her next comment shows there is a conditioning of human minds to see so called adults as separate or different from a child, lol.
As if to say, oh the adult is not innocent, but the child is innocent and that is tragic for a child to starve or be hungry. This is obvious brainwashing.
Then I pointed out, how is this 3-4 year old child any different from a so called grown up and I got a response, something along the lines of responsibility and you know, a grown up should know better than a child, sort of thing.
And you don't even want to know what my fathers view is on this as a so called christian man, lol.
I asked my father one day, Do you think people should have to work to eat or basically live and he said, yes.
Now maybe you can see how this limited perspective of the reality of the world thus far and the human systems of living and how my fathers thinking can cause massive suffering and then multiply him with the many others that probably have been conditioned to think the same way.
Then it's easy to understand why and how these punishment systems have been kept going, the people support the darn things, that's how, due to blind ignorance and i think this ignorance spell is lifting from the earth.
At the end of the day, know you are a sovereign being and as james said, you will be within the authority of source or prime creator and your higher self.
One way or another, your basic needs and your freedom will be fulfilled, know this and it is so.
As many, many others have said, we are powerful beings, infinite consciousness. All these so called systems are meant to do only one thing, try and get you to forget this fact by lowering your vibrational energetic frequency, which for a time negates the effectiveness of your infinite creative power.
peace love light