[spirit_truths] You'll want to read this - - -     Mar 25, 2011




Special "Matthew Commentary" Regarding Japan Nuclear Crisis!...plus UFO
crash in Russia
...plus HAARP info!

Jean Hudon wrote

Suzy Ward sent me a correspondence she had on March 18 with Hannah
Beaconsfield in which Suzy wrote:

"Three nights ago I had a call from Gen, the Japanese translator (of
Matthew's books), thanking me for Matthew's message and asking if he had any
more recent information. Matthew said "they" had heard that some ETs would
land and help reduce the radiation situation but that information hadn't
been verified.

The next day was crazy so it was very late when I asked God if he knew what
Matthew had told me. He said yes, and he could verify it. A small ship had
landed about a mile from the nuclear facility and the crew was using their
technological equipment in conjunction with more extensive equipment in
ships overhead; no one at the facility would know the crew was on the

I relayed that to Gen and this morning he wrote: Somehow the radiation
leakage from those reactors has been suppressed miraculously under critical
level. I believe ETs' efforts are being manifested. There have also been
video reports showing small UFOs flying at the sites."


The following question from Suzy and answer from the Pleiadians, as
channeled by Hannah were also included:

Suzy's question: Has a small group of ETs landed in Japan to help?

We are the Pleiadian Light. We greet you with peace and joy.

Our perception on the assistance being given by ETs is that it is a
multi-level force - a sort of intergalactic Peace Corps. There are several
planetary groups contributing.

Remember, you live in a reflective universe. On your living planet there are
many sources of help being sent to Japan: financial help, food and goods for
survival, as well as people with specialized training to assist in finding
survivors, tending the injured, and those who direct and coordinate all of
the above.

Now, if you translate all that to ET assistance, you can imagine that the
different planetary groups are providing a wide variety of help. And this
includes some actual visitors to Earth.

God forbid we should contradict God (we know he has a sense of humor) and
we're not (***contradicting God) . We just wish to put things in a larger
perspective. The on-Earth assistants are acting primarily as grounding
agents for the intergalactic energies.

They are not running around with clipboards, carrying blue prints designed
to correct the malfunctions of the nuclear plants. Then again, they might
look exactly like that, but their true mission is to ground the alien
energy, like lightning rods, to hold it on Earth. This allows ETs to send
countermeasures from within their own technologies to alter the situations.
The ETs are also downloading information and ideas into receptive Earth
minds of those who are working valiantly to save their people and their

We wouldn't characterize these visitors as a major landing party. There have
been many visits like this throughout your history in both creative, as well
as, destructive events on Earth. Our sense is that the visitors are
Pleiadian and some Sirius individuals dating from the periods in their
development that resonate with the next step, the ascension period, in
yours. They hold in their cultures the patterns you need to learn to proceed
with your growth.

All is unfolding with more ease and grace than you presently perceive. As
fears fade your perceptions will clear and you'll see more Light. Be at
Peace. We are with you.

NOTE: To find out more about Suzy Ward and how she receives her channeled
messages. go at www.matthewbooks.com


Related evidence:  (Posted in Jean Hudon"s today's Rainbow Scribe

Massive UFO activity in Japan prior to Earthquake

It began with a report three weeks ago of a UFO fleet being seen by
witnesses as it moved over Japan's Mount Fuji before the individual craft
fanned out across the area. This event was reported in all seriousness by no
less than China's main government news agency, Xinhua (see their article
here and our article here). Western Media steadfastly refused to report the
event. The US based "UFO industry" also chose to completely ignore or
suppress any information regarding this event, seemingly regarding it as
unimportant: This publication was the sole English language news outlet that
ran a story on this occurrence. Shortly after, we covered further sightings
in Japan (see articles here and here). There was no doubt about it, UFO
activity in Japan was unprecedented and something was happening in the area.
For two weeks now our website's front page headline has stated "Asia awash
with UFO and alien events". In a subsequent article we asked: "The question
now on the minds of many Japanese citizens is, if indeed these craft are of
extraterrestrial origin, what do they want from Japan?"

Numerous UFO sightings in Japan continue to be made, right up to this
moment, and are still being ignored by the West. We just received a second
witness's footage of the UFO fleet seen a week ago (see first video below)
and close-up footage of what appears to be one of the craft originally seen
above Mt Fuji (see second video below). UFOs have now been spotted in the
aftermath of the Earthquake, even during media broadcasts (see bottom two
videos and take a look at this video from the BBC and note the object seen
at around 1:59).

The connection between UFOs and earthquakes has been made by hundreds of
researchers. Academics such as professor Michael Persinger of Ontario's
Laurentian University have written about the topic extensively. I myself
received dozens of emails from UFO enthusiasts telling me that all of this
activity alludes to an upcoming earthquake. Can this really be co-incidence?
As I write, reports are filtering through announcing that one of Indonesia's
major volcanoes has erupted and is spewing lava, forcing locals to evacuate.
Indonesia's first crop circle was reported only weeks ago.

The question now being asked by many is: If indeed these UFOs are under
benevolent alien control and these beings were aware of the coming disaster
why didn't they warn us? Perhaps they did, but we weren't listening. It is
time the connection between UFOs and earthquakes is taken seriously. If it
is being taken seriously, the public deserves to know.

UFO fleet seen above Japan prior to Earthquake and Tsunami - more footage!

Another UFO seen in Japan prior to Earthquake and Tsunami

UFO seen over Mount Fuji, Japan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p_h37VaMBH4

UFO fleet over Japan: Possibly prior to 8.9 magnitude earthquake?

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3.   (Posted in Jean Hudon"s today's Rainbow Scribe Newsletter)


Massive UFO event in Russia: Crashed flying saucer?

By Michael Cohen - 17 March  2011

A UFO event of Roswell proportions has taken place in Russia and is being
ignored by Western media. On March 1 in the Irkutsk region of Siberia, a
huge object, glowing pink and blue according to some accounts, was seen by
thousands of locals as it hurtled towards Earth. An enormous explosion was
then heard over a wide area. Curious and frightened residents inundated
various police and rescue departments with phone calls. The military soon
confirmed that it had not been doing any exercises in the area and therefore
cannot be responsible for any reports of UFOs.

One villager, Mr Sergei Ivanov, described what he saw: "It did not look like
an aircraft, more like a UFO or some other unexplained object".

Soon a large array of officials inundated the area: Army chiefs, Air Defense
personnel, Ministry of Defense officials, heads of police, Emergency
Ministry staff, geophysicists, avionics experts and members of the secret

These officials made their way towards site of the alleged crash, declared
the event classified and announced to the media that the specific area of
impact would not be revealed.

Meanwhile a sizable number of journalists arrived in the region and fanned
out to the area's various settlements in search of witnesses: And they found
them in the hundreds. Some locals blamed the event on a alien UFO base said
to exist beneath Lake Baikal. Others talked of intense UFO activity leading
up up the event.

The head of a primary school in the town of Vasilevka recounted how she saw
a giant pyramid shaped UFO in the skies above the area in June 2010. The
mayor of the village of Bayanday, Anatoly Tabinaev, talked of a giant flying
saucer that shot a ray of light onto the ground near his house. Another
group of residents talked about an odd object that "crashed" near the
village leaving behind only mysterious footprints.

Only hours prior to this event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia
claim to have picked up a UFO on radar travelling at 6000 mph at a height of
65000. When they tried to speak with the crew of that craft they heard
bizarre cat noises being uttered to them. Are these two events connected?
Was this the craft that crashed later that day? And finally: Did the craft
actually crash at all or was this just a noisy landing?

The video below shows some footage taken of the event.

Residents in Irkutsk see UFO for second day

NOTE from Jean: I had forwarded this article above to Suzy Ward with a
suggestion to check this out with Matthew but she consulted instead with
Hatonn, who according to what is posted at
http://www.matthewbooks.com/mm/anmviewer.asp?a=47 is "director of
communications between Earth and all points elsewhere during the era of
Earth changes" and also "commander of an intergalactic fleet":

Hatonn, do you know anything about this?

Yes, it was an eight-person reconnaissance craft with crew members from
different civilizations, and it was struck head-on by a scalar beam. Larger
ships can avoid those but the small ones are vulnerable.

I'm sorry, Hatonn.

So are all of us. I don't know if this will change plans in any way, though.

You mean landing plans?

No, I mean if there's retaliation. We'd need authorization, and it couldn't
be a matter of quid pro quo, it would be based on taking out those
facilities run by your mad scientists so they can't turn that weaponry
against you.

Who would authorize that action?

God. It would come to us through the highest council in the universe, the
same ones who designed the Golden Age master plan.

I see. Thank you, Hatonn.

Of course, my friend.

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What is This Loud NOISE (HAARP, UFO, ??!!??!!)
(March 19, 2011) EXACT SAME SOUND!!!
Comment posted there:

Jean Hudon wrote (Matthew's comment below)

"After some? quick research I found an article written up on this.
Apparently this was heard over a great distance where the National Weather
Services stated was heard across the Florida big bend." CHECK ALSO HAARP
WEATHER CONTROL could be part of NWO DEPOPULATION PLAN, here's the science
and HAARP at work? and The H.A.A.R.P. Woodpecker sound and Haiti/Chile
EarthQuake H.A.A.R.P 2010 and Haiti Earthquake - HAARP - Jesse Ventura-
Truth Exposed  (Government caused the 7.0 Earthquake in Haiti with these 3.6
millions watts emitting antennas)

Weird Noise Phenomena in Florida
(w/Video) (21 MARCH 2011)

Two very weird phenomena stories out of the Florida beginning on March 9
when residents in Flagler County located on the east coast of Florida
reported a loud noise-'very strange sounds' that lasted 'up to 20 minutes'.
[Video, which is pretty amazing, below] Nine days later, one day before the
Super Moon, scared Floridians near Tallahassee, located over 200 hundred
miles to the northwest of Flagler County, reported the ground and buildings
shaking. (...) From Mystery Booms: Earthquake "booms" have been reported for
a long time, and in the US they tend to occur more in the Northeastern US
and along the East Coast. There have been many reports of "booms" that
cannot be explained by man-made sources. No one knows for sure, but
scientists speculate that these "booms" are probably small shallow
earthquakes that are too small to be recorded, but large enough to be felt
by people nearby. In New Madrid, Missouri, there are accounts of
"artillery-like" sounds that were said to have occurred before or during the
New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812. Mystery booms coming from deep in the
plate boundary were reported in Indonesia for many months before the
December 2004 quake and tsunami. From Weirdus.com: Over the past fifty years
Floridians have periodically heard unexplained booming sounds. These
acoustical mysteries have occurred in both the atmosphere and underground.
In the 1950s, booming sounds were frequently heard in the Ocala National
Forest but most of those were attributed to the military's Ocala Bombing

However, in more recent times the same kind of sounds have been heard over a
wider area without any apparent connection to military activities. People
described the sounds "like a super-sonic aircraft makes when it breaks the
sound barrier." Windows would rattle and the ground would shake which caused
some people to say it was coming from underground. CLIP - Note from Jean:
More HERE on this weird phenomenon about which I received on March 24 the
following confirmation from Mark Graffis (mgraffis@gmail.com): "A lot of
people e-mailed me about a mysterious loud sound in Florida a few days ago
that was confirmed by a friend of a good friend.

A few months ago when we had an earthquake it was accompanied by a loud
ongoing booming sound that was pretty scary." To which I've replied To me
that rhythmic noise seems like the sound effect resulting from the use of
one or many HAARP arrays and bodes nothing good. What you heard during the
earthquake was perhaps natural though according to What does an earthquake
sound like and does it sound like thunder?  "Imagine hearing thunder,
explosions, or cracking under the ground, or the roar of an underground
train where there is no subway.

All of these sounds may he heard during or even up to 2 weeks before an
earthquake. The noise is the sound of earth actually moving and breaking."
I've also sent this whole matter above to Suzy Ward's attention in case
she'd like to check with Matthew or Hatonn on what they know about this
amazingly scary sound... and she sent me the following comment from Matthew:

Matthew speaks

"Mother, all of those sounds emanate from the Illuminati's scientists
testing of their various technologies or implementing them to set off
another round of destructiveness."

Then later on (March 25, 4 am my time) she sent this additional message she
was given by Hatonn for Gen Morita, the Japanese translator of her books who
has now just moved to Hawaii with his family:

"Hatonn here. Do not give up hope about your homeland! Discussions at the
highest levels of the universal council are going on as to dismantling that
grid system, and what the counter effects may be with our various

It's not a matter of if, but how we shall prevent more destruction to the
planet by that diabolical means."

Suzy added: "He said there's no time line on this, but we'll know because
future quakes or eruptions will be fewer and mild -- most of the negativity
that Earth had to release already has been. He said that's the paradox about
that particular use of HAARP -- it's intended to create massive amounts of
negativity but has been releasing much more than it creates."

NOTE: To find out more about Suzy Ward and how she receives her channeled
messages, go at www.matthewbooks.com

Earthquake Booms, Seneca Guns, and Other Sounds


Earthquake "booms" have been reported for a long time, and they tend to
occur more in the Northeastern US and along the East Coast. (...) there have
been many reports of "booms" that cannot be explained by man-made sources.
No one knows for sure, but scientists speculate that these "booms" are
probably small shallow earthquakes that are too small to be recorded, but
large enough to be felt by people nearby.

As it turns out... there are many factors that contribute to the "sound'
that an earthquake makes. To begin to understand these factors we have to
understand the different types of waves, the speed they travel through the
earth, and the speed that sound travels through the air. (...) There are
accounts of "artillery"-like sounds that were said to have occurred before
or during the New Madrid earthquakes of 1811-1812.

NOTE from Michael:  All is well.  HOLD the vision of "UFO Disclosure" made
any day now!
So be it!!  We are ONE.

         ***Keep your focus on what is coming that will lift you up! --
         "Do not ask God to Guide your Footsteps if you are not willing to
move your Feet."

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  • What the hell they took the ufo videos off youtube i knew i should have downloaded them before i posted it...
  • HOW WONDERFUL!  I did not think the US SECRET GOVERNMENT would admit the UFO presence.  They are in a state of denial thinking that they have everybody by the gonads but in REALITY they have nobody by nothing and should just admit to how they have hijacked an entire nation and be done with it.  I have been sensing this grounding of the "ground crew" and I have known that they are doing their best to mitigate the consequences of the nuclear tragedy.  Pity that China had the gonads to print the UFO stuff in their news while their American press dutifully ignores it like they have been trained to do and told to do.


    THE TIME TO DISCLOSE IS NOW.  Please Pass this message along because we should encourage this and let everyone know our space family wants to join us in the HERE and NOW of things.  

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