To all believers and skeptics.
To all fans and enemies of Ashtar.
I do not claim to be a guru nor do I seek followers.
I am everywhere and nowhere.
I am the past and the future but most important,
I am Now, and that is forever!
(repeat 3x)
It simply exist! We are the ones who give life meaning, and the example of man's use of life reach into the million-billion of examples and displays.
This website is one good example of the use of human power which attracks many people who congegrate to sincerly and unsincerely seek for understanding in a world which does not openly offer any. Take it from me, there is no such thing as quick or instant enlightenment!
The established and most poplular use of human engery is in becoming pro-creators of life. I am sorry to say that modern life is largely an issue of monkey see, monkey do and very few have what it takes to follow a certain spiritual disipline, nevertheless, what we now have is a population explosion of mass porportions.
People have been conditioned and trained to follow "the way of the World" for many thousands of years and the real population explosion has taken place in the last 500 years! (Since Colombus 500 million people to 6.8 billion!!!)
‘The modification of our DNA and the disconnection of circuitry has inhibited our ability to absorb and utilise the fullspectrum of light. We are ghostly aspects of our full potential,wandering through a near-astral nightmare. This is mirrored in thefeedback of our reality, a reality expressing itself through prisonsgrown opaque with fear, entrenched in duality. Over 80 wars rage acrossthe planet in the grip of a petrochemical addiction that overrides allother allegiances and agendas. Thousands of people die of starvationevery hour. Genocide is perpetrated in Africa and Tibet without theintervention of the United Nations. Mothers sell their children intoslavery. Women are stoned to death for exposing more than their eyes.It all goes way beyond political, social and economic decay as thesexual insanity of paedophilia drives mankind into acts of bestialityand to embody totally the demonic principles in human form. As the relentless march of ecocide makes a mockeryof the emergence of ecologically harmonious technology, shadows dancewith the light. Humanity struggles to maintain its balance, teeteringover the chasm created by polarisation, a foot in both worlds. Is theway forward to take up arms against this sea of madness? You may aswell pray the leaves do not fall this autumn. Peace cannot be writteninto the equation of human rights: it must begin in the heart.’ (quote from Template)
Our situation is so well documented and written out that one could also begin to believe that this is what "Reality" is all about! It is simply just another example of someone using their engery, but I must admit a worthy and good one.
To understand what we all think about God is to first except that fact that you cannot not know! (this is always the first great give-away or sign that anyone on this plant is a fake false prophet or spiritual gangster) "IT"(GOD), not he or she, (I personally like ISNESS), is the giver of the "LIFE" that we are experiencing along with a unthinkable number of other living entieies in multi-dimensional this moment of Now! Got it?
The true or real living person of life is one who looks out and sees objectively the beauty of the moment in oneness and all things, with not duality. Of course the question remains, how does one acheive that?
In many ways and how true it is for us that we have been intercepted and are activly being "pimp" for many uses on many scales in this reality and "higher" others. Is there anyone who would like to openly discuss this with me, or your ideas on spirituality?
CoMdr * LightSpeed *