Walking through park one day I saw what looked like a male in khaki pants, a light shirt and a dark wind breaker walking toward me on a path about 50 yards away. The extremely strange thing about him was that he had no nose, no ears, two completely white eyes with black pupils and the head all covered in brown hair.

When he saw me he ducked though a hedge.  I quickly dashed to the other side of the hedge but he was gone. 

  The pic below is similar to what I saw but without any facial features and no visible mouth.  The hair wasn't sticking out on the sides like the pic.

Stephan Bibrowski

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  • "I agree with you. But how can we stop what is going on?"

    We could identify the DNA-strings of all entities on earth that have the selcted chain that happens to allow for entities of lower 4D to take priority control..  And wipe'em out. ;)
    That'd force the ET's to seek out someone else to renew the deal when it expires.

    But seriously, I don't know .. The last time aliens interfered in my life were just a few months ago when 3 of them "beamed" into my bedroom to do what seemed to be "the adjusting of an implant".
    Now, I have very good control over my own brainwaves, and apparently these aliens measure wether it's safe to enter the frame or not by the brainwave frequency of their "target". I were in a deep meditative state but totally conscious when they came in and started "working". I prentended to be asleep and simply observed them from my third eye instead.

    Now, I must have chocked the hell out of them because I began projecting a thought into their minds where I said: "I know who you are, I know what you're doing, And I'm fine with it, but It's time for you to present yourselves, explain yourselves and TELL me what you're doing! You have nothing to fear from me!".
    In response they immediately dissappeared and they haven't bothered me since. So obviously they have MUCH to fear from me.
    They tried to contact me through a "channel" I've never heard before, just a few weeks ago. I declined the connection and went to sleep so they harassed my dreams for hours until I just sat up in the bed and said: ENOUGH! and simply shut down my right brainhalf and went to sleep.
    Since then they haven't bothered me and I've learned how to tunnel light into the "implant" to blast anyone who try to use that "backdoor" again. ;)

    I suppose we'll end this stupid behaviour of our alien-friends by simply showing them that we KNOW, let them know it in their minds, and DEMAND an explanation. According to Universal Law you have to right to in herit the body of whoever kills you, so I doubt any Grey will risk injecting a fully conscious human mind into the Grey mental Matrix by killing you for that awareness.. You'd become their Emperor Instantly. ;)

    "I feel so powerless."

    I think that's the whole idea.
    The thing is, you aren't.

    They fear you. They fear you so bad they usually don't even show themselves.

    So, with the realization that you are NOT powerless, and the fact that you CAN tunnel light and love through your third eye and into the third eye of the reciever-soul, you could literally TORCH a dark-mind with a single projection of love. That's how you disconnect a grey from his universe. After that, he's yours to mould :)

    The grey's visit me in my dreams sometimes, but they don't like me. All I do is hugging them. They're so cute. :)
    They did have excellent food tho. A VERY tasty bar of some sort. Yum yum ;)

    "The thoughts about the children being hurt is getting too much to handle. The evil scares me and I just can't take in how these people are using and abusing the little ones."

    You HAVE to leave the emotions out of it. You can not function as a lightworker if you let your emotions interfere with your resolve.
    you should not be crying for children who get hurt, you should plan a strategy to free them.
    First of all, get to learn your remote viewing and astral projection capabilities.
    Then you can locate where they are and send in the cavalry.

    There's no limit to what a focused mind can do.
    There's however, greats limits to what emotionally chaotic minds can do.
    Remember that. You control your feelings. Your feelings shall not control you.

    Start there.

    When you're a focused Lightwarrior with an unbreakable resolve (i.e you'll die before you cross your own defined moral line), we can discuss objectives.

  • Thanks Dawn, I am glad to say it has been over ever since I hit menopause awhile back.  I could not serve the purpose for which they used me any more....or that is why I think that I was of no interest to them any more, but I could be wrong, it was in the timing and it just suddenly stopped...All I know is that it messed up my childhood right through adulthood.  I never dreamed that getting old was the only thing that could save me from them....glad  they age discriminate, lol....guess that must be a universal thing.  Now I AM living my golden years as they say, but every time I see a ufo in the sky, while many others are all joyful about it and are so sure that it is filled with benevolent space family, I on the other hand will always have the instinct to cower and run and try to hide, I don't think it will ever go away...I just have to deal with it like any other phobia and try to concentrate on being safe and not obsessing in fear.  But it is like any other phobia, you have to fight it all the time...

  • I hear you Dawn.  I dealt with the same one time after time, although there were others present, and I saw nothing looking human at all....It was like I was assigned to one Gray in particular....odd...There are slight dissimilaries that I noted in size and other features...but as far as I was concerned a Gray was a Gray and they all looked like terror to me.  I never got over the fear...It did seem botlike in a way with the lack of emotions. Could never figure what it was thinking unless it wanted me to...communicated in my head even when I tried to block it out....could not block and that made me very very angry....but it seemed to like my fear....

  • many, many yrs ago I was walking through a park in the middle of the night in the city of Warsaw of Poland . There were no park lights just nice moon~y night. Moon was very bright and like a light illuminating everything around me. All~of~the~sudden a man appeared in front of me and walked by saying hello in english eventhou we were in Poland. I said hi in returned and by instinct I turned back as he walked by me just to realize that no one is there.

    Couple yrs ago I spent couple months in Idaho remodeling a house where I spend the nights there. Every night , I believe, a ghost walked around second floor ; I am convinced that I heard footsteps walking  in circles. After first few days I decided to sleep outside.

    And most importantly , the profound dream I had when I was 5 yrs old ( or so I think ) and when I was 14 that convinced me that I am different from my peers and everyone around me. However, I will not share the dream here, couse it might sound far fetched for average person but it thought me of who I am and why i am here in this particular reality here and now.

    There was a time when my marriage was failing and it threw me into total depression and suicidal tendencies as a result of this situation, so in a act of desperation I started praying for a guidance from higher power; within minutes a voice spoke to me convincing me that my life is too special to end prematurely like that. Next day I filed for divorce and my life been wonderfully incredible and thriving . Who spoke to me I can't be sure of but my intuition tells me that my angel guides and protectors have been watching over me, always.

    • I think you are right about angel protectors. When I was in the hospital one came to my room and helped me to sleep after not sleeping in three days...That is so wonderful and I am glad you are still with us Assiya.

  • Since the dimensions in my life are intersecting nowadays, I experience all kinds of weird stuff. Phone-numbers get re-arranged, things change their function, otherwise functional circuitry is now completely random and so on..

    It's a bit difficult to manage actually. :)

    If such things are happening to more ppl than me I'd be a little less aprehensive about it. :)

  • wise words Marianinia!

  • I've encountered a lot of strange things. Real strange things, not just people's attitudes lol I remember as a kid, we lived in a haunted house...and alot of strange things happened there. I remember one night, I saw a dark figure in my room. Other times, we'd hear knocking, or footsteps, or breathing, or pots bashing together. We'd see doors opening and closing by themselves, doorknobs turning by themselves, lights going on and off. Things shaking, or what sounded like a marble bouncing in the bathtub, or on the floor....even though there was nothing there. One time my brother tried to open his door to get out of his room, and it was like the door was being held by some invisible force...trying to keep him in there, and he was yelling and hollering. Alot of strange things.

    I remember, my first trip to Mexico, me and my girlfriend were walking at night, and alot of places in Mexico have like street dogs...dogs that live in the street basically. And that night, we were walking, and we came across this big black dog, all black, with red glowing eyes....I thought it was a demon type dog...I looked at him, and he didn't bark or anything, but he was looking at us pretty intensely...and we just continued walking.

    I see lights all the time around me, just yesterday I was on the computer, and I saw this light, it was a like a pop light, it popped into view for a second, then disappeared. Sometimes I'll see things in the corner of my eye, like someone walking, but then I'll look, and there's nothing there. One time I was in the storage, and I swear I heard someone whisper my name in my ear, John.

    I've experienced alot of strange things. But those are just paranormal things, there's been a lot of strange Earthly worldly things that have happened to me too lol It's a strange world we live in.

    • Long haul truckers say when they push themselves too much and get real tired they sometimes see 'the black dog' running along the highway or run in front of them.

  • For those who saw poltergeist, at the end of the movie where the scientist / Hollywood built a Plexiglas house and the victim or bait was sitting in had a tank of liquid hydrogen suspended above it no ceiling so they could freeze this entity that was following this lady around.

    It was hug,  that entity sat on me one night I had fallen asleep on the hide a bed couch.   The skin on my body were this thing touched slid under the tremendous weight, like you see and astronaut in a centrifuge machine, skin just pushed down and away, could not breath or move from the shear weight of it. 

    After a seemingly long time, as I was about to pass out from oxygen depravation. The thing got up and went away. I got up went to the bath room almost didn’t make it.  Came out turned on every light in the house, tv’s, radio’s, ran the water in the sink for awhile, I had to get my senses back to normal, at 2:30 AM ya know,   In my head it kept running over and over there was nothing there but thin air, and YET I was being crushed alive. Holly crap that was big for me.

    And who in the hells going to listen or believe me, so the sinking feeling. I’m nuts and alone really alone, and this came out of no where!  Totally helpless. 

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