

Your Ultimate Wish By Natalie Glasson &

Lord Melchizedek

Greetings, beloved beings of light, I am Lord Melchizedek. It is an honour to be present with your shining light.  Today, I wish to encourage you to explore your inner light, and to connect with the Creator, to explore your happiness, your purpose, your existence upon the Earth.

There is a beautiful energy flowing forth in the ascension process from the Creator, and it can be experienced as a warm embrace from the Creator where you are comforted and supported in the Creator's vibrations. In this space of comfort and embrace the Creator intimately asks you through the energy vibration being transmitted, to describe your ultimate wish.

This is the wish of the purest essence of your being, in association with your current reality and lifetime. As the Creator embraces you and asks you this question, so many answers may come into your awareness. There is only one answer that resonates deeply with you, and will create an activation.

Imagine the Creator asking you this one question:

What is your ultimate wish?

Imagine that the Creator is ready and willing to grant this ultimate wish. Would you believe that it is possible? Do you believe yourself to be deserving of your wish manifesting fully? Take some time to contemplate. Do you truly believe that the Creator can grant you your ultimate wish? Do you truly believe that you will receive it? With this contemplation observe what comes to the surface. You will discover and understand yourself more thoroughly. 

It may be that your ultimate wish is to have a new home or to create a family or to have your business thrive or maybe to go on holiday. These answers are not deep enough, they are not as deeply connected to your essence and your truth as is needed. 





There is a need to ask for the vibration of your ultimate wish to activate within you and begin to pulsate throughout your being so that you can begin to pulsate and radiate the energy and the embodiment of your ultimate wish.

Without even understanding what it is. The wish that your soul, your essence, your truth wishes to bring into manifestation will offer complete fulfilment, and connection with the Creator. I, Lord Melchizedek, invite you daily to ask for the vibration of your ultimate wish to radiate and activate from within your being, merging with your entire being.

I, Lord Melchizedek invite you to meditate upon this vibration of your ultimate wish knowing that as this ultimate wish manifests, and you embody it within your being, the Creator will grant this wish.

It's not that the Creator judges your wishes, it is that your wish is like a key that awakens and deepens your connection with the Creator. A moment of enlightenment or illumination when you discover, embody, and recognise your ultimate wish. It will already be present with you.

The Creator will only energise and magnify your embodiment of it as if offering blessings. This journey is known as one of the Ascended Master Initiations, and it is taught in many mystery schools and Ascended Masters Schools, and universities across the inner planes.  

When you recognise that you can manifest your ultimate wish, something within you changes and shifts. You learn to trust yourself, you learn to go deeper within, you learn to trust the Creator. You learn to co-create with the Creator.

You realise that everything is within you, you realise that in order to manifest something, there is first a need to activate it within your being and to embody it. You may realise that you feel very undeserving of the Creator's attention and connection. You may realise that you do not believe that the Creator will support you, and you may not even believe in your own abilities.

This will allow you to recognise many, many wounds that are required to be healed and many false understandings that are required to be realigned with your essence and truth.

The concept that you can achieve, embody and experience your ultimate wish, and the Creator will support you in manifesting your wish, creates such a tremendous journey of growth, and everything that you become aware of, every understanding, every discovery, whether it seems negative or positive, inspirational or blocking will all be part of your journey.

You will recognise the vibration that you truly are. You will recognise the vibration within your being that you have come to the Earth to share with others. To anchor into Mother Earth.

This vibration will manifest in many connections with other people, and many experiences. It is a very transformational initiation supporting you in accessing your happiness, your fulfilment, and your connection, with the Creator or self.

You can begin by inviting the vibration of your ultimate wish to activate within your being and radiate outwards. Then meditate with this and begin to receive any insights, understandings or ideas.

When it feels appropriate, you can call forth the Creator to bless your ultimate wish. It is important to do this when you feel as if you have a great embodiment of the ultimate wish and a great understanding of the ultimate wish. It is in that moment that you can call for the Creator to bless you and to bless your ultimate wish.

Remember that if your wish is lengthy or if it begins from the physical reality it may not be appropriate. If the vibration is pure, clear, inspires you, makes you feel happy and fulfilled, while encouraging you to take action in your physical reality, then you will know that the vibration is true.

I, Lord Melchizedek, will be present to support you. It is a wonderful opportunity and the wonderful Ascension initiation.

I thank you, 

 I am Lord Melchizedek

To watch Natalie's video or get a free audio download of this message, just click on this link: https://omna.org/your-ultimate-wish-by-lord-melchizedek/?mc_cid=ec9...

Video - Goddess Tara & Tibetan Monks of Melchizedek Shambala Activation - https://www.youtube.com/live/cJNoi8burNA?feature=share








Helping You Shift Into The 5th Dimension

Welcome, my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness. Now on this video, it contains the meditation that you can listen to that will help you be in a fifth dimensional state of consciousness. I believe this video can change your life simply by listening to it and by doing this meditation.


Now, just before you get into the meditation, I wanted to explain a little bit about why to do this meditation and also what it is. So on the planet right now, we are moving from a level of consciousness of duality, of positionality, of being in the autopilot mind of really emphasizing time, linear space, causality, and a lot of times you'll see that in three d level of consciousness, it's reactive to the environment.


It's the news, it's the media. Everything in our society that has been controlled has kept us in a certain state of consciousness that has kept us from getting into who we really are. Now a fifth dimensional state of consciousness is that of connection. Feeling love between you and other people with the awareness that those other people are connected to you.


It's a level of consciousness of you being in your passion, you being in the authentic expression of who you are and really of you bringing in five d energy. You are a multidimensional being. Whether you remember this or not, and being in the five d state of consciousness means you are bringing through the energy of more of who you are. This we forget who we are, we identify with our ego and because we identify with our ego, we stay trapped in the three d reality.


You are so much more than your ego and you're so much more than you can even imagine and when you start to tap into the fifth dimensional states of consciousness, you will also feel higher vibrational emotions. You'll find that when you go out into the world you just feel more connected to other people. You feel more joy, peace, love these becoming natural state of who you are and right now on the planet there is a shifting that is going on.


Video - This Meditation Will Shift You Into The 5th Deimension














Only one flower in the world. There used to be a song called.
I don't have to be number one.
The original and special Only One
Out of love God sent you, the pure and unique personality you are.
Please bloom beautifully ♡ and he is watching over us.
Lovingly, proudly and honestly, let your light of love shine through your individuality.
Even if there isn't a single flower there, I want you to bloom.
Tune in to the waves of your love and joy, one flower will bloom one after another.
Be like a flower bud ❤
It's going to be heaven on earth.










Blueprinted Perfection in this Time
of Required Ascension Change By Marie Mohler

 April-May 2023 Energy Update

It is Mother Earth, Mother Mary, El Morya, and the Arcturian High Council here, streaming through the Living Light of God Consciousness and thus the Living Light of Unity Consciousness. It is clear that the Earth and all upon her are going through a great cleansing, through April 2023’s Showers and Rains of Living Light. And through this Powerful Cleansing, this Potent Sustenance, and these Energies of Water, Light, Sound, and Ether, people are rising to uncover, rediscover, and remember what is True. They are being cleansed and activated to open to Divine Truth.


And they are being summoned Home to the Higher Heart of Source Energy within themselves . . . to honor and embody the Living Light of their Divinity again. So through the Winds and Rains of Change, a New Consciousness is being born on Planet Earth. This is a Risen Consciousness. A Divine Consciousness. And truly a Unified God Consciousness.


April May 2023 Energy Update ~ frequencywriter.org ~ Blueprinted Perfection


So let us breathe a Deep Divine Conscious Breath In. Let us invite this Sacred Prana that is given directly from Source, that comes directly from the Heart and Soul of the Living Creation, to shower every single cell and cellular structure within our beings. Invite this Sacred Prana that comes from the Pureness of the Godheart to touch all of the places inside you that desire a Complete, Holistic, and Joyous Awakening to receive these Rains of Divine Sacred Prana.


Your cells wish to bathe in the Light of God Frequencies again . . . for it has been a long, long journey into Spiritual Dehydration, and thus Shrinking, Wrinkling, Distorting, and Contorting your cells, your souls, and your original eternal Divine Light and turning into contracted, ego led, matrix subservient incarcerated beings who live in the density of the Serpent’s Games and Illusions.


Breathe this Sacred Light and this Divine Breath into all of your cells ready for More. Ready for the GodSpark to fill you and to fuel you again, so much so that you realign and reactivate your Light within, to vibrate in harmony with your Soul’s Song, your Sacred Song, that God breathed and sang through you when your Soul was first Conceived.


With these Sacred Divine Breaths today dear ones, you are breathing your way all the way back to your Divine Beginnings. You are breathing your way back to your Divine Perfection that shines radiantly inside your Eternal Divine Blueprint.


Your Blueprint from God cannot shrink. It cannot be contorted. It cannot be incarcerated. Not really. Only your perceptions can. And in physical dense realities such as the 3D Earth has been, the manipulated reality of the serpent’s den can make it feel so real.


What if any illness, any distortion, any suffering was a holographic image of an experience of you being ill, living in distortions, or chronically suffering? What if those stories of you weren’t True at all? What if they are the “make believe” that the Serpent’s Matrix has conditioned people to believe about God, and God/Source/Creator’s non-existence in the Universe and in Creation itself? What if anything less than your joy, freedom, creative expression, physical perfection, appreciation, and grace is the Illusion Itself? What If?


We like that question. What if? Because it is open ended. It is unassuming. It is open to new ways of seeing and receiving, than questions like How? And Why? What if . . . is a mystical question that cruises by the Ego’s Vaults, Locks, Deadbolts, and Landmines that more typically trap you in rattling around more Left Brain, Black and White types of Inquiries, that often only allow one right answer out of two potential ones. What if is dreamy. What if is playful. What if is an expression of the soul that is open to possibilities.


Video - Light Language - The Language Of Spirit




So let’s go back to the question we spoke to a moment ago. What if anything less than the best vision for you and your life that you might presently be living, what if IT, what if THAT, is the illusion? And what if your suffering is your soul’s cues to you that THAT is the false matrix, and not your Divine Best Timeline where you are living your Joy, your Talents, your Purpose, and your Light in the most meaningful blissful ways?


And with that said, what if the world is not living ITS best Joy, Talents, Purpose, Cooperation, Collaboration, and Unity, in Harmony with the Greater Cosmos? The disharmony is the Illusion. The Separation is the Illusion. The Judgement, Wars, Division, and Propaganda-Infused Belief Systems of many people on the planet right now are all a Grand Illusion?


And what if in the Rainshowers of Powerful Waters and Illuminating Light Codes, Ascensionary Etheric Frequencies are restoring Harmony within Disharmony, Order within the Chaos, Abundance from within the Poverty and Scarcity Consciousness that plagues so many, and Joy within Despair?


God has already seeded all of the ingredients and living light codes inside each of you to be His Garden of Eden. Each one of you is a Whole, Perfect, Gorgeous, and Abundant Divine Garden of Eden, bearing Fruit and the Fruitfulness of a God/Source/Creation/Creator aligned Life and Life Force. You were born and conceived AS A SOUL out of God’s Love, out of the Divinity in God’s Heart, and out of the Purity of God’s Ever Expanding Love For You and For Creation in perpetuity.

You are loved beyond measure. You are perfect beyond measure. You are fruitful beyond measure. And the expansiveness of that frequency in you is finding you again this month, and throughout all of 2023 and this whole new decade. You are the God Frequency you seek. It’s all there. Blueprinted In You. It is your Essence. It is your Core Light in your being.


Video - April-May 2023 Energy Update: Blueprinted Perfection in this Time of Required Ascension Change -




When storms of all kinds blow through your life, when people you love pass away, when your bank account is low or even empty at times, when you feel the squeeze of your ego, of your finances, or your ability to have compassion in any given moment, when you are challenged to be kind instead of critical towards yourself or others, when your body aches, or your heart hurts due to an emotional response to a trigger in your life, when you are stressed and found wanting, when you feel overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the swirls of energies blowing through and flooding your world, . . . stop where you are. Ground.


Take a conscious breath. And ask Source to breathe Divine Prana into your Heart Center, into your Light Center, and into your Divine Blueprint and Consciousness again. And allow God to meet you there. Allow Source and Spirit to meet you there. Allow the Light of God’s Truth in You to meet you there. Its You. 


This Peace, Calm and Perfection is You. God is simply meeting you in the serenity of your summoning God’s Expansive and All Knowing Presence in your Life Force, and into the Core of your own Divine Presence.


What if you are invited to breathe in this way throughout April 2023 and May 2023, as more shakes and quakes in your financial markets? And as more shakes and quakes in your global systems and structures? And as more shakes and quakes in your very local systems and structures? All is interconnected, dear ones. The shakes and quakes all around you in your 3D world structures must crumble the entire illusion. They are designed to crumble the entire system. The entire Serpent’s Den. The Entire Serpentine Illusion.


By breathing consciously, willingly, committedly, your hearts are opening and expanding to receiving the Divine Breath that you need to transcend this illusory world.  You will breathe the Prana that you need to transcend this realm of Serpentine Deceptions and Incarceration.


Your new life is simply a Conscious Breath away that can lead you and land you in a whole New Earth experience. Your breath support is vital to the smoothness and the joy of this Ascension that is birthing Truth, Light, and Eternal Life again lived with the Pureness of Divine Reunion With Source, with Spirit, with Gaia, and with the Harmony in the Universe that all are being summoned Home to once more.


April May 2023 Energy Update ~ frequencywriter.org ~ April Showers


April Showers are raining Truth, Light, Quakes, Shakes, and all Cooperative Components necessary to shake up the foundations of serpent fakery and the structures of serpent illusions as well as to build and launch and emerge the New Systems that operate through the Light of Unity Consciousness, the Living Frequencies of God’s Abundance and Joy, and the Living Frequencies of God’s Seasons and Blueprints of Perfection.


April Showers are seeding your own Gardens. April Showers are seeding the Earth Mother as well, who has her own perfectly Blueprinted Divine Garden.


What seeds are you growing? And are they Conscious 5D Seeds? Or are they GMO’d, toxin sprayed, serpent compliant and distorted seeds? The only way to know is to look. The only way to know is to be impeccable with your thoughts and intentions. And to really look into and feel the vibrations you are cultivating and ingesting on a daily basis, in the garden you presently occupy. That you presently vibrationally inhabit.


Vibrationally inhabiting your life is not new. You have been living this the whole time. You just haven’t known it, for many have forgotten that they are energetic beings. They are divine souls in a physical body temple. And many have thus forgotten where this energy comes from. Where the Source of your Energy truly is.

So you all have been vibrationally inhabiting your lives this whole time. The key is now, what timeline do you want to vibrationally inhabit, now that the element of conscious choice is rising ever more expansively in all of your lives? 


Some people may hang low in their gardens, and continue to vibe in the ruts of the well worn pathways of guilt, shame, anger, disempowerment, blame, projection, etc. 


Some people may rise high in their gardens, desiring to sow new seeds of higher, more luscious fruits and vegetables, and True Soul Experiences in Harmony with Creation, now and forevermore. 


Video - Get Ready To Be Awakened - https://youtu.be/M7rusMM8cQ8


What Garden, what Life, what Blueprint you experience is in many ways a choice. 

The Serpent will offer you more and more Seeds of Suffering. The Serpent is offering this to all of you. For the 3D Matrix is Programmed to Rain Deep Showers of Suffering onto all who reside upon her.


God/Source/Creator is offering you Freedom. Ease. Comfort. Leisure. Bliss. Creativity. And the ability to Flourish as you were meant to Flourish. To Flourish is to Flower. It is to Open and Be the Light of Grace you are.


So we invite you to engage your gardens, to seed your gardens, to breathe Prana every day by calling it into your heart centers. And we invite you to pay close attention to the garden seeds you are planting each day. Are they being planted into the Serpent’s Den or into God’s Grand Garden.


Your vibrational state, your emotional state, your sentient state will communicate with you who you are in every moment. And those are guideposts for you to choose vibrationally to increase where you are because it feels fabulous and on the right track. OR whether you got off track somewhere and where you are needing to reseed your breath into Union with Source in your very next breath that you take.


Ascension is not hard. But illusion makes it hard. Ascension is all about your breathing. And it is all about putting yourself vibrationally into the Timeline and the Vibration essentially that you most wish to inhabit. You are freeing up your Light Bodies dear ones. You are accessing your Vibrational Motor and Locomotion again dear ones.

April May 2023 Energy Update ~ frequencywriter.org ~ Ascension


Conscious Breathing moves you in between timelines. Conscious Breathing is Revealing. It is Revelatory. It is Vibrational. You are an Energetic, Vibrational, Frequency of the Godheart.


If you are struggling or suffering in your life circumstances, pause, and check in with your Breathing. How are you breathing? What is the quality of your breathing? Is it 3D shallow breathing? Or 5D expansive Conscious Breathing? Notice where your breath is. Notice its source. And then, if you need to, simply intend in each breath that you are breathing again in Union with Source. And God will meet you there.


April’s Showers and May’s Flowers will require a whole lot of Conscious Breathing. The Illusion is cracking up. It is being cracked by the Living Light of Source, shaking it to its core.


New life is simultaneously germinating and growing into the hearts and awareness of all. Growth of this magnitude need not trigger fear or suffering. But it may, if people continue to breathe 3D breaths and see through 3D lenses. We shall call those illusion lenses.


And when each person is willing and ready to take them off, they will see this new perfectly blueprinted world of which we speak. Until then, they may need to see through the lenses of illusion and suffering, until they awaken to the Power of Conscious Breathing, Conscious Union with Source, and Dreaming the Joy of their Divine Blueprints and Garden back into form and into their Conscious Awareness again.


Ascension is required now. The Process OF Ascension still inherently involves a great deal of choice. How do you want to experience the Flip? How do you want to experience the Shift and Rise to your Higher Timeline? The Quality of your Breathing will tell you and indicate to you alot of where you vibrationally reside and how right now in this moment and timeline . . . you are surfing those waves of Required Change.


We invite you to Breathe Lighter. Breathe Bigger. And Breathe Deeper. And to thus witness your whole beingness experiencing yourself lifting off and out of the illusion that once engaged your entire field of perception.


You are infinite, expansive, eternal beings. Your gardens have always been within. Plant your infinite, expansive, eternal seeds. Breathe your infinite, expansive, eternal breath every day. As much as you can consciously remember to do so. One minute of conscious breathing a day is a start. Grow it to 5 minutes. Grow it to 10 minutes. Once you set this new Conscious Breathing Pattern into motion, it will become rather quickly Who You Are again.


So consciously Breathe and release Illusion. Consciously Breathe and Embrace Union with Source. Illusion and Source don’t go together. So breathing in Source Union on the inbreath and breathing out illusion on the outbreath can help you clear more and more of the debris (and degree) of illusion out of your physical and vibrational mind body spirit structure.


This makes room for New Earth Seeds of New Life, New Source Alignment, New Bliss, and New Harmony with the True You and the True Unity Consciousness that All of Creation Is.


It’s Time to Jump Timelines. It’s Time to Quantum Leap into the True God Timeline from which you originated. Alignment with Source and this Higher Vibrational Living is truly a Breath Away. It is a Single Conscious Breath away from where you are now, to where your Soul Wants To Be.


Consciously Breathe, and BE The Light, the Divine Expression, the Grounding, and the Calmness in the Storms of Others, that you came to be.


Consciously Breathe and BE Your God Self, now and ever expansively so, in the New Light of the New Age of Aquarius, and in your New God Timeline Experience on your beloved and ever giving Radiant Mother Earth.


You Are Loved, dear ones.
You ARE Love.
All Our Love.



*If you desire to delve deeper into the marrow of these messages, you can access my Marinades messages here that will post on Saturday, April 22nd, 2023 on my Color The Magic YouTube channel.


Video - April 2023 Energy Update - Influx Of Light










Self-Acceptance & Resurrection By Ann Albers &

The Angels


Hi All,

Today the angels talk about accepting yourself as you are as the key to forward motion. I'll share my thoughts about resurrecting your spirit and some tips to help resurrect joy!

Have a blessed & beautiful week,
♥ Ann


Message From The Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You are in a season of renewal upon your earth. You are collectively and individually re-creating yourselves. As a result of the tremendous upheaval these past few years, you are discovering your hearts in whole new ways. You want to live more authentic lives, worry less about pleasing others, and be more concerned with pleasing the Divine within.


This is why so many of you are exhausted. You can no longer push yourself in directions that do not appeal. You can no longer pretend you want to do things you do not. You can no longer spend your energy trying to change anyone else – for better or worse – without feeling frustrated if they do not want to change.


You will find, however, that when you pursue your passions – anything that calls to you, interests you, or makes your spirit sing – you will find incredible resources of time, energy, money, and support flowing into your reality for in your truth, in your love, you tap into the fast-moving currents of love that are flowing upon your planet.


We say this often, but it bears repeating. If you are tired, rest. Stop fighting yourselves. Self-Acceptance is the easiest way to allow your spirit to take charge and fix nearly any situation in your mind, heart, body, or life.


Your body knows what it needs. Your soul knows what it needs. Your mind knows what it needs. In your times of rest, you are incubating new life. In allowing yourself to feel your feelings, you allow love to wash in after their release.


In allowing yourself to pursue a passion, you are allowing love to carry you in its flow. In allowing yourself to dream, you are allowing spirit to share ideas. In spending time alone, you learn to relate more intimately with yourself. In spending time with others, you see yourself in the mirror. Whatever it is you feel drawn to in a given moment, accept it.


As you accept yourself as you are in this moment, no matter whether you would traditionally judge the situation or not, you are shining the unconditional love of the Divine upon yourself. 


As you accept yourself as you are, at this moment, you are saying to the universe, I am worthy of love as I am. "I am who I am," dear ones, is the name God gave to Moses when asked. "I am who I am." repeat that often, or better, "I accept myself as I am... even as I expand into more."


As you accept your heart in a given moment, you open to new guidance in the next. As you accept your so-called negative feelings, they will be granted release, then settle. As you accept your joyous feelings, they will guide you on the path of passion.


As you accept your boredom, you stop fighting yourself and allow creativity to arise. As you accept your desire to get in motion, you allow yourself to ride the waves of inspiration. As you accept your desire to overeat, you will learn that you'd rather be more comfortable.


As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner teenager will no longer have to rebel, throw tantrums, or stubbornly insist on its right to "be." As you accept yourself without judgment or criticism, your inner child will no longer have to justify, explain, or defend their desires. As you accept yourself without judgment you are admitting a glorious truth, "You ARE perfect as you are, even as you expand into more."


An acorn wants to expand into an oak. An oak wants to make acorns. The green acorns sit in the dirt until their little shells crack open in perfection, and they once again reach and stretch to become oaks.

You, too, have many cycles upon your earth and in your personal lives. Honor them. You are in a cycle of recreation so it is particularly important to honor your own personal cycles. In this fashion, the very force of life itself that lives and breathes within you will be allowed to rise up, guide you in grace, and inspire you to the life of your dreams.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels


Video - I Am A Starseed Magician - https://youtu.be/p6O25hYpSQo




Message From Ann


Hi Everyone,



I have gone through countless deaths and resurrections in my life. I've been crucified by people who didn't get their way with me. Each time I went down, I chose to get up and point my thoughts toward anything that felt better. I genuinely mean anything! Once after a person was particularly nasty, I stood reeling in shock until I realized I had to reclaim my joy quickly before I started spiraling downhill. So I looked for the first thing to appreciate and saw my bathroom counters. Never mind the cruel human who had recently ripped me to shreds. I LOVED my counters.


I appreciated the stone, the haulers, cutters, delivery folks, installers, and the smooth, cool finish. I started looking around my bathroom and appreciated the fixtures, lights, and old but still-soft towels. I buried my face in one and enjoyed its fresh scent. I ran my hands under cool water and felt the soothing flow on my skin. I was finally able to breathe again. I reveled in the feeling of that deep, cleansing breath. I started to remember that I had a good life, was a good person, and that most people I interact with are healthy and kind souls.


Suddenly I felt compassion for the hurting soul. I saw clearly how their cruelty directly resulted from their pain and inability to manage their emotional space. It had nothing to do with me. I had died to my ego, resurrected my spirit, and rebirthed myself into the light –  all over a piece of granite!


It requires perseverance to resurrect yourself when you are going through a challenging time. Old habits die slowly, but with a little commitment, you can start bringing your spirit and joy back to life. You can accept yourself where you're at and then start to choose towards better feelings, happier choices, and self-soothing actions. "I am who I am" always precedes "What's next?"


So while I'm on a high-vibe-ride, I'm milking these good feelings for all they are worth. When challenges come, as they invariably do, I keep my commitment to myself to seek better feelings and focus and focus on desired solutions. Sometimes I'm the acorn that wants to lie dormant. Sometimes I'm the impatient acorn that wants to grow into an oak. Lately, I'm the oak who wants to produce acorns!


Video - I Am Enough - A Poem and Affirmation of Divine Human Nature





Here are a few tips to help you resurrect your joy...

1. Accept yourself as you are

Even those of us who know better slip into self judgment. Conditioning is thick and deep. "We should do more, make more, be more, la la la." In truth, we are All-That-Is having an experience as something, someone, somewhere, in some time. We are light itself, birthed in billions of different forms. We can't possibly be anything less. As the angels say, we can only experience that truth or not.


So accept yourself as you are, right here, right now. "I'm sad. I'm frustrated. I'm angry. I'm happy. I'm cold. I'm hot. I'm shaking and quaking. I'm so eager I want to run in circles like a puppy. I want to eat a candy cane before breakfast. I want to eat a healthy grain bowl. I want to go outside and dance barefoot in the dewy grass. I want an ice shower, a warm bath, a cozy blanket, a crips walk. I want to throw something. I want the world to shape up. I want to celebrate life!


"I want to stop, sit, sip cocoa in silence, and melt into the peaceful night sky..."

Feelings like these can easily pass through me in a given week or sometimes even a given day. Sound familiar? I can resist who I am or just "be" it and allow the love to keep flowing through me. Option B always feels easier, and better, and leads to resurrection more quickly.


We are who we are, when, and where we are!
Sing that ten times quickly :)

Self-acceptance is a key to resurrecting your joy.

2. Remind Yourself - All experiences are temporary

I love a country song by Rodney Atkins called "If You're Going through Hell." It makes me laugh! He suggests you "just keep moving!" That's sound advice! We are eternal but every problem we have is temporary.


If you have a fatal disease, it is temporary. Upon expansion, you'll come into resurrection, life, and bliss as never before. If you have massive debt, it will eventually be handled. If someone has been horridly cruel to you, eventually you'll let yourself "Turn the other cheek" and look away from such destructive behaviors towards better. Nothing is permanent... unless we cling to the problem. Even then, upon death, we surrender our resistance to feeling good, feeling God, and flowing love.


When times are tough, remember "this too shall pass," and as the song says, "just keep moving. You might get out before the devil even knows you're there!"

Do the most loving thing for yourself that you can think of. Think a thought that feels better... or, as in my case, appreciate the countertops!

3. Give yourself Permission feel good

If something upsetting has happened, the best thing you can do for yourself is to permit yourself to feel good again. We learned to stay in bad feelings until the problems disappear, but sometimes there's no going back. Our loved ones probably won't resurrect from the great beyond. We can't go back to an old relationship. The money you lost is gone. We must accept our feelings first, but then the angels recommend we permit ourselves to feel good... or at least better.


The universe never keeps score. It only responds to your present vibration. So when something unpleasant happens, do something kind for yourself. Be extra compassionate with yourself.

Permit yourself to feel better, not because you're waiting for life to improve, but because you want to create a better life.

I wish you all  a simply a beautiful and blessed change of seasons.

May you feel a beautiful resurrection of joy in your own heart.

Have a blessed week :)

Visit Ann's message Archives by clicking on this link:



Video - Breath & Chakra Clearing Meditation




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Drekx Omega commented on AlternateEarth's blog post ET Exterior Projection Hologram of bear like beings from Tau Ceti!
"AE...This blog was featured by AC...congrats...And it should raise a greater awareness of our GFL Tau Cetian activities....which although a minority among those active ships, are still contributing significantly, to first contact acclimatization…"
1 hour ago
AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening’s blog post was featured
January 1, 2025Original source: https://universalforces.space/2025/01/02/ashtar-command-report-the-...
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
2 hours ago
AshtarCommand - The Great Awakening posted a blog post
January 1, 2025Original source: https://universalforces.space/2025/01/02/ashtar-command-report-the-...
The dark side of the moon
Greetings from the Command!
The moon has always been one of our main bases of communication from the…
2 hours ago
AlternateEarth’s blog post was featured
Floating above my house in NJ -Qoute from Drexk;The craft below is not strictly orb-shaped, but rather a rhombus diamond shape and the occupants are Tau Cetians, who are sentient ET members of the GFL, and are similar to bears on Earth....The face…
3 hours ago
Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"The dark cabal hates us all and wants to destroy us, or enslave us...BUT, they will not succeed, as there are such powerful forces in cosmos that oppose their plans, that they are doomed...And their former protection by the Anunnaki "gods" has been…"
6 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
  How To Talk To God? Secrets from Mahavatar Babaji's Teachings Have you ever wondered how to connect with God on a deeper level? Discover the profound wisdom of Mahavatar Babaji as we unravel the secrets to divine communication and spiritual…
7 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
  Sri Amma Bhagavan Wisdom:Experience Everything!Question: Dear Bhagavan, most of us are tired of battling with life. We often wonder if life is conspiring against our joy and peace. The more we try to elude pain, the more challenging it becomes. Is…
15 hours ago
Love & Joy posted a discussion
......"May this New Year bring an abundance of peace, stillness, and clarity into your heart and soul. May the light of Sri Amma Bhagavan’s grace illuminate the path of enlightenment for you and guide you to discover the highest truth.May we all…
15 hours ago