All Discussions (304)
We Can Change it
Great Mother, I am your daughter and I call to you. Teach me courage and kindness and how to love myself. Help my heart be pure and my vision clear. Show me how to live with compassion and with forgiveness. Let me know nature which is always true .F
Read more…I am fed up at the moment... can someone send some love and light my way...
Hi everyone,
Things seem to be cornering me right now...
Can you send me your light and love.
I try not to concentrate on the annoying, desperate times I am living in and keep triving forwards but it gets heavy on my shoulders sometimes, and I need some
Read more…SaLuSa - 26th January 2011
The world is in two phases and one is outgoing as the old paradigm breaks up and can no longer hold the people in bondage. The incoming phase is helping the shift
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation - 25th January 2011
8 Chicchan, 3 Yax, 7 Ik
Selamat Balik! We come again to discuss the many secret events that are preparing to go public on your world. These events were originally set to
Sometimes i can really feel this, but far from always :)
When you Awaken,
You begin your Search.
You travel along a Path that has been taken many times by YOU!
You begin to rememember who you are.
You are here AS LOVE.
You are here to BE LOVE, TO LOVE and BE LOVED.
As you travel the path of
Why has Katt Leila left ??
Tell me ..........
One of the best contributors has left ... Leila ..
Does anyone know why ......... ??
Gulf of Aden Natural Star-Gate/Vortex COVER UP
There is a media blackout on the recent natural vortex/star-gate that has opened up in the Gulf Of Aden. The world has over 300 huge warships in the area.
There are Warships from the following countries in the area..
Royal Australian Navy, Belgian Nav
Read more…Good Explaination on Planetary Balance and Dying Animals by Roberto Shapiro
Good explaination by Roberto Shap
Planetary Balance and Dying Animals
Grandfather Through Robert Shapiro
January 6th, 2011
Greetings. Now, you all know about the deaths of hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of animals all over the world. "Sp
The Movie the Fourth Kind
Hi There
Can anyone please help me to explain the movie the Fourth kind If you have seen it .
I am trying to understand are there very dark ETs out there that take our children and torture us in the night like this True story movie set in Nome Alaska
Read more…THE COLLATERAL ACCOUNTS: This VIDEO'S were originally made for Prime Ministers, Presidents, Kings, Queens, and the heads of national banks, but now you can see them too.
Saint Germain is in charge of the Aquarian Age...THE SEVENTH GOLDEN AGE
The announcement of NESARA, the National Economic Security and Reformation Act which will usher a new Golden Age which will la
Read more…BRUTAL KILLING OF DOLPHINS IN JAPAN BY SAVAGES [Warning Video for only those with strong hearts]
An article that appeared in the press today about the Killing of Dolphins in Japan
When we released "The Cove" in Japan last Summer, I knew it wouldn't be easy. Of course, I also had no way of knowing just how vigorously our opponents would fight the
Read more…Quote of the Day Jan 21st
What is the Power
But if you have the power over your life, and that power is inside you, why isn't your life amazing? Why isn't every area of your life magnificent? Why don't you have everything you want? Why haven't you been able to do everything yo
Read more…SaLuSa - 21st January 2011
It is not at all unusual for the period leading to the end times to be chaotic, but as the old drops away so a new pathway emerges. By now you should be able to s
Happy Australia day 2 all AustrAliens
Truly the lucky country
Read more…SaLuSa - 24th January 2011
The writing is on the wall for the dark Ones and the momentum of events is speeding up, so that they find they do not have the degree of control anymore to influe
a message from the navajo tribes.
Navajo's Blog - An inspired message !
http://mayasoma. wordpress. com/2011/ 01/25/our- holy-moment/
← Three Days Of Darkness, A Mayan Story As Told by Ms. Juana Cowo
Our Holy Moment
Posted on January 25, 2011 by mayasoma
"When birds fall from t
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The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…