Beautiful videos have been created for some of the key articles from this blog.
Quarantine Earth Endgame:
Cintamani (English):
“One Who Serves” channeled by James McConnell
“Ashira” channeled by Dr. Susan Sammarco
(Note: these messages were given during our weekly Prepare For Change group in Glendale, AZ on January 24, 2016)
“One Who Serves”
Greetings to you. Wonderful to be her
Read more…Dawrinian evolution says that over time, the mutations that increases the likelyhood that an organism leave to reproduce for the next generation will eventually be preserved (selected for). This mere tautology is said to create all the marvel we see
Read more…Click for 16 minute video. It must be really fascinating to have a television producer like Chris Carter base a television series on martial law with "alien" technology.
Read more…This enormous blurred area in the Siberian Tundra region is rumoured to hide one of Russia’s ‘secret cities’
THERE are countless sites around the world
Multidimensional food for thought...
*It is worth noting, that while the Bible is a heavily manipulated text, it is Multidimensional, & still contains profound, esoteric truths, that can serve to unlock the prison doors of duality. ~InLight
~Words are
Read more…A strange appearance in the sky is captured by the Manzanillo webcam near the Colima Volcano in Mexico on January 22, 2016.
The phenomenon which clearly shows ring-shaped contours of a disc-like object was seen for over 10 minutes before it disappeare
Read more…1 Batz, 4 Yax, 12 Manik
Dratzo! A great shift is now taking place for the Light and her allies. This renewed effort is to bring humanity its freedom and a wondrous prosperity. At present, the dark realizes its terrible predicament. Special orders have
Read more…I never use manthras consciously but occasionaly, a sweet song 'stubbonly' remain in my mind for the whole day or even two days. I used not to understand it why it at times spontaneously drives me into deep, pleasant meditation till I guessed that it
Read more…26 January, 2016
A new report published in the latest edition of the American Journal of Modern Physics has revealed a startling finding – a newly
Yikes!!!-in California!!!
We're waiting for the BBC documentary
The "global force for good" is apparently commanded by easily-bribed Lady Gaga lovers. This is precious:
Aerospace Engineer Veteran Blows The Whistle On UFOs. William Mills Tompkins was assigned by the Navy to Intelligence because of his remarkable memory skills, Bill was exposed immediately to the Navy’s knowledge of
You should have heard him -emergency commercials busted into radio programming and he had this ominous voice threatening to arrest anyone caught driving in the city-what an a-hole leftist thug-you know he worked with the sandanistas? WTF New York? W
Read more…Hi to all, Just a quick question has anybody these last couple of weeks been very dizzy , and your heads spinning even while your sitting down or even laying down, and when I try to walk it feels all wrong and I have to really think about how to walk
Read more…
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…