Everyone here can call me Raven.
Everyone here can call me Raven.
The following article by Al Sears MD was transcribed verbatim from:
100,000 Prescription Deaths and Counting…
Last year, over half a million Americans were hurt by prescription drugs. And 100,000 of the
I just recently heard of this, but the only way to know the method is through buying his book online. I understand certain advices aren't for free... so I just wonder what this is all about, has anyone heard of him?
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
13 Ben, 11 Tzotz, 7 Ik
Greetings! We come again with more to explain. Right now, critical talks and the strategic distribution of the new monies are taking place. The dark
10/03/2010 by John Smallman
As you know, because many channels have been telling you for quite some time, enormous changes in the way you live and experience life are shortly to occur. You have been doing l
Read more…okay i found this woman a month or two ago and she seems to be quite sincere in what she says about the draconian and the illuminati and the federation
i might be unable to use the internet for a little while , and for this fact i just wanted to let you gies know , and also thank you for helping me restablish and find myself again within this life, i thank you which so much gratitude and respect eac
Read more…I have much to attempt to explain. Your kind has alanguage that is based on words and pitch change, and my home language is onebased on light, sound, emotion and intent. It is more like singing than speaking, so what I am about to explain iseasy, b
Read more…The following message channeled by Meredith Murphy was transcribed verbatim from:
Boost Your Immunity BEFORE You Get Sick
Our bodies contain a trillion different anti
I have come along long way to here and wonder now what i can do. how do i serve? i wish to see myself in a world of wonders dancing with beings of light and love. i want to share myself completely and be accepted fully for who i am. I am that i am.
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