Revised comment;#2 & #3
To be fit to rule as a Sumerian King, he must have 50 orgasms in a row with a priestess in front of the congregation. This is to act out the story of the demi-god Demuzi and his consort, Inanna, the queen of heaven, who promotes all kings through an
Read more…In the latest issue of Scientific American, Michael Shermer describes an amazing and beautiful synchronicity that happened the day of his wedding, just this summer. I hope you read the article, but to summarize, an old non-functioning radio that had
Read more…Sometimes back, I almost join Jehovah's witnesses (JW). But I could not harvest all the fantasies I neaded while dodging all the absurdities it never made sense. The fantasy is what I found it to be incredibly beautifull picture of a paradise. The ab
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Pleased to announce that Craig Compobasso will be Jeff Rense's guest this evening at 10 PM EST this evening along
with Maj. George Filer (of Filer's Files).
Here's the radio show link:
Link to "Stranger A
Read more…Photographer Sergey Krasnoshchekov captured caves in the Kamchatka peninsula, far east RussiaStriking effect is the result of the sun's rays penetrating glacial iceMelting ice has created translucent tunnels ... but they are now in danger of collapse
Read more…Buddhist monks were seen flying in the good old days;
Pilots of a passenger plane over England were stunned recently, when an object they describe as a “flying man” buzzed past their aircraft, at a height of 3,500 feet.
The bizarre incident took place
Read more…Click for four minute video. It's been reported that Bill Gates still owns his 500,000 shares, while many concerned investors (and grocers) are running from this incredibly corrupt a
Read more…Below is a cutout of the China prediction from the Lunar Eclipse report for October 8, 2014; notice what is written about Saturn entering the 10th house of China (with the accompanying bold-face text):
Note that for the past few days retrograde Mercur
Melanie Griffith grew up with a famous mom, Tipi Hedren, and a pet lion, NeilThe family adopted Neil after a trip to AfricaNeil inspired them to make the film Roar about the pretty but predatory beasts, which was sadly a box office flopThere is somet
Read more…Doesn't fit the global village scenario-baraq hates americans anyway
Devices meant
Two agencies also hope their current missions on the red planet can collaborateWill also launch earth observing satellite to track effects of climate changeAs India's Mars probe sent back its first full image from the red planet, Nasa has revealed it
Read more…GET TO WORK, LIGHTWORKERS! Ascension Now Meditation -- Lord Ashtar -- Bring Love to the Sun, Moon, Crystalline Grid of Earth, Yourself, and the Mass Consciousness Grid! In English, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hebrew, Arabic, and Maltese
Ascension Now M
Read more…If it is true that we have no limits except those that we set for ourselves; It could be argued that "Belief IS Power". While it IS true that there are certain limits(or rules) that must we must abide by on the "Prime Material Planes"(the multiverse
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Troops from the
Click and go to 0:55 and 2:18 for the best shots; the sports announcers acknowledge the UFOs with a "take us to your leader" joke.
Read more…Dario Gambarin, an Italian land artist has created a huge work of art in a farm field to raise awareness about the Ebola epidemic. One thing you would never think about is the relation of crop circle patterns to Ebola. But this one below is manmade,
Read more…Spreading fear porn is how I get my rocks off! And watching to see ebola from africans or the other diseases going around from the tens of thousands of south american refugees from failed corrupt socialist governments have brought with them will lan
Read more…People who are around you are more powerful than you, they can punish you, and they can destroy you. They have all the power to control, to corrupt, to repress. And the child has to become diplomatic.
Psychologists have been searching and they have co
Read more…The Digital Universe, developed by the American Museum of Natural History’s Hayden Planetarium, incorporates data from dozens of organizations worldwide to create the most complete and accurate 3-D atlas of the Universe from the local solar neighborh
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Revised comment;#2 & #3