All Discussions (34)
Pleiadian Golden Merkabah Activation Level 2
Pleiadian Golden Merkabah Activation Level 2
Create a powerful energy transmitter. Practice today and feel the energy flow into your crown chakra.
Grow your ability to astral travel and control your dream state with future practice.
Octavia Vasile ch
Embracing The Violet Flame - Ascension Calling
Embracing The Violet Flame - Ascension Calling
Hello our dearly beloved.
I am the essence of Saint Germain. I come in tandem with the essence of many Ascended Masters. We are always upon you, within you. We are here to assist you in whatever way yo
I Am Living And Flowing In Currents of Divine Bliss By Steven Hutchinson
I Am Living And Flowing In Currents of Divine Bliss
By Steven Hutchinson
‘Witches’ Casting Spells on Trump Upset He Has ‘Some Kind of Protection Around Him’
‘Witches’ Casting Spells on Trump Upset He Has ‘Some Kind of Protection Around Him’
Reddit witch discusses circumventing Trump's protection by casting binding spell on him.
Meanwhile, witches casting 'Blue Wave
✨️I am God in Action By Steven Hutchinson
Here’s how HAARP creates and modifies extreme weather as a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION
Bright lights In The Skies-Strange
The first light in the sky (the lights on the ground are solar lamps on gravestones) the first is obviosly landing lights of an incoming jet heading to Newark airport-sixty seconds apart, continuosly. The thing is, where I am, before they become norm
Read more…Embody Christ Consciousness If You Are Waiting For The Second Coming Of Christ
The second coming of Christ will not be the same Christ you have known before who did a lot of healing and was kind and compassionate to all but will come on a white horse carrying a blazing sword with a spiritual army on white horses carrying swords
Read more…Evidence of alien life could be made public next month, says filmmaker
Sooooo.....Powerful! - By Melanie Beckler
Sooooo.....Powerful! - By Melanie Beckler
A quick reminder for you today ...
That with awareness:
Each moment and every experience (blissful or challenging) presents a unique opportunity to move into greater alignment with your Soul ...
Acceptance With Detachment Is The Key By Josephine Edge
Acceptance With Detachment Is The Key By Josephine Edge
Highest Self Activation - Awakening Your Divine Presence - By Jamie Ong
Jamie Ong:
ACC Members-My 2nd book is on it's way to the printer! Am I dreaming?
I tried to get my short stories published for 14 years, at mostly NYC woke publishers, and I kept getting rejected.
My first book, Martian Concerns and Other Tales accepted by my publisher in London, has reached around the world and not just i
Read more…The Power Of Spiritual Healing By Paramahansa Yogananda
The Power Of Spiritual Healing By Paramahansa Yogananda
In this powerful lecture titled "Harmonizing Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Methods of Healing," Paramahansa Yogananda explains the deep interconnection between the body, mind, and soul. He e
The Cosmic Forgiveness Initiation Has Begun With The Violet Flame 🙏🏻✨️❤️ By Patricia Cota-Robles
The Cosmic Forgiveness Initiation Has Begun With The Violet Flame ️
By Patricia Cota-Robles
In this powerful activation, we invoke the Violet Flame of Cosmic Forgiveness, guided by the Ascended Master Saint Germain and the legions of 5th-dimensional
Read more…Latest Activity
The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…