Humanity is ready to awaken, like the first buds in spring after a long hard winter, as the sun warms them, encouraging them to open. Similarly, the divine Love enfolding the planet is being widely felt
All Discussions (214)
The Importance of Love
Love makes the world go round – we have all heard this before. We will ask you to attempt something not easy in today’s world. We ask that you try your utmost to love every single person you come into contact with. We don’t mean put on a face of love
Read more…" They Allowed Me To See Their Planet.
Mabuhay!!! Greeting!!!!hello everyone out there!!!Just want to share with you about my dream of the extra terrestrial being. since i was thirteen years old.,,i used to dreamed may strange things of my age. star., planet, spaceships, the galaxies and
Read more…Blossom Goodchild - 14th November 2010
Good morning to you. Lately I have been assessing my position with you, the role I play, and where I stand within it all and why??? Others seem to channell political , economica,l etc information , and you would probably recognise that for me, that w
Read more…John Smallman - 14th November 2010
Love is your essence
11/14/2010 by John Smallman
my family and friends! Will you join us with your unique beatifull light and make the change in Love Now??
Dear beloved family , I hope your day is ...filled with wonders and beauty..tonight we will with a lot of lightworkers, actually all over the world send our love and light to Mother earth and all her inhabitants,,,we will first send rays of violet to
Read more…Ascension - Doubting myself
I've added a spiritual blog ("Coincidence does not exist") where I "characterize" myself as a confident, happy and carefree being, and indeed, I am all that, but still have some concerns about ascension.
In previous forums, signs of physical and menta
Read more…Important Message for Humans on Planet Earth to prepare themselves to meet up with Inter Galactic Races [see VIDEO with brilliant message]
Humans on Planet Earth must be ready to meet up with Inter Galactic Races from other Planets before First Contact can be made peacefully.
Inter Galactic Races are ready to meet with us but they feel Humans on this Planet are not ready yet ...hence th
Read more…Workout Prayer, From the "Last Frontier"
Hello friends!
Let us not forget to be continually grateful for our HEALTH!
Here's a 'Workout Prayer' I put together...
Freedom and Peace,
Read more…SaLuSa - 12th November 2010
Another day has just passed when the energies reaching the Earth have increased, as part of the ongoing upliftment of those who can draw them to themselves. The h
Read more…I love Pure Bliss Vocals
I just wish to tell how much I love this song. Absolutely fantastic!!
Kiesha speaks on 2012
During her workshop in Zurich early November 2010 Little Grandmother Kiesha Crowther spoke about 2012, the expected pole shift and how we should prepare ourselves. Illustrated with pictures and accompanied by music from the CD "Heaven & Earth" by Man
Read more…Pleiadian- First Contact
11:11 is NOW!!!!
New Reality Transmission
"On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species... a new reality. The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure
Quote of the Day November 18th
Quote of the Day November 16th
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The golden head was Babylon, the silver arms and chest were Persia, the…""
Moreover, this street thug is…"