It has been a while since I published a long article, and I have been working for ma
All Discussions (386)
an agonizing memory from Jesus Christ I have been recieving.
Christ level of consciousness is within you.
You do understand that Jesus was mocked and scolded by his bones and ribs were scolded out by scolds.
I Felt scolds in my bones and ribs.
I felt myself getting lifted by a ringing tone. This ringing tone s
Reports of naked-eye sightings of Comet ISON are coming in from around the world. Experienced observers put the comet’s magntitude at +5.5 on Nov. 16th.
This means it is now fully
Read more…6 US Presidents And Their UFO Sightings...Watch Videos and expert ACC Members tell us if they are Genuine
Read More and Watch The Videos @ Readers tell us your views
Read more…SaLuSa 19. 11. 2013 by MADAD
Are you ready to be immersed into deeper feeling of Love that will immediately surround your being when you step into your higher reality.
This Love energy is changing you now, and the more you let it in the more you will be attracted to your new expe
Read more…Pakistan Reportedly Building Nuclear Weapons For Saudi Arabia With No Protest From Israel
The source of this story is Israel News. There is no notice of copyright or copyright privileges found within the article whatsoever.
Report: Pakistan builds nuclear weapons for Saudi Arabia
BBC report suggests Saudi Arabia invested large sums in Pakis
Read more…Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2
Dear friends, what is your feeling about this?
Tell the “Lords” of Karma That You Are Sovereign – No Longer a Lightworker Part 2
High Council of Orion Channeled Message - MAKE THE DETOURS AN ADVENTURE! - Channeled by Holly Hawkins Marwood Transcribed by Paul Marwood Paul Marwood
Holly Hawkins Marwood
Channeled Ascension Message from
the High Council of Orion
November 11th 2013.
Audio file is available at
Read more…Weekly News: Milk's Definition Change - and Conclusion
The following was written for The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter. The recommended audio version can be found here.
Hello dear friends, and welcome to the seventieth issue of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
This week, I’ll discuss the dair
Read more…Planetary Healing: Can Hemp Help the Planet? - Part 2
The following was written by Wes Annac for the ongoing “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
(Continued from last week’s hemp discussion. The audio version of this part 2 can be found here.)
I for one would love to see
Sinkhole the size of 20 football pitches opens up in Louisiana ... and it could burst into flames
A Louisiana sinkhole that has sucked in trees and swamps as it spread to the size of 20 football fields is now at risk of exploding. Residents of Bayou Corne were evacuated a year ago when the sinkhole, which is emitting natural gases, opened up. The
Read more…Volcanic eruption in the Pacific Ocean creates a new island off the coast of Japan...See Photos plus Video
The islet is 600ft in diameter and appeared off the south coast of TokyoIt is made up of volcanic lava and rocks forced from the ocean bedFootage showed smoke and ash billowing from the islet on WednesdayVolcanologists have warned the islet may be er
Read more…SUPREME BEING - The Cosmic Oversoul of Creation
P.11 - §1 God the Supreme in Havona is the personal spirit reflection of the triune of Paradise Deity (Universal Father/First Source and Center; Eternal Son/Second Source and Center; Infinite
Read more…time travel is is possible to go back to the past, and future moments via space time vortexes,black holes and wormholes. scientifically proven that past time travel is real. I found some very cool info on time travel and the TRUTH of wormholes where every existent and non existent moment can link to the one vortex of time.
What they are explaining is ...
Black holes can change and slow down
Read more…Telepathic Talk: Questioning Hatonn and AAJophiel about the “Great Portal” by Eva Maria
Must have a talk with you two AAJophiel and Hatonn ! I am calling on you !
Following my very own road through the plains of the desert towards the huge light rising on the horizon above the far-away mountains …. fading in the mist of light ….. ploddin
Read more…Autumn's last hurrah: Glorious scenes captured on camera as winter - and colder weather - looms on the horizon ...Looks So Beautiful
Autumn's last hurrah: Glorious scenes captured on camera as winter - and colder weather - looms on the horizonThese gorgeous pictures of tranquil lakes show autumn in its full glory - but scenes like this will soon be a thing of the past as Britain m
Read more…Restoration of Your Divine Soul
The Masters will guide you through Restoration of the Soul so any time throughout the ages you have seen less than the Presence of God in yourself or all of life will be removed from your Akashic records and your body so you can truly live on Earth a
Read more…18-24 November 2013 Archangel Sandalphon Message Channeler: Gulcin Onel (Mavinin Sesi)
This week, there will be a healing effect in many various circumstances and sentiments my dears.
Your prayers have been heard, as long as you keep improving we contact with you more easily.
Happily you are aware of that fact. The feeling you experien
DHS Still Hasn't Fired Black Supremacist Who Called for Mass Murder of Whites And Mixed Whites
4% of the world's population is white, living in the US Canada, W and E Europe, Russia, Australia, S. Africa-Iceland, Greenland-look at a world map and you'll see the land mass total is less than the rest of the inhabited world. You can fit much of
Read more…Latest Activity
Revised comment;#2 & #3