Date of sighting: November 2015
Location of sighting: Siberia, Russia
News source:
Mt 26:26 "This is my body." Two Gemini born on May 26, the receiving of Amen Ra. 52 weeks. 365 days. 365 degree Lightbearers of the Living God. The Messiah and the Christ. The Sun and the Zodiac, Noah's Ark, New Jerusalem, Kaaba of Allah.
Jazmyn and I
Read more…The Black Knight Satellite, it all started on May 17, 1899 when Nicola Tesla moved to Colorado Springs where he would investigate atmospheric electricity, observed lightning signals via his receivers and claimed to have intercepted unusual radio sign
Read more…I believe it-
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~As we inch further into the future and evermore closer to the next, and certainly last, world war, it seems proper to give pause and consider the significance of the fact that much of the information provided on w
Read more…Things have been getting a little weird for the security agencies working in and around Delhi, Indra Gandhi International (IGI) Ai
Multidimensional food for thought...
~Amazing cloud formation, Ashtar Massive... the pics from my phone don't do it full justice. There was actually a rainbow flair at the center for a bit... super cool. Inspiring, actually. ~InLight555
( ( ( OneLoveRe
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A few months ago, physicist Harold White stunned the aeronautics world when he announced that he and his
The War Drum is beating: Russia Bombs Turkish convoy
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Pardon Me … Could You Be
By J. Speer-Williams
… or almost soulless?
“Why do you ask?”
“You seem to have little regard for any kind of life but your own.”
Why should you or anyone else be interested in souls?
Because the essence of a human bein
Read more…Multidimensional food for thought...
3 Lamat, 1 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik
Dratzo! The world continues to move in a positive direction. All settlement funds and reserves are moving and most have reached their points of distribution. All such movements are done
Read more…With the advent of internet, we are getting more and more information beyond the constraints of media and mainstream academics. As such we are beginning to fit jigsaws to understand once inexplicable phenomena. One interesting one i got is when I tri
Read more…"Yet many even among the leaders believed in him. But because of the Pharisees they would not confess their faith for fear they would be put out of the synagogues; for they loved praise from men more than praise from God" John 12: 42-43Did you get it
Read more…This is what the map looks like in regards to the shooting. The link to the story is below the map.
This story is just in from the Syrian Free Press. Click
Read more…I think you’re going to like this one. Ancient underground tunnels that are not only real! They run from Scotland to Turkey.
There are a few theories floating around as to why these tunnel systems were created. One theory is that these tunnels were bu
Read more…Multidimensional food for thought...
~Time once again appears to be behaving strangely. Not just the surreal blender of the whirled news, but the little slippages here and there, abrupt realizations that it’s not the time or date you thought it was. T
Read more…Just the other night I was reading a story about the great Hassidic mystic, Baal Shem. It was a holiday, and the Hassidim had gathered to pray and to have communion - satsang - with the master.
A man had come with his retarded child. He was a little w
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…