Some More of the Astounding Facts Uncovered in this New Interview with Kevin Annett by Alexandra Meadors.
§ When a Pope is initiated as Pope he has the right of Magisterial Privilege = the ritua
The following was written by Wes Annac for the ‘reader’s question’ section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
In place of a question this week, I’d like to give my perspective on the idea that the ‘new age’ movement is similar to religion in
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Hello friends,
Well, it goes on for now, as the US administration seems hell-bent on provoking a civil war in Ukraine, akin to their failed project in Syria, which has thankfully proven to be a victory for Assad and Syrian civillisation.
Now the US
Read more…4 2014 ~Colin Campbell, a sangoma and traditional African doctor from Botswana, tells the story of a villager in his country who fell seriously ill and called in a local traditional doctor for help. The healer examined the patient and then set off to
Read more…by Oscar
“Negative thoughts are commonly a consequence of fear. You imagine bad things that may occur and you try to come up with a defense mechanism to be prepared for these bad things. However, you know that this brings you no benefit. Why be conce
Posted by Stephen Cook on April 20, 2014 |
Image Credit: Gerhard Uhlhorn
Stephen: This is a famous UFO case in the UK and Nick Pope is a former Ministry of Defence staffer. Thanks to Andrew.
By Tony Rennell, The Daily Mail – April 18, 2014 – http://tin
Read more…Love spreading love and hugs around makes the would turn sending every man women child and all civilisation warm embrace of love hugs and a huge spoon full of positive energy everyone is beautiful wether your black white asian tall short fat skinny d
Read more…Hello!
To all out there who might be able to provide me some insight, I would like to start taking my healing services to the next level and begin a career in it. Though, what I do is not *exactly* Reiki (though I can do that as well), my guides/spiri
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Big Oil wants to explore the Atlantic Ocean with seismic airguns. This could kill over 100,000 dolphins and wh
So I've been getting told a lot that spirituality is part of the illuminate I'm getting confused someone help to clarify it with evifence please !!!
Read more…Host Chris Hayes laments “Alex Jones-ification of the GOP”
Paul Joseph Watson
April 22, 2014
Click fo
Read more…I have been apart of this site for many years. It was my first point of call regarding knowledge, conspiracies and especially spiritual knowledge, which I thank Ben for this. I "woke up" and I would call this my awakening... I realised there is more
Read more…Hi guys I wanted to share this video with you because I never heard so much bullshit in my whole life it goes on to say that you can get spiritual knowledge by the illuminate. I'm like the illuminate are the o
Read more…Here is a very powerful manifestational boosting tool/technique. . I'll call it "Multiplying the Moment"(MTM), for now. By this I mean that while we are performing a regularlymundane action, such as simply walking... that we add the intention that wi
Read more…Some people believe they have found godBut there is only one godAnd god is yourself
Read more…Yes-Jesus reached ascension-permanently!!! He's out in the higher dimensions and is an inspiration for all who constantly talk about 'when are we ascending'-it's funny how posting about someone who truly reached ascension and hardly anyone recognizes
Read more…I wrote the following for the “planetary healing” section of The Aquarius Paradigm Weekly Newsletter.
Everyone gets stressed out at times, and here on earth, a lot of things can bring us down and make it much harder to re-find a good vibration if we l
Read more…Conveyed through Wes Annac, The Aquarius Paradigm
Your capabilities extend far beyond what you currently perceive, and part of the reason for our presence around each of you is to help you remember the greatness you’re capable of.
We want you to be abl
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Posted By: Watchman
Date: Sunday, 27-Apr-2014 21:43:30
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…