(Americans must NOT ACCEPT responsibility for this 'debt', and thus lose their nation. The 'debt' is that of the Rothschild Federal Rese
Click https://www.rt.com/shows/sophieco/332460-hillary-husband-nixon-adviser/ for interview and 27-minute video.
Read more…Everything is a reflection of one of your many aspects. The Souls that you know as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Zeus, Thoth, Michael, Gabriel, and many others who walked this planet, you are just as great as they because everything is f
Read more…ON MONEY: In God we trustIN MIND: In Gold we trustON GOLD: In money we trustIN GOD: In mind we trustOur governments allow us a freedom. But a freedom to move only up to the fence of the prison. They do so by using two almost mutually incompartible jo
Read more…7 Men, 8 Kank’in, 12 Manik
Dratzo! Your world is slowly moving toward the divine resolution of the inevitable bankruptcy of USA, Inc. The American regime has managed to forestall the inevitable. Nevertheless, the time has come for the world’s major go
Read more…Click https://youtu.be/OTMaIX_JPE4 for video, or copy and paste http link to browser and hit enter.
Read more…A 70-year-old farmer named Winston Howes decided to plant an everlasting and touching tribute to his late wife. Winston’s wife, Janet, died suddenly from heart failure at the age of 50. Over the course of a week, the farmer planted 6,000 oak saplings
Read more…At this time each legal American is responsible for about $59,500, Taxpayers owe $161,000!-This is after you pay your taxes and all cost of living expenses-Aside from a corrupt government apparently owned by international bankers (which makes us subj
Read more…Sacramento, CA — The fact that genocide was committed against Native Americans is indisputable and should be obvious to anyone who has taken an honest look at history.
Read more…If this does not make you to laugh till your rips hurt, then you don't understand quasars and perharps anstronomy as a whole.Remember that a quasar is said to be the most powerfull thing in the universe. It pee out energy unlike anything else. It is
Read more…Russia is not part of the great Conspiracy of darkness of the Elite. The Russians have fought their wars of freedom and overcome the demons of their anterior political system. It is not that everything is perfe
Read more…Construction is bustling at Florida's first 'sustainable town'
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With deep pockets and an environmentalist's zeal, retired American football player Syd Kitson dreamed up a plan to build the United States' first solar-powered town on a vast swath of
By Lisa Haven
The infamous NSA’s domestic and international spy programs are officially recognized in multiple government documents and programs including: “The Presidents Surveillance Program”, “PRISM”, “Project ThinThread”, “Project Trailblazer”
Read more…One group of people who’s rights and lives were taken, homes burnt, families, millions of adults and children slaughtered. A group of people who’s world was destroyed. The few that remain their voices are not heard, they
Read more…Welcome to The New Earth Times!
Photos of Christine's Security Ship.
Confirmed by Ashtar. July 2015.
Enlarged zoom image from the photo above.
Both photos were taken on a Galaxy G6 phone
and are un-retouched in any way.
A Note from Kathryn & Chris
This is a map of the “Native Nation”. As you can see it included Canada and Mexico. This is truth, for there was no separation between the people, there were no “borders”. One land
April 20, 2016
With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. We begin by addressing the issue that most of your expressed concerns pertain to, global reset. What is its purpose, who is behind it, and h
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…