Air date 05/27/2017
Rey Hernandez of F.R.E.E.…
The Ufo Incident (Movie) / Betty & Barney Hill Sto
Air date 05/27/2017
Rey Hernandez of F.R.E.E.…
The Ufo Incident (Movie) / Betty & Barney Hill Sto
According to Italian doctor Tulio Simonchini, cancer is nothing but a fungus which can be eliminated with baking soda. Dr. Simonchini used this method to cure thousands of patients suffering from different types of cancer, and claims
Read more…An Australian farmer’s invention, which destroys weed seeds during harvest, has the potential to reduce the need for herbicides in grain farming and is gaining interest from
3 Eb, 5 Pax, 13 Caban
Selamat Balik! All is progressing well. The various Chinese Elder groups have kindly agreed to a more thorough and swifter procedure for the delivery system. It is proof that Chinese Elders do listen to some of what we say to the
Read more…For video of CNN blowing it big time, click
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(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The Putin Interviews are a four episode series produced by award winning director Oliver Stone. In sh
Thank God!!!
In the following video, Right Wing News looks at news that the Obama administration effort to allow transgender citizens to serve in the U.S. military is undergoing an intense review by the Pentagon. The military is a place for war fighti
Read more…A boy named Boris Kipriyanovich, or Boriska, lives in the town of Zhirinovsk of Russia’s Volgograd region. He was born on January 11, 1996.
Since he was four he used to visit a well-known anomalous zone, commonly referred to as Medvedetskaya Gryada –
Sorry,I have not wrote about this recently but the Lupus in my hands kept me from writing, until now
"You Are Coming Close To What Sananda Calls The Crescendo Of All That You Have Been Building Toward" - Saint Germain and OWS
St Germain and One Who Serves as channeled by James McConnell
Read more…The Vatican Secret Archives have been estimated to contain 85 kilometres (53 mi) of shelving, and there are 35,000 volumes in the selective catalogue alone. "Indexes must be consulted in the Index Room and replaced in their original location. Publica
The light truly is shining on Earth brighter than ever, and with each second that goes by this light is increasing and permeating every cell of every body on this beautiful planet, including the
Read more…In this special introductory overview episode of Truth Hunter, Linda Moulton Howe exposes deeper details of mysterious UFO crashes in the 1940s, the advanced technologies which were recovered and the resultant governm
For New Mexico KOAT television report, click The individual reportedly managed to "slip in" when a UFO craft "went into a mountain" in Dulce, New Mexico (which is about 4 hours away from Santa Fe, New Mexic
A rare ancient three fingered and three toed mummy has been discovered in NAZCA Peru which, while it does resemble a human body in some respects, it could be proof of a non-human specie
Read more…In an interview with French publication Le Figaro, Russian President Vladimir Putin, called out the deep state bureaucracy that controls U.S. foreign policy, noting that U.S. presidents serve as little more than puppets for the ruling oligarchy.
“A ce
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There has been a lot of good intel coming from the TV show Cosmic Disclosure with David Wilcock. This show features information based on the experiences of a former Super Secret Spac
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Chapter XIX