Revised comment;#2 & #3
lately my dreams are becoming much more clear and i can remember several dreams iv'e had throughout the night instead of the dream i have right before i wake up, last night i had a few dreams, one of them i was on a large boat with many other people
Read more…hello, i stay in miami florida and i am concerned about the oil spill reaching me ive heard that the government has been dropping alot of toxins in the water and that this is a slow but effictive way for mass depopulation anyone who has any info or s
Read more…Learn to remember your dreams. Learn to analyze their meaning. Same as you would your crop circles, study your dreams. Understand the connections. To each of you, what we fail to realize is that Many of our dreams are connected. many of our ideas and
Read more…July 2010 - 6:47am | Lounes
In the last energy update I mentioned that July 26th was a powerhouse of a portal and that we are approaching the end of the end. Today, the unseens are adding that the whole week is a powerhouse.. |
Hello readers,
I present you the story of Heinrich Schliemann's grandson. Heinrich Schliemann was the famous archeologist that discovered the location of Homer's Troy. He had found many pieces of evidence which prove that Atlantis did in fact exist.
Hello to ALL :)
As the title suggests..."I love sex and money!" :) I figure the answer to this question is a personal one thats specific to each one of us. This is why I'm curious to learn from others on this.
For years I fought with myself, accepte
Democracy NOW! An explosive investigative series published in the Washington Post today begins, "The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive tha
Read more…Our Responsibility Toward Balance & Healing
"Healing begins from within. Ones must desire to balance their personalconditions. This is not as easy as it may seem. Desire for balance is just the first step. Ones must take action to attain that balance. one individual you can at times feel your presence extending far beyond your physical body. It can be so powerful that you can link with nature and understand
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Fame and wealth are looked upon as an achievement to be desired; yet so often they are difficult to handle. Your privacy which you value is intruded upon and lite
Read more…Another interesting article from the Top Secret America serie :
Oki i don't say this theory is absolutely true but that may give more credibility to the fact that our current day rulers are descendants of egyptian rulers :
university educated people talk about everything on the site. if u have a degree then u know how difficult it is to start and finish. any degree from art to science and u are a very special person. to be educated and enlightened is the key here. with
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Revised comment;#2 & #3