All Discussions (420)
internal interconnectedness
The other day I was talking about us being connected to the entire cosmos but then I had to stop and think; are we even fully connected to our own selves to begine with? If anything, if the seperatness we experience were illusion, then perharps the c
Read more…Eat Standing Up And You Risk Being Born As A Horse In Your Next Life
Food should be eaten in nice surroundings and always sit properly and eat.Do not read or watch TV or play with the Internet when eating.Eat and Drink where there is peace and calm.Do not eat and drink while walking.His Divine Grace Srila Prabupadha t
Read more…ASHTAR: *THE IMPORTANCE OF EMPATHIC SKILLS* [Cut Your Cords So You're NOT Short-Circuited!!!] + *SHIP STARGATE LOVE MEDITATION* Now Through August 8th! In Chinese and English
ASHTAR: *THE IMPORTANCE OF EMPATHIC SKILLS* [Cut Your Cords So You're NOT Short-Circuited!!!] + *SHIP STARGATE LOVE MEDITATION* Now Through August 8th! In Chinese and English
We communicate to our global galac
Worst. Crop circles. Ever! What happened to the patterns that delighted and baffled the world?.. See Photos
Just 15 poor attempts at crop circles have appeared in Wiltshire this yearLast year, seasoned crop artists had already produced more than 50Tourists and those hoping for an alien encounter used to flock to the countyBut this year's attempts have been
Read more…9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)
9/11 False Flag Conspiracy - Finally Solved (Names, Connections, Motives)
Read more…Broccoli's a wonder veg... and now we know why: Chemical only found in the food helps maintain 'batteries' that power body's cells
Next time your child asks why they have to eat broccoli, you can give them the reason – thanks to scientists who made people eat it every day for three months.They discovered that a chemical found solely in the vegetable helps maintain the health of
Read more…USGov Creates ANOTHER Mind Control Program "The Nudge Squad" Recruiting
When is it going to stop? When our group conscience spans across the globe like the pebble in the pond.
Here's the newest entry in the United States Government's Propaganda Saga--"The Nudge Squad" is basically Uncle Sam believing he knows all that'
Read more…Your Lives Are About To Change, Drastically & Forever! ~ through John Smallman
7 31 2013 ~When your move into fully conscious living replaces your present illusory state of existence, as it very soon will, you will be so engrossed with the new environment you are busy adapting to that your interest in “what is to come” will hav
The Silent Mind
The Silent Mind
Mental Constructions
The major task that opens the door to many realizations, is mental silence. Why mental silence, one may ask? Clearly, if we wish to discover a new country within us, we must first leave the old one behind; everyth
Read more…New Cobra interview
Link for listening and downloading is here:
Read more…Think you know your cat? Think again: New video demystifies feline body language - and reveals they probably DON'T want their tummy stroked...See Photos Plus Video
Cats Protection video reveals what emotions cats are trying to communicate when they flatten their ears or extend their tail upwardsOne third of cat owners failed to recognise that a slow-blinking cat shows a calm, contented moggyA quarter of owners
I had a kind of a dream afew months ago where I felt and saw a brilliant presence over me. It felt like an angel. She was drawing a symbol of light onto my forehead. The symbol was a rectangle, and inside I believe was a cross. I cannot remember
Read more…Hello to all!!
My story!! Starts as a kid always feeling different like I didn't really belong. Always had a real love for the source. Always simply just wanted to be home I guess you could say. During my meditations I would pray take me out of this life take m
Read more…Milabs & Super Soldiers Part 1 - Eve Lorgen
Eve Lorgen begins an in-depth series on MILABS & Super Soldiers on
"Shattering The Matrix" Radio. MILABS are people who get abducted by the Military usually right after experiencing ET encounters. It has been found, via speaking with the victims
feer of looking coward
Amazing stories are told of people doing daring things and daring other people to do horrible and dangerous thingsAn acrobat cycles his unicycle along a rope accross tompson's fall to the horror of his spectators. Then as if that was not enough, he o
Read more…The Origins of the Human Avatar by Lord Enki - Helen Demetriou - Annunaki Earth Council.
The populace of power is the order of a nation. The remains of all that was is used to re create a new and renovated structure. Do not think that things are discarded and forgotten about. All the materials are recycled and transmuted to create a new
The 'gigantic hole' in the SUN that's firing solar material into space and was spotted by a spacecraft...See Amazing Photos Plus Video
The massive coronal hole - a dark, low density region of the sun’s outermost atmosphere - covered a quarter of the sunSpotted by the SOHO spacecraft, coronal holes contain little solar material, have lower temperatures and appear much darker than the
Read more…Can ths really be true, the financial reset is about to happen?
Scott Mowry: The Rebirth of the Republic and the Rise of the Meek
Read more…Mars' Curiosity Rover -Nasa's Stealth Mission
Richar Hoagland describes anomalies on Mars and how NASA is gathering info to prove ancient life on Mars- Lot's of info when you have the time.
Read more…Latest Activity
The administration has downplayed the importance of the text messages inadvertently sent to <em>The Atlantic</em>’s editor in chief.
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…