July 28, 2016 by Joseph P. Farrell
There’s a project in the works to send human DNA samples to various star systems thought to be suitable for planets that can sustain life as a kind of “backup system” to ensure the su
528 Records
Perdido Bay, Alabama—A series of sounds played to oil polluted water from the Gulf of Mexico has “miraculously”
Looks like giant slow moving meteors?-or rockets from n korea/china?-couldn't get embed code; scroll down cbs page to twitter poasts;
Read more…I'm going to be non-biased, because many people know who I am "cheering for" with the 2016 U.S. Presidential election (CLUE: the nominee has never been accused of murdering anyone).
I am aware that there are many light-workers on this AshtarCommandCre
Read more…7-25-16
The list was compiled thanks to the work of Reddit Bernie Sander supporters and Donald Trump supporters... Hat Tip Steve A.
DNC member killing horses for insurance money.
Being An Agent For the Arcturians
Greetings, We the Arcturians wish to share a message with you within this NOW. We see that many of you are being awakened in a manner tha
13 Caban, 0 Pop, 13 Caban
Dratzo! We come to discuss the changes being readied for this beautiful blue-green orb. For many years, the last major remnants of the dark cabal have worked to delay or prevent the inevitable. Now, those who are formally in
Read more…The People are sick of the bush clinton , ivy league, skull and bones open border, etc. bullshit-and don't forget the 20 trillion dollar debt-biggest heist in recorded history!!!
Read more…The aim here is not to insist that UFO is the same phenomena as ball lightning, though some people explain at least some of them so. Ball lightning is a mystery. Explaining one mystery using yet another mystery is like kicking a ball close to your ow
Read more…By Dr. Mercola
While most drugs come with a long list of potentially devastating side effects, painkillers — courtesy of their addictive nature —
I'm not trying to prove a point so don't even bother trying to argue with me, just leave that **** in the 3rd dimension, will you? :)
BUT I still find this place to be my "go to" higher vibrational social circle, for better or worse, and I am ex
Read more…Dr Richard Schultz became a world-famous doctor using the ancient and simple healing technique that before 3500 years was recorded in the Bible.
I get letters from all over the w
Presidents, Prime Ministers, Congressmen, Generals, Spooks, Soldiers and Police ADMIT to False Flagterrpt In the following instances, officials in the go
(Note: these messages were given during our 3rd Wed of the month Ancient Awakenings joint call with Hollow Earth Network over Blog Talk Radio on July 20, 2016) also note, the question/ans
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary: Full Uncut Version
This film was shown only once, and with no advance notice on stations in only five US cities. The original Michael Eisner intro hit me right in the nostalgia.
Lost Walt Disney UFO Documentary, Alien
Read more…The Anonymous campaign against the global banking cartel, OpIcarus: Shut Down The Banks, is gaining momentum as nine Rothschild owned central banks were taken offline after the hacking collective identified the global financial system as the “power b
Read more…A former US Navy whistleblower has vowed to reveal evidence for aliens
The 49-year-old man’s startling revelations in an exclusive interview with Express.co.uk also include claims other whistl
Read more…by Lori Lines,
Hearing ringing in your ears of late? Did you know this is a form of clairaudience? For those of you who do not know what the word clairaudient means, it is the faculty of perceiving, by hearing, what is inaudible.
What is happening in o
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…