All Discussions (310)
A tribute to Gaddaffi
I feel VERY upset and sad about what NATO is doing in Libya and unfortunately , the damage is already done.
They have bombed Libya back to stoneage.
Please spread this truth to everyone you know - thank´s
Read more…Should I love the Dark ones?
Question? Is sending love and light to someone who is Dark a violation of their free will? Would this be considered a psychic attack on them? Does this energetic exchange create a karmic debt that must be resolved?
Painful Lessons,
Sometimes, despite your best of intentions and actions, you realize you have reached the end of the line with people in your life, for various reasons. Perhaps some of them are violently opposed to your spiritual growth and fear it t
a new member
Hello I am a new member. My name is janie and I'm from Texas. For so long I have felt alone. Hiding behind a mask. Only a few very close friends did I share my vision and my dreamwalk with. Then one day Metatron showed me a web site. I found your sto
Read more…Star Trek - Illuminati Symbols, Reptilians, and Truth in Fiction
Look what I found on youtube, I have always been into star trek and loved it. I think this is bullshit to my words some information is right some is wrong. Anyway please tell me what you think and I will give you the link for the youtube video below.
Read more…Heart Awakening by Master Kuthumi, Master El Morya & Master Saint Germain Channelled through Natalie Glassson 22-08-11
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
The Emergence of Multiple Chaotic Nodes
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon
Your planet is entering a critical transition state, characterized by a multiplicity of Chaotic Nodes.
In our previous communications we have discussed the c
Cat/ lionlike spacebeings?
I have my entire life felt very attracted to all kind of cats such as house cats, lions, tigers, leopards etc. I have read somewhere that the Felines (catbeings) are our ancestors. It has been hard for me to find more information on the topic.
Can a
Read more…Archangel Michael's New Energy of Protection Archangel Michael Channeled Though Natalie Glasson 15-08-11
Many are now asking what can be truly expected from real enlightenment and activation and how can one reach it, that is the question that will now be answered. Know this, anyone who does not think Ascension is of the highest priority has accepted
Read more…ask a question manifest an answer
ask question meditate always ask question always meditate ask even when not meditatiing be patient and than every questiions answer will be yours, making u limitless, u dont need a teacher U are the infinite consciousness experienceing itself,so have
Read more…Is our solar system revolving into the reach of the Pleiades?
In astronomy, the Pleiades, or Seven Sisters (Messier object 45), is an open star cluster containing middle-aged hot B-type stars located in the constellation of Taurus. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious
Read more…Starseeds ~ Star People ~ Starborn.....ARE HERE NOW
Starseeds ~ Star People ~ Starborn
We are all starseeds, star people, or straborn meaning we are not created in physical reality. Our souls experience simultaneously in many realities, timelines, and realms. We are souls sparks of light having one o
Sex for Ascension! Oh, yes! [Ascension = vibrational growth + heightening of perceived/projected frequencies]
Sex and Ascension:
Personal, Planetary, and Universal
So, what does SEX have to do with personal, planetary, and universal Ascension?
What does SEX have to do with your Mission here?
[[Ascension = vibrational growth + heightening of perceived/project
2012 ~ A Shift In Consciousness.....ARE YOU GETTING READY?
On December 21, 2012 when the Earth moves fully into the photon belt and the solstice sun is in alignment with the Galactic equator will you be ready for lift off, Into a state of heart centred multi~dimensionality...
Read more…
The comet Elenin
I have been reading alot on this comet Elenin coming toward Earth. Nasa says it won't come close to us at all, others are saying it's not a comet at all. Youtube has some interesting videos as well as other sights. The media isn't saying anything a
Read more…'Locking in the Zero Point Quantum Field' (Children of the Sun)
The following article was transcribed verbatim from:
Locking in the Zero Point Quantum Field
The veils are thinning and the constant outpouring of pure light is revealing another timeline to the rainbow warriors who ar
Read more…Latest Activity
GENOCIDE BILL GATES to mRNA-vaccinate all cows, goats and sheep in Africa, but never animals they DON’T EAT, so what’s the “methane emission” goal again?"
January 1, 2025
Original source: …