The Amazon Rainforest is well known across the world for being the largest and most dense area of woodland in the world. Spanning across nine countries, the Amazon is ho
Clearly, Deep State is creating every opportunity between now and the Election
Read more…Hello All...Is anyone on here in contact with the Blue Avians of the Sphere Being Alliance or Corey Goode? I have an important matter I would like to discuss with him relative to some of my posts. If so, please leave a note and I will pm you. Thanks.
Read more…This young lady is channeling the Orion Council, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KRBT1rxAPs. They are somehow hooked up to computers inside Area 51. Listen as she says "Area 51 is active now." If there are ET's there, they will be well hidden or mov
Read more…Anyone seeing this? Just curious because while I'm stuck in a tesseract trap, the dark ones have a way of controlling my online activities. They often block messages that I post on other forums or place an algorithm on them to ensure that it receives
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8/11/2019 Sunday Call
Be Ready, For First Contact Is Now About To Become Simply ‘CONTACT.’
KaRa and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
Shoshanna - Joanna's Higher Self
These messages were given
Read more…HAARP is for demon possession and mind control. The Illuminati controlled CIA is not doing this alone. I know for a fact that they are getting help from Zeta gray aliens. They are assisting them and giving them technology. HAARP is used for this. The
Read more…The Amazon Rainforest is well known across the world for being the largest and most dense area of woodland in the world. Spanning across nine countries, the Amazon is ho
This is the Las Vegas Shooting 2.0..... Trump better start showing some real courage and call out these people for what they really are, which is hidden U.S. government operatives trying to protect black budgets, secret arms deals, and international
Read more…This report will concern an important discovery made with the horoscope of Jeffrey Epstein, as it may explain for his horrific sexual behavior. The real time of birth of Jeffrey Epstein is unknown, so we will have to use 12:01 pm for January 20, 1953
Read more…To move forward to ascend and evolve higher the new Humans will Transcend Religion, cast, colour and creed and concentrate on creating good karmas only.
They will follow 3 basic rules which sub divide into many good energy, Vibes and frequency...the
Read more…Kali Yuga is almost over;
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The Yurok Tribe, native American people in northwestern California, have been fighting a long battle to win back approximately 50,000 acres of forest along
Mother Mary says, dear heart, I am Mother Mary. I bring you great news today. The Divine has officially begun the Christ Era, the new Golden Age. The Christ has officially gotten to her throne and started her tenure. Our Divine Mother Father God have
Read more…The Galactic Federation of Light, led by Ashtar Command, and Nibiru, led by a feline being named Devin, are hijacking people out of Area 51, and Dulce Base. First came chem trails, which put nanites in everyone. Then they fly around in black helicopt
Read more…New Zealand To Spend Almost Half A Billion Dollars To Plant One Billion Trees New Zealand To Spend Almost Half A Billion Dollars To Plant One Billion Trees We all know that trees help the environment by pulling the bad things out of the atmosphere an
Read more…The CIA and DARPA are jointly run by aliens and humans. The aliens are in cloned bodies and indistinguishable from humans and they also operate from the 5th dimension. In some cases they are controlling the human operatives. They have nanited the pub
Read more…Every leftist I've ever had the misfortune to meet have been inherently RACIST!!! and sexist nutjobs!!!
The official Twitter account of Jack Dorsey, the co-founder of the social media platfo
Leonardo DiCaprio-Backed Fund Donated $5 Million To The Amazon Rainforest
Earth Alliance, a charitable organisation backed by the famous actor and philanthrop
Firstly All the world countries leaders need to be changed to those who are vegetarians, drink no alcohol and don'ts
smoke, take any form of drugs and fight to bring Mother Earth and it's inhabitants to their beautiful original state.
In others words
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A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…