All Discussions (244)
Quote of the Day September 4th
Quote of the Day September 5th
Answers Through Media:
99% of homes have at least one Television. If there were ever a moment in Human History where a Mass Message or A Mass Event were to take place and the world needed a way to SEE it; Now would be the perfect time. Bridging our way to the 5th Dimension
Read more…" JUST ASKING...? "
- What is the Human condition before the alleged manipulation of our DNA done by the Nephelim?
- If the human being posses an incredible ability before the DNA manipulation, why they let the Nephelim to manipulated our DNA?
-Do human being has done any
Quote of the Day September 9th Chapter 6 - Value Differences
Quote of the Day September 3rd
Starseed friends :-)
Hi, I am delighted to introduce my self as Daniel. Not sure how I stumbled across you guys, but I sure do thank and appreciate the opportunity to share the love and understanding of all things in such a creative atmosphere.
I look forward to all that
Dialogue with "Hidden Hand" a Self-Proclaimed Illuminati Insider
I was actually reading this discussion with Hidden Hand in Above Top Secret live (if there is such a word) back in 2008. Hidden Hand is the name of the entity who claims that he is from the ruling class that ruled earth even before our recorded histo
Read more…Star Seed Experience
My Star Seed Experience ~ Easter 1994
On Easter in 1994, something happened that changed my life :)..... and has been changing me ever since.
Me and my friends had decided to spend the night at a place called Greyhound Rock along highway 1 outside of S
Read more…Channeling vs Keylontic Communication
Channeling VS Keylontic Communication
Greetings all. I am new to this wonderful forum and would like to thank and show appreciation for love and opportunity offered here. That being said...
I am deeply confused with this channeling business, and though
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy Aug 31st 2010
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
4 Etznab, 16 Uo, 7 Ik
Selamat Balik! We return in the midst of great negotiations that are preparing to bring your world to the point of transformation. The dark cabal has Read more…
What is Ascension? By Jelaila Starr of The Nibiruan Council
By now you have probably realized that we were not given a blueprint for ascension. In a perfect world we would have a blueprint or model showing us what to do. We would know what to expect and what not to expect and therefore would move through the
Read more…John Smallman - 1st September 2010
Practice acceptance, and enjoy the amazing sense of peace it brings you
Human consciousness, as you experience it in the illusion, is very limited in its abilities. When you are awake you assume you are conscious because your bodily senses are supplyi
SaLuSa - 1st September 2010
SaLuSa - 1st September 2010
We know that these messages are received mainly by the converted, which have stirred within and sensed the importance of these times. Others take a passing look but if it does not fit in with their present mindset, it will
Quote of the Day September 2nd
Should I seek legal action or let karma do it's work?
I know this kinda subject is one you'd seek advice from legal orginsations or family or whatever, however I don't actually have any spiritual friends or family and I wanted to base my decision on this matter from a spiritual point of view. I'm learni
Read more…Hey Photography Lovers
Check out the artistic expressions at this site. I especially love the battered hands photo by Ricky Adam. The surfing photo by Nathan Smith is amazing as well. Enjoy
Read more…Latest Activity""
District Solaris & Don Quixote - Harakiri, release date: 2024-12-06 by Dacru…"
Will be Available 12/4/24 online at Austin Macauley Publishers, Barnes and Noble, Thrift Books, Walmart, and Amazon-both paperback and E-Book versions.
Cheeky and goofy fun beating up the cabal and their dopey puppets while exploring the…
By M.Gargha Cuichines.
Above picture is from youtube. A conclusion at the end is provided for the uninitiated. The best description of this relationship came from as follows: "When Freddie…