Jesus Was Not Crucified, Vatican In Awe

A bible that is 1500 years old and contains the Gospel of Barnabas is said to show that the story of Jesus being crucified on the cross is a lie.
Greetings! As always, from heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart. Tune into the light within you.
What do we cal
About My Big TOE (MBT)
My Big TOE (Theory Of Everything) is a trilogy of books written by Tom Campbell {basically a work on Metaphysics} and is designed to present ideas leading to a Big Picture understanding and paradigm shift by answering many of th
Read more…A new art exhibition called “Life on Spaceship Earth,” calls attention to the many endangered species on the planet that are currently at risk of extinction. Alexis Kand
A bible that is 1500 years old and contains the Gospel of Barnabas is said to show that the story of Jesus being crucified on the cross is a lie.
Tickets are now available for Plant Based News' latest documentary Vegan
Nandos another junk food joint but used by many who don't give a damn what they eat
Really you should ban Nandos from your countries and go for vegetarian/vegan restaurants.
Learn more about Nandos before you go there @
Read more…This easily-constructed new IKEA product could feed dozens of people in your very own neighborhood – and the blueprints are available for download free of charge.
The Grow Room is an urban structure designed by architects Sine Lindholm and M
Read more…Putin Warns: Western Governments Are Destroying the Planet With Chemtrails for Control and Profit (Video) |
Other schools throughout the World should follow
You are what you eat.
Read more…The food eaten by the mother makes a big difference to the sufferings of the fetus.
She should not eat salty, bitter (citric) and pungent (meat foods) nor drink any alcohol, smoke and careful of any drugs she takes. Eating excessive spicy food made up
9/22/2019 Sunday Call (St. Germain, OWS, Shoshanna)
Saint Germain and One Who Serves channeled by James McConnell
Shoshanna - Joanna's Hi
Read more…full report:
Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am KejRaj(KayRy). The information expressed here is that of m
Read more…We need change - for the animals, for the planet, for our future'
A coalition of animal-rights organizations, made up of The Save Movement, Animal Justice Project, and Animal Rebellion, have urged the government to transition to a 'completely plant-ba
Can't wait to hear comments after these things become popular-wicked spirits will try to influence them;
Our faith in almost everything is being tested these days.
Everything is instant, yet nothing seems real.
The news is apparently as fake as people o
Read more…Our first priority is to look after our home planet and not destroy our Planet.
At the moment so many disasters are taking place and some man made
Check @
Read more…By Following 3 Golden Rules And I Can't Make It Simpler Then This As All Should Understand ...No need for me to write a book.
1- By doing no harm to Mother Earth ..this alone divides into many divisions like man made disasters, like drilling large hol
Read more…Swift Creek Campground, a campsite that's located approximately half-way up Baker lake is often used by campers as daytime and overnight camping facility. Recently, a strange event had taken p
Dental fillings may soon be a thing of the past, thanks to this latest breakthrough from Chinese scientists.
Enamel is the mineralized substance that protects the surface of teeth. Though it is one of the
A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. This New Moon takes place four minutes before an exact D.C. sunrise (with Sun/Moon = eastern horizon point, or Ascendant) on Saturday, March 29, 2025. This has…