Off and Running!
So we have just about compl
Move into the Light and Love with us, and we shall be the pioneers of a new movement for peace wherever we go.
Where you direct your thoughts is where your energy goes, and the more you focus upon it the stronger the link becomes for you. So you can s
I had this dream last night, I was on top of a mountain, I think I was camping and the wind was blowing very hard. then suddenly a bible, identicle to the one in my bookcase started to fall down the hill, blown by the wind. before it went too far som
Read more…After all, you are One traveling the same journey, and your experience will be happier if you do so in complete harmony with each other.
Now that so many of you are enlightened, you have difficult in understanding how other people feel. Without some g
Our love joins yours and together we have become a powerful force for good.
Another month has passed by and in the same way as the seasons change when necessary, so duality is now giving way to process of Ascension. It has in fact been quite a time si
I just want to say from the warm of my heart happy chinese new year in chinese ( Kung Hei Fat Choi) and happy valentines day. May the love and joy be with all of you always
Dear all members, Divine Beings, Gods…throught the Universe2-9 todayDo you see today that I light the sun with breath, amazing to myself. I saw many your postings ,but just not quite clear what I can help you, all seem different. As for the Creator ,
Read more…The following article by Leslee Dru Browning was transcribed verbatim from:
Scientific Evidence Proves Significant Anti-Cancer Effect of Milk Thistle
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 by
Read more…The following article by Mike Adams was transcribed verbatim from:
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
The following news bulletin was transcribed verbatim from:
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As energy flows through you, you put a spin on it
01/31/2010 by John Smallman
Life is full of surprises, which add enormously to its richness and variety. As you allow your heart to open more fully, your awareness expands to observe and experience more
The following essay by Lauren C. Gorgo was transcribed verbatim from:
We are here for a reason What are you waiting for, Wake up!! I feel like we are running out of time yet we are taking it like a game. Brothers and sisters as Members of the Galactic Association of light we have the responsibility to carry this asc
Read more…The following essay by Lauren C. Gorgo was transcribed verbatim from:
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Read more…Look to this day!
Dear ALL, a message from Galactic Federation of Light SaLuSa...Light, Love an Peace to ALL we are ONE...Chichieun
channelled by: Komurosan
Read more…Ashtar:Time Is Up!Ashtar addressing the January 12, 2010"Well, good evening everyone! Did everyone feel that [Elise's meditation]? Did everyone vibrate with that? That was truth. That was love. That, Beloved Ones, i
Read more…A black stallion rips through
a snow laden field,
while the sun glistens like
a thousand points of blinding light,
each flash an echo of an entire world
in and of itself.
Plumes of smokey air steam
from its flaring nostrils
puffing outward
with each forceful
Laughter is powerful and miraculous
02/07/2010 by John Smallman
Laughter, as I have said before, is excellent medicine. It has great powers of healing and rejuvenation. You have all seen it in children, when a child is crying unhappily, curled up in
I posted a discussion saying that the big first contact timeline is low probability event in the first half of 2010. As we have not had the cosmic convergence yet. They did not like that and deleted the post and banned me. There was no reason given
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