Message for ALL
Galactic Federation of Light Metraton Jan 23 2010
Light, Love and Peace to ALL...Chichieun
Sorry about the link that didn't work before, hope all is ok now...x
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Galactic Federation of Light Metraton Jan 23 2010
Light, Love and Peace to ALL...Chichieun
Sorry about the link that didn't work before, hope all is ok now...x
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Please my camera is not a wound up toy it is just that it is old runned down and tired, i know i need a new one looking for a night camera that aso can be used during the day but night time dvd cam cords has a very sucky resoution in them.
Hi brothers and sisters... i uploaded some interesting book for download.
Hi everyone, I have a loose collection of dreams I had last night and I am having trouble making sense of them. any help would be very much appreciated!
1.I was walking on a shopping street in Munich where I used to live. I met this person from my sc
Read more…Source: Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. ~Benjamin FranklinEven if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget
Read more…I was curious cause it's not that I don't believe those channerlers. I would love to believe them. Sometimes I do, but then I begin to doubt. I don't know why. I don't understand why they would be making it up. So I thought that it be easy to believe
Read more…Hi all I had a very negitive dream lastnight and it freaked me abit, it was about those giants coming back to the earth and eating the humans and doing sick and horriable things to us. I want to know why I had this dream and also I do have alot posit
Read more…If you have struggled to find your role in life as a lightworker then this may resonate...taken from a Kryon channelling.Waiting for DirectionLet me give you another one. I've got a room full of Lightworkers in front of me and many of them have been
Read more…The solar eclipse of January 15th brings the energies of great change. These energies open the doorway to humanity’s visible preparation for 2012 and these changes will begin soon.
Given the importance of this event, I have included the complete messa
Read more…This guy has some interesting perspectives and an online radio show saturday at 8 pm central 9pm eastern
here is the link please show your support or be entertained whichever you choose
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I thought of this during a long walk in the cold, (which I've found conducive to a good ponder). I've been trying to embellish the single sentence I distilled from my epiphany, but it defies my attempts to add/modify/explain or even quite fully under
Read more…Hey folks,
I'm inviting anyone who's on facebook to join Disclosure Project(Stephen Greer)...we need numbers, in hoping it would make some difference.
I know that many of you are more spiritually minded and that's great.
The Disclosure Project is a mor
calendrical 2010 for many peoplefor others, the year of the tiger.archetypes of the superconscious, semiconscious, unconscious and subconscious -- do they "slalk us unceasingly whereever we go"? or are they guiding, nurturing etermal influences with
Read more…Haiti and the Chaotic NodeThe recent seismic event in Haiti heralds the beginning of the Chaotic Node we referred to in our last communication.We are, quite frankly, surprised that this event occurred slightly outside the timeline we had projected. T
Read more…How do you KNOW you're a starseed?
If this is true that Mike Quinsey is channeling false messages , then a lot of people are wasting energy that could have been used to something better.This is why it is so important that the truth comes out.Light/PeterIs the CIA using Mike Quinsey to
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