Meditation for beg
Hey everyone !
Im only new to meditation can anyone give me advise on how i start off
your advise very much appreciated !!
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Hey everyone !
Im only new to meditation can anyone give me advise on how i start off
your advise very much appreciated !!
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I find it hard to believe that most of people around me hates me for no reason.
I mean when I'm with my friends it feels like I don't belong with them, does some of you
experienced this kind of air? I don't really get what's the point of living, and .
His return heralded by a siren's blare and the cries of a happy nation, the first of 33 Chilean miners emerged into a cool desert night early Wednesday after being trapped underground for 69 harrowing days. Florencio Avalos made the bumpy 20-minut
Read more…The following articles from the Children of the Sun Foundation were transcribed verbatim:
The Importance of the Sacred Fire
As we continue to greatly expand our conscious perception with ou |
The mystery behind the ''sixth sense'' - how people interact on a
physiological level - is a step closer to being unravelled, according to
a Sydney neuroscientist.
has shown that two p
Read more…Just a few questions for those in the know.
Do we ascend in a physical body?
Will we still eat, drink, and be merry?
Do we maintain physical relationships with others (sex, partnership, children, etc?
Can I manifest a motorbike, and will there be places
VRILLON is quiet a character but when you read his messages you grow to like him.
The Videos give a discription of him and the messages are down to Earth and positive.
Once you have seen the Videos you can tune into Vrillon as he is not easy to forget.
Read more…Has anyone else seen this film?
I've watched it three times now, and still find the original footage and recordings very disturbing!
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It has been a very strange period as of late. From my point, information has been somewhat at basic form... Until Recently. The night of 10-6-10 Another message made it's way to me in a physical and memorable way: Months ago during Projection Vibrati
Read more…Now I find this interesting.............!!
I just spent 30 minutes to type a reponse to find it has not been posted...and the discussion closed.
Does anyone else have an opition on this? What was there to sensor?? Why was the discussion not allowed to
Read more…Well I’m in the working world again. I’ve found myself a well-paying gig in the engineering industry, and life finally feels like it’sreturning to normal after my nine months of traveli
Read more…I am big fan of steven greer and everything that dat he trying too do for the world, and for everyone !! Inhis confrence in spain he said he was goin to disclose with another country if the us did not come out and tell everyone the truth by the summe
Read more…October 17, 2010
My dear Veronica, you are certainly living in exciting times. As the Dark Cabal desperately seek ways to hold on to their illicit power, they are planning a very deep recession this time so as to take peoples minds off what is really
The following article by Dr. Joseph Mercola was transcribed verbatim from:
[Please click on the links (in blue font) for more information.
Read more…More info than any channel I've read
Read more…One secret for leading a happy life is to understand that where your thoughts wander...there you are. When you think of an terrible past experience, medical science has proven that the person literally lives and goes through the experince as if it i
Read more…10/13/2010 by John Smallman
Everyone in human form on Earth at this time is receiving major encouragement from the spiritual realms to help them recognize t
Read more…Originial Source: …
Chapter V
Knowledge of Uranian Astrology (and use of the 90 degree dial) is required for understanding this analysis. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The analysis will focus on use of the Ascendant, which…