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Grand son today, strange experience.
My daughter whom is quite or was very psychic when young as I am, brought her 17 year old son to me today. She has protected the boys from many realities you on this site would more understand. This boy is typical young man, into internet and all th
Read more…Chemtrails & their Purpose?
After much research & personal observation,{I was just watching some spraying overhead just now which inspired me to share this insight,Thanks AC for being here} I conclude Chemtrailing is a global reality,which brings the supposition..WHY! I conject
Read more…Major earthquake strikes near Christchurch – Was HAARP Technology Responsible?
Major earthquake strikes near Christchurch – Was HAARP Technology Responsible?
04/09/2010 Updated: 9 Sept 2010 For those who are new to this area, who are wondering why this question is being raised on this website, it is so Read more…Our Planet Frequency change from 3rd Dimension to 5th Dimension Planet
Now is the time for all of us to get into the MODE OF GOODNESS by being kind to each other including animals and kind to Nature so that we move smoothly into 5th Dimension along with Mother Earth.
Please watch the nice video below by Diana Cooper and
Read more…Are You a Lightworker or a Darkworker? very clear, intelligent observation of what is dark and what is light in today's world?Whether you are a darkworker or a lightworker, your source of poweris always found
Read more…Rainbow Masters - part 21 (Soltec) - Mind Controllers Ramping Up Latest Antics
"Keep a level head about you as your reality becomes challenged. You are being bombarded with everything that the controllers can covertly throw at you ones. The only thing left is the less covert tactics and, as these ones become more and more despe
Read more…NBC's 'The Event': The secret even the President does not know.
September 11th, 2010 11:43 am MT
Imagine a secret so secret that the President of the United States of America is not on the Need-To-Know list—one that would change the course of history were it to become widespread public knowledge.
Sounds like a gre
Read more…Rainbow Masters - part 26 (Germain) - The Lighted Thought Behind Creator's Overall Plan
"Your body, your soul, and your mind are ALL comprised of Light invarious stages of compression. Your body, along with all physicalmatter, is a functioning electromagnetic holographic projection ofCreator's thinking.
Creator has created the universe s
Rainbow Masters - part 25 (Kali) - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
"Perhaps great men aren’t born courageous; perhaps they become courageous simply because they have a passion so great, a love-thought so great that it cannot be contained within them and it explodes forth, growing and expanding.
And, above all, I must
The law of reverse affect
Here is a beautiful example of the law of reverse affect, and just how easy it is to turn a negative into a positive.
Rainbow Masters - part 22 (Aton) - Recognizing The Power Of Your Divine Birth-right
"Be attentive to those things which cause you to feel fear. Fear is what will inhibit you from reaching your full potential while down there in the physical. Recognize WHO you are and WHY you are there! Go forth in confidence that you are part of the
Read more…Cosmic Voyage Ebook By Courtney Brown
. . . The story of his extraordinary odyssey of exploration is one that needed to be told.
Dr. Brown made his discoveries using a process called Scientific Remote Viewing (SRV) - a procedure originally developed by the U.S. military as a highly classi
Tau Cetian Speaks His Truth on 2012
Hi everyone, I didn't actually have a chance to watch the video yet but the info was interesting enough for me to post it here. I thought you guys might be interested in it.
I am pasting here a letter to my daughter whom has through her son, had a rude introduction to the spiritual side of life. I mentioned this on another post, but don't think it was read by many. At times I also feel younger folks here and certainly el
Read more…Why we feel resposable.
This was posted here a few weeks back by Ravinder i think
I read it and it makes sense, in the way i have the urge to fix something i have wronged in the past.
It has been mentioned on other threads to, about not being able to u
Read more…Laughing Astral Projection
Hello everyone!
About a week or so ago I was playing games with some friends. I had read something really funny that caught me off guard. I laughed and it felt like the energy from the top half of my body was having a slight astral projection towards
Re-post: VIOLET FLAME PICTURES, thanks to Ari.
Posted by Ari on September 15, 2010
Original Post can be Found in the St:Germain Focus Group:
Violet Flame in the Forest of Mt. Shasta
George Kavassilas interviewed on Project Camelot radio
Also, George has a new forum:
For those unfamilair with Georges work, plz check out his youtube channel: horusdownunder
Reminder of Marianne Williamson Quote
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
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"The Divine Heresies".
Knowledge of Uranian Astrology (and use of the 90 degree dial) is required for understanding this analysis. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The analysis will focus on use of the Ascendant, which…