Message from Christ Michael Aton
They say that he who controls the money supply controls the world.
Its amazing that right under our eyes these criminal bankers can act in direct defiance of the
united states constitution and no one does anything about it.
I wonder, had this order been
Message from Archangel Michael LM-9-2010
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman
Beloved masters, during these times of accelerated transformation and chaotic change, two major, distinctive groups have formed among the ra
Those holding the Light have guaranteed it for all
The time of waiting is almost at an end, and the end will be surprising, alarming for some, a relief, and finally, a great joy, as you release all your confusions and burdensome perceptions of life an
Ok, this is the first time I'm writing the whole story for the world to see, eventually I hope to be able to tell this to more people who are not only the ones I feel comfortable with or random strangers here, to be more open, because by doing this,
Read more…G'Day All,My name is Kaystar,I just want to thank you all for the joy this website brings,the sharing & caring are heart warming and so much wisdom a welcome find.Love to you all & lets be friends.
Read more…This letter is from one man that knows the truth and feels very dejected that noone (almost) can open their eyes and sees the truth.
The whole humanity are being enslaved by a little group that calles them selves "jewes" because they adopted the judai
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i like to have your thoughts on this?
Read more…A collection of aerial photography produced by Yann Arthus-Bertrand."Earth From Above" is the result of the aerial photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand's five-year airborne odyssey across six continents. It's a spectacular presentation of large scale ph
Read more…"Lessons shall be a continuous part of your life experience. The only TRUE purpose for expressing in the third-dimensional experience is that of SPIRITUAL GROWTH.
Many ground crew members get caught up in the day-to-day struggle to "just fit in" or "j
SaLuSa - 18th August 2010
You have power beyond your imagination, and as you get nearer to the end of this cycle, it will become more evident. Up to now it has been largely expressed through your mass consciousness, and has created the conditions and
Boriska - The boy from Mars
3rd. Dec. 2004. Reproduced from the Russian News Pravda.
Sometimes, some children are born with quite fascinating talents, unusual abilities.
Picture above is the Planet MARS in our solar syst
There was a document left for us that was carved in stone to allow angelic humans to remember the meaning of Universal Consciousness
returning on February 2011. Those who remembered what Galactic Consciousness mean
Message From Archangel Michael, September 2010
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
“The Way Of One Who Achieves Greatness”
Dear Ones,
At this time many of you are at a crossroads. You have opportunities to raise your conscious
Read more…This guy has been monitoring the magnetic pole shift for years. Apparently there a remote electronic devices at the north pole.…