The Paa Tal?
-Edit: Re-opened, but this is very old. Don't expect me to believe stuff right off the bat, because no one could give me answers I learnt to astral and get my own "fresh" information.-
Read more…-Edit: Re-opened, but this is very old. Don't expect me to believe stuff right off the bat, because no one could give me answers I learnt to astral and get my own "fresh" information.-
Read more…The following email message (Tue, 17 August, 2010 4:21:13 PM) from Children of the Sun Foundation ( was copied & pasted here:
During this c |
Question for the Lady of the Sun: In what way is the Dec 2012 Mayan calendar reference point significant for humanity and earth? Answer: So many people are tal |
(NaturalNews) Although it's still summer in North America, it is of course winter in Australia, and the flu season is well under way there. As usual, Australian health authorities have been urging parents there to vaccinate their children against the
Read more…Hi All....
It was writtenby an8-year-oldnamed DannyDutton, wholives in ChulaVista , CA .He wrote itfor his thirdgrade homeworkassignment, to'explain God'I wonder ifany of uscould havedone as well ?
[ ... And hehad such anassignment,
So, I got to think of Julian Assange and his apparance, the other day, caught myself zoning out looking at his pic. I get strong ET vibes with him, but does anyone have some further info on what planet(s) he may have connection to?
Hi folks, my first post here. I've read many postings on topics speaking of interactions between humans or whatever one wishes to call us and a lot of the messages give fairly good wisdom. Though I have noticed a little something missing from some of
Read more…Vaastu shastra is an ancient science which helps one to get the natural benefits freely offered by the five basic elements of the universe in which we all live. These basic elements are Akash (SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and V
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By Carlos Barrios
Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of . His home was in Huehue tenango, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. With other Maya and other indigenous tr
If you haven't heard, Australia has just had another election. I'm not entirely sure if they've decided which party is in, let alone I couldn't really care but it's looking like a hung government at this stage. If so, the greens will have the last sa
Read more…I guess just more evidence that things are changing?
"A space telescope has captured the spectacular moment a "super volcano" exploded from a giant black hole in a galaxy about 50 million light years away from eart
Read more…From Arwa Damon, CNNAugust 19, 2010 -- Updated 1412 GMT (2212 HKT)Mosul, Iraq (CNN) -- The last U.S. brigade combat team in Iraq has left the country, a move that helps U.S. President Barack Obama reach his goal of 50,000 troops in the country by Sep
Read more…This exchange between Mooji and the young man is so wonderful. I can't help but laugh out loud every time I watch it.
Read more…An unextinguishable flame to light your way Home
Humanity's move into full consciousness will be a most glorious event. Ever since your apparent separation from God many eons ago, you have been seeking your way Home. At that moment, as you separated f
Matthew Ward - 14th August 2010
This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. I begin with a personal note about the lapse in these messages. My mother's energy and time were dedicated to caring for Bob during the last stages
This guy has been monitoring the magnetic pole shift for years. Apparently there a remote electronic devices at the north pole.…