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John Smallman - 21st July 2010
This is a wake-up call that no one will sleep through!
07/21/2010 by John Smallman
Every day that you live in the illusion, you are moving closer to the exhilarating moment of awakening. It is a moment that you cannot miss, because you have arranged y
Quote of the Day Summation for Chapter Two - Value Self
The following email message (Sat, 24 July, 2010 12:56:08 AM) from Ken Cook ( was copied & pasted here:
Dear Jazmin,
We have huge news.
The toxics reform bill, H.R. 5820, the Toxic Chemicals Safety Act, has been introduced in the U.S. Hous
Read more…I need some advice on what my action should be from this dream.
There is a woman I know who I was very close to 7-9 years ago when we worked together. We would have gotten together had I not been married. She happens to be an incredible woman and I think about her often. I just recently mailed her a birthday card
Read more…How Different Will the World Be Once Disclosure Actually Occurs?
I see a lot of good evidence and videos and info appearing constantly now.The latest siting --- a new crop circle---a hint of other worldly presence. Once there isa "formal public" announcement will things change? Will there be an actual landing and
Read more…Jobs
Even though we all are on our way to enlightment and so on - we all need to work? I am interested in what you do for a living? I am 21 right now, studying psychology our of pure interest, and everyone (specially family members) nag constantly... "so
Read more…SaLuSa - 21st July 2010
Thought as always is a creative power, and as you envision yourself so you manifest what you want to be.
When you begin to live in the Light you draw harmony and balance into your life, and it is part of your transition to a higher level of expressi
Read more…Anyone else feel this way?
I want to run up to everyone in the world, and just tell them that they are beautiful exactly the way they are. Stop trying so hard. I know you are wonderful!
I want to love everyone and fix all of their problems for them. I want to tell people not to
SaLuSa - 16th July 2010
We respect your privacy, but if needs required it we could see right into your buildings and focus on whomsoever we wished.
We can hear your conversations, or even read your minds, which is useful when dealing with the dark Ones. It is why their plans
Read more…Quote of the Day July 23rd
Quote of the Day July 25
John Smallman - 18th July 2010
A permanent, divine video-conference-call
07/18/2010 by John Smallman
My dear friends, as you well know, a sea change in the way humans interact with one another is due to occur when you make your move into full consciousness. This is because, in your
Read more…Check out song number 3 (Love Vibe) SOng i recorded years ago
I recorded all of these songs over 4 years ago most of them on Garage Band on my mac but a lot of people dig Love Vibe. Hopefully if can help some people.
Bob Lazar Interview
Here’s an interview with Bob Lazar. Although there’s no date on this, I know that it’s got to be over 10 years old because long ago I’d seen parts of this interview on some ufo TV program. This is the first time I’ve seen the entire interview and I t
Read more…Bringing into our lives the wisdom of THE ARCTURIANS who are the most advanced in our Universe.[Part 1]
The Arcturians are the most advanced in this Universe and there is a lot we can learn from them.
There were many different professions on Arcturus, the profession is chosen
according to the COLOURS IN THE AURA.
Those with violet in your aura are respons
Read more…Quote of the Day July 20th
anyone have any spiritual books i should read
hey i was looking in the library for some spiritual books i had been suggested to read like the secret, david icke books, healing life, living kabbalah, and so on i was wodering if anyone had any books that they believe really spiritually awakened th
Read more…Blossom Goodchild - 23rd July 2010
It's me again! It feels quite a while since we were in contact. Life simply whizzes by. Everything is changing and yet somehow it all seems to stay the same. I understand that we need to
Read more…Latest Activity
The New Age was founded July 8th.1964 after The Twelve…"
❕Elon Musk has been invited to speak.
There will be many conservative political leaders present even from…"
This guy has been monitoring the magnetic pole shift for years. Apparently there a remote electronic devices at the north pole.…