Wilcock's 6/21/10 Interview with Filippo
Part 1 of 5https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5nSYSbNduk
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Do you feel calm in the midst of what is going on all around you, because they are very trying times? Yet
Read more…Fear not, as the Light will
Read more…For 15 years, Kevin Costner has been overseeing the construction of oil separation machines to prepare for the possibility of another disaster of the magnitude of the 1989 Exxon Valdez spill.
Does this evoke his tagline from “Field of Dreams?” It se
The warmest and deepest of loving blessings extends from my soul to all of creation on the Earth. My fondness and devotion for the Earth and its humanity is abundant and pours forth with tremendous intensity.
I am Lady Mary, also known as
Read more…07/04/2010 by John Smallman
Humanity has had a long hard slog in the illusion which it imagined, built, and continues to maintain. Without humanity’s continuing, willing support and in
Maybe some of you have already seen this video -- it's got over 3.5M views. It shows some impressive footage of unusually-shaped UFO's. It seems way too far-fetched to believe that NASA is not studying these objects -- isn't that what they're suppose
Read more…The following announcement by Aluna Joy Yaxk'in was copied & pasted from:
Will you join us in a
Universal Blessing Water Ceremony Dates:
Anywhere on Earth at your local
Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation
6 Muluc, 12Kumku, 5 Caban
Selamat Jaram! We continue with our discussion of what is happening on your world and with first contact. At present, our Earth allies are finish
Read more…Hi all with much love & light and joy, I have just found a real angle she is called Kayla well thats her angle name and I meet her off www.interpals.com website. Anyway I knew from within myself that she was a angle, because I said to her you look li
Read more…St Martin's Chapel, Nr Chisbury, Wiltshire. Reported 3rd July.
A Star on the Wiltshire landscape
A new Star appears next to the mysterious St Martin's Chapel (built in the 13th century) is situated on the edge of the earthwork defences of an earlier
Jul 13, 2010
It has begun. Can you feel it?
Remember we are here at this time because we are the ones who volunteered and were chosen. So many asked and yet WE are the ONES who were chosen.Best then we do not take any one given moment for granted. Best
Read more…I keep wondering to myself: am I left-brained, or right-brained?
I would tend to think I'm more left-brained, as I tend to be logical in my thoght processes, but recently I've been going through tough emotional times.I'm a computer guy: I like working
Has anyone been experiencing a problem with making decisions recently? Ive always been a little indecisive but in the last few years or so I have been increasingly indecisive and have really had trouble making even relatively small decisions about t
Read more…07/07/2010 by John Smallman
Humanity’s forthcoming move into full consciousness is an event of great importance and significance. It is the return to the experiential knowledge that we are all One with e
Read more…There doesn't seem to be a Ufo section on here, so I'll just put it in the Conspiracy section, since there is a coverup on this subject.
This is a picture of Cydonia taken by the European Space Agency taken in 2006. It's better quality than the origi
Source: http://www.morningliberty.com/wp-content-upload/2010/06/EVACUATION_MAP.jpg
Please click on this link to read the article about this map: http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2010/06/oil-spill-gulf-disaster-emergency.html
This guy has been monitoring the magnetic pole shift for years. Apparently there a remote electronic devices at the north pole.…
1/15/25-Caught this a couple of hours ago- after about a minute the light goes out and you can see a ship!…