Quote of the Day May 24th
Patience: A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.
Patience: A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains.
Dear Friends,
I will be presenting information about the Mayan calendar and the upcoming Conscious Convergence at a conference at Mt Shasta on May 26-29, 2010. The dates for this event are noteworthy in that May 27 marks the beginning of
a new tzolkin
Never forget the power of thought, it can heal you as an individual or collectively and determine your future. So no matter what appears on the horizon, you can
Read more…Self: Seek comfort in the Garden, Seek adventure in the wilderness, but seek the truth in yourself.
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The Great Lie
By Jim Kirwan
The following article was copied & pasted from the RAY ALEX WEBSITE:
16/05/2010 4 Comments
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feel that there is so much warmth of feeling towards us. For that we thank you and leave you with our love and blessings.
We would never condone violence, but Mankind sometimes resorts to it when his leaders fail to listen
Hi i thought i would write about my personal take on the changes i have been feeling and logging over the last couple of years to do with the enrgy.,I pick up changes being a sensitive. I am aware the many discussions on 2012 etc and respect everyone
Read more…Dublin, Ireland — The President of the Republic of Ireland, Mary McAleese, has praised the universality of the Baha'iteachings and the contribution its members make to the life of theirnation.
"You are marked out as people with values that are worth o
Read more…"I saw news in this morning about oil spill in Gulf of Mexico. In the news, the Japanese TV crew chartered a boat and got the scene where the huge amount of oil was spilled in the gulf of Mexico.
They departed from the mouth of Mississippi River and t
Well as you may have seen me in other forums asking things things are better for me now.
Now today I was walking in the office or going home I dont remember but suddenlty I felt a round strong circle in my middle breast, between my teets ( sorry I D
Create: Today belongs to You. It is a clean page you can cover with wonderful, creative images and words that will fill every moment with satisfaction.
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Princess Diana 'was killed for planning to expose senior Brits involved in
the land mine trade'
By _Daily Mail Reporter_
Last updated at 5:31 PM on 31st May 2010
Princess D
I am new to this community and one of the first things I am investigating is PAO
What is the overall consensus in the Spiritual World?
I believe in:
thanks Doug
I just received a Email from United Starseeds, (Reptilian Engery? Owner Dara) saying if your on this site there kicking you off. Why? I also got a personal E-mail from them saying they don't like Starseeds.net I very much like that site...what is t
Read more…H All
Meet the nano-spiders: The DNA robots that could one day be walking through your body
By Daily Mail Reporters
Last updated at 2:48 AM on 15th May 2010
* Comments (27)
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Scientists have created microscopic robots out of DNA m
Here's one of those 'woo woo' stories that may be of interest to some people:
The following story was transcribed verbatim from Whitley Strieber's Unknown Country website: http://www.unknowncountry.com/mindframe/opinion/?id=251
Read more…Have YouTubers been unable to download YouTube videos for two weeks, or is this a glitch affecting a few? It seems to be the case, that glitches or something else are causing YouTubers to have difficulty downloading videos from the platform using…
Photo above is from Infowars. A basic conclusion is at the end for the uninitiated. The Los Angeles fire began in the Palisades community (which is twenty miles from downtown Los Angeles) on January 7, 2025, shortly…
Is it the Tau Ceti Bear again?