Spiritual Vanity
I found this message to be quite enlightening and wanted to share is with my cosmic family. xxoo
Please go down the page for the message. for some reason i could not get it to copy here. thanks!
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I found this message to be quite enlightening and wanted to share is with my cosmic family. xxoo
Please go down the page for the message. for some reason i could not get it to copy here. thanks!
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I really would like to talk to someone who has... am very interested! :) Thank you in advance for any help :)
Hi All
A US watchdog has charged top investment firm Goldman Sachs with fraud over the sale of a complex mortgage product like those blamed for the financial meltdown.
The Securities and Exchange Commission, in a civil suit on Friday, accused Goldman o
The following was transcribed verbatim from:
EWG’s Guide to Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Exposure
Look up your phone on EWG
Read more…http://www.healthiertalk.com/overcoming-addictions-whole-herbs-0565
Overcoming Addictions With Whole Herbs
Does this relate?
A Galactic Tale
by Michael Lightweaver
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away there were all ofthese little light beings just hanging out
enjoying life in that joyful & timeless dimension.
And then one day a very large, magnific
The following article (Alliance for Natural Health - USA) was transcribed verbatim from:
ANH-USA Victory! Supplements Are Exempted From Codex Lang
Read more…Needed Science for the Times
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who work for the Light, as you are the Ambassadors who came to Earth for the very purpose of uplifting others.
We look at you with love in our hearts and eyes, as you have excelled yourselves since the tur
The following was transcribed verbatim from:
Click on the gold font below to learn more on each topic.
Go to http://www.ewg.org/actioncenter to actively take part in the solutions.
Everyday Pollution Solutions
Read more…I wanted to post a quick blurb to let you know that I have a new identity here temporarily. This is Marique. Due to a technical glitch with NING I have been locked out of all my NING groups because they accidentally inactivated my identity (how nic
Read more…hi all
US President Barack Obama and his Russian counterpart, Dmitry Medvedev,
have signed a landmark nuclear arms treaty in the Czech capital, P
Saint Germain on Soul Groups
By Saint Germain
Channeled by Paul E. Yandeau. This submission carries a MULTIDIMENSIONAL COPYRIGHT (M©) in the name of all beings everywhere; Please copy and share! Source: www.spiritual-endeavors.org . Illustrations of
Is the Universe Dreaming Itself? By Paul Levy
When you begin to spiritually awaken, it is like waking up inside of a dream and recognizing that everything you are experiencing is nothing other than a very convincing projection, or display of your m
Read more…Hi All
Hello everyone. I have recently watched two very moving movies.
The first one is called Food INC. It shows a detailed look at what big corps are doing to our food supply. It is a must see for anyone that feels compelled to be fully awake on what's hap
Read more…You ask and you will recieve...i have always been for truth, ever sinds i was i kid and started talking my only questions were, who am i and what do i do here, and why are things the way they are. So now i am in a truth mode more than ever and it is
Read more…The following article by Aaron Turpen was transcribed verbatim from:
Protect Your Pet: Common Pet Poisons in People Food and Plants
Thursday, April 08, 2010 by: Aaron Turpen, citizen journalist
Read more…Mike Adams
April 5, 2010
What would happen if the Columbine high school rampage shooters who were
Read more…Slave2Liberty’s Matt Baker reports on the Los Angeles wildfires on site, showing the widespread devastation and chaos wrought by the blaze. He also explains how the destruction wouldn’t have been as terrible had not city and state…
Chapter IV
Next up on the Galactic blogs will be one of the most talked about Non Human civilizations in the Galaxy the Arcturians who are a tall horse-like group of beings who are known for being great healers. All info is from Sheldan Nidle's book Your…