Chemtrails and the Chemical Threat
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"You will all eventually find the absolute truth, and the opportunity exists now to find what you seek."
That which was hidden continues to be revealed, and so it will continue as you are entering new times where the truth and honesty will be the orde
There are many at this time who are seeking to know what is their purpose for being or what their "Life purpose" is in this experience. Many are asking, yet many do not want to accept the personal responsibility for the receiving of the answers, and
Read more…The following email message from James Gilliland ( was transcribed verbatim:
[ECETI News] Massive Chemtrail Operation over Pacific Northwest
Tuesday, 23 February, 2010 10:02 AM
Massive Chemtrail Operation in the Pacific Northwest. Those
The following news report was transcribed verbatim from:
Click on Great photos of outer space (below) and check it out!
Top secret UFO files released
When it all boils down there are but two mantras for the journey - Yuk and Yum
Yum lives in the power and perfection of the present - the Divine moment.
Yum lives in knowing that the past is merely experience from which wisdom is gleaned.
Read more…We shall very gently be ‘sprinkling’ particles of this Divine Light energy a little at a time to your planet and allow it to do its
work. ~The Federation of Light~ Blossom Goodchild~11th Feb.
Good evening to you. Is it ok to have a chat? … Now is
Read more…Whistleblower Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Ike’s great-granddaughter, outs secret Mars colonyIn a public statement, LauraMagdalene Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of former PresidentDwight David Eisenhower (1890-1969), has exposed her attemptedrecruit
Read more…The following prophecy of Peter Deunov aka Beinsa Douno was transcribed verbatim from Michael Brine's website (
The Prophecy of Peter Deunov (1864-1944)
“During the passage of time, t
Read more…Why are you here? Guidance? To give guidance? To be apart of community? To love or be loved? To gain wisdom? To give wisdom? To observe? To take action? All of these things? I like it because it's wide open.. Open to all things that are right or wron
light workers, the light and dark are polar opposites of the exact same force of Creation. Illusion calls for self realisation. But realness calls for truth
from within. Create what you are and be what you will....
However, the truth is: It could w
Read more…This is an old Native American tale told long ago:
An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice... "Let me tell you a story."
"I too, at times, have felt great hate for those who have
Read more…(NaturalNews) One of the advantages of natural medicine is that if you make a mistake on your dosage, it's usually no big deal because natural medicine is inherently safe. But conventional medicine, with all its toxic chemotherapy poisons and irradia
Read more…I am a fairly active guy and and have been pretty in shape and involved
in sports and various activities through out all of my life and stopped when I graduated high school
back in 2003. I still play recreational sports now and then for fun but the las
hi :)
i need to say something.... theres a chance that ill just quit from this site, delete my account and just go because on some days i dont feel like i came here for right reasons or even regret being in "spirituality" ( my name for all this truth
When we ascend, will we be able to make our favorite food jump into our mouths?
Read more…In the six day of the mayan calendar after the election of Obama. The people on mass has awoken to the fact that their is a dark shadowy elites controlling Obama. Due to the fact that he has done so many u-turn in a very short length of time.
Please be opene minded what if.....
Archangel Michael, the Price of Light, and Lucifer, the Price ofDarkness, locked in battle for all eternity over the fate of mankind,or so the church would have you believe. It's perhaps the mostrearranged and
Tune in, wouldn't it be something
Rumours spreading into panic
I've seen movements in the clearing
Someone sent you something satanic
I have to leave you, radar's calling
Outside somebody landed
Crazy wavelengths l
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