January 8, 2025,
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in my thoughts/talks with consciousness somewhere outside of me, it came to me that it's time for us to make things happen and lay off the messages and whatever other propaganda...use our power and make things happen!it's not fair that the dark ones
Read more…We have been observing a lot of panic and fear regarding some countries / states enforcing vaccination for the so-called Swine Flu. Also a great deal of discussion involving planetary collisions etc (Nibiru/ Planet X)It is important that you see the
Read more…Myself and quite a few of my off-world colleagues have been picking up a great deal of pain and discomfort from many people on earth right now. Predominant is the feelings of "homesickness", Loneliness, isolation, and frustrations and sadness about t
Read more…Dear members ,People who can’t ascend only want to live in a peace ,happy and normal life on current Earth with normal rebirth in order to learn in a rapid pace and experience different lives . That is their real fun and well-being!! I extremely disl
Read more…I received this story today in my inbox, and I love it! I have no idea whothe author is, so please, if anyone knows let me know so I can give the propercredits. Now, enjoy it!The Story of Adam and Eve's PetsAdam and Eve said, 'Lord, when we were in t
Read more…It will be part of our plan for you and your salvation, and negotiations will commence once we are introduced to you. Love and appreciation of each other will quickly return.We have informed you that it is time to reveal the truth about us, and our a
Read more…THEIR BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT IS WITH GRACE AND GRATITUDE WE ACCEPT THE FEDERATION OF LIGHTS ASSISTENCE FOR THE BETTERMENT OF OURSELVES AND THE ALL Read more…Dr. Adrian Gibbs, Australian Virologist, on Bloomberg TVPETER'S NEW YORK, Tuesday, November 24, 2009--A just-released scientific paper spells out the hypothesis, first suggested in the weeks following the initial outbreak of swine flu in humans in th
Read more…Australia: Government wants power to detain anyone for 3 months if they refuse testing or so-called "treatment" for any infectious disease - to protect the public, of course.AdelaideNow Posted 2009 Nov 21http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,226
Read more…In the Gospels, It has been stated Jesus said, "That if a man had the faith the size of a mustard seed, he would be able to move mountains.This statement is a misrepresentation of what Jesus truly said and it reveals how little Jesus's Gospellers and
Read more…The following article was transcribed verbatim from:http://www.naturalnews.com/027405_hypnosis_immune_system_hypnotherapy.htmlHypnosis Benefits the Immune SystemFriday, November 06, 2009 by: Steve G. Jones, M.Ed., citizen journalistKey concepts: Hypn
Read more…Credit goes to the author LAUREN C. GORGOThe following article was transcribed verbatim from:http://consciousco-creationalcoaching.blogspot.com/2009/11/post-111111-new-earth-movement.htmlThursday, November 5, 2009Post 11:11:11 -The New Earth Movement
Read more…Feelings for mankindSomeday I was watching TV , some news , and I was terrorified for everything that I see the assassinationOf hundreds of people in El Congo , Africa , the war in Israel , thousands of kids are dieing hungry everydayEven when the pr
Read more…The following article by Paul Fassa was transcribed verbatim from:http://www.naturalnews.com/027535_swine_flu_pandemic_Ukraine.htmlSwine Flu Deception and Disinformation ExposedThursday, November 19, 2009by: Paul Fassa, citizen journalist(NaturalNews
Read more…Carolyn Evers has just finished taking Steve’s fourth eBook. It is entitled “A Fourth Message To The World From Steve Fossett” – The Nature of God, the soul and events leading up to 2012
Since completing it, Steve has told Carolyn that he has now mov
Read more…The following is a recent article by Carolyn on Spiritual Mastery. It is a great piece, so I am sharing it with you here:
Who strives to be a master and to have mastery in all they do? There are many examples of mastery, but I am thinking in particula
Read more…The tempo increases as your thoughts turn to the festive celebrations that are quickly approaching. This is more than welcome, as when our presence is made known your spirits will already be lifted.You have every right to feel pleased with yourselves
Read more…Credit goes to the author James Tyberonnc/- MarkHuber_GRT_Intelwww.Earth-Keeper.comThe following was transcribed verbatim from:http://groups.yahoo.com/group/MarkHuber_GRT_Intel/message/1002Universal Beginnings & The Crysto-Electric CosmosArchangel Me
Read more…January 8, 2025,
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Mass Murderer;