All Discussions (10)
Angel School--Class ONE
That's what I need clearing their dark angels
Clarion Angels
Connection to the virtues
stimulate the spirit
Relax and reach your real face
the language of the angels
How many people are connected t
Read more…My Gazing of Braco -- March 3,2013
Well Feather-- I went to gaze on Braco
It was fun interesting and all the people were so nice.
Most of the volunteers had malas around their necks and hands.
And everyone was super friendly and great vibes
. Felt a lot of love there. told an usher I was
Read more…Prayers to the Herbs
This is from the rig veda praising the quality of the nature of herbs--
HYMN XCVII. Praise of Herbs.
1. HERBS that sprang up in time of old, three ages earlier than the Gods,— Of these, whose hue is brown, will I declare the hundred powers and seven.
Read more…Atlantis Reconstruction
Feather darling
Just add the pictures from the updated web page and I will explain the whole thing
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Assorted Pictures Our Family Album
I'm keeping this for assorted pictures..
heres a set to start of some sky scenes above my house...........
The Pyramid Codes
Heres an interesting playlist about the pyramid codes
Watch when you get a chance and make comments....
feather feather
Read more…The Nature of the iIlusory Energy
The illusory energy that modifies the universe is called Maya in Sanskrit.Maya means--- That which is NOT. Like a mirage in a desert, Maya builds the mundane universe with the help of eight elements 5 gross and three subtle. The gross external visibl
Read more…Recent Activity
angmany human planets
1/2 angels look like clouds no heads
need passion in voice to inspire people
super angels
invisible etheric ramp parallels highway
theme from city of angels
sarah McLaughlin
important to have a good voice…"
magic house
template your heart and your house
angels watch every continent
zillions of angels
Iraq aND…"
old ways you wean yourself off== more spiritual spending spree
be very giving to…"