Well Feather-- I went to gaze on Braco
It was fun interesting and all the people were so nice.
Most of the volunteers had malas around their necks and hands.
And everyone was super friendly and great vibes
. Felt a lot of love there. told an usher I was handicapped-- and they let me in early without waitng in line..
Got the best seat in the house front row on the aisle
I was very comfortable.I was about 20 feet from Braco.I felt you with me hugging me.They dont allow pictures in the gazing room but got shots of the scene and the people and the hotel.first they had an introduction and the ushers some of them spoke a few words.
Then there was a short musical concert by a live flutist who played 2 flutes at once
David Young
After the lutist they ad a short dvd from various gazings all over the world..
then we kinda neew what to expect.
I asked the usher if I had to stand i told him t was difficult for me..
he said whatevr I could do and felt comforatable was fine. Every one got up and stood.I was a little shakey but manged to stand for the 7-8 minutes gazing..
then after they asked if anyone had a comments..
One person did have a comment
she said this was one of the best gazings that she had seen-- she had seen a few.
Braco lwent through the whole entire crowd and looked at everyone.
It was very peaceful.. Some people were overwhelmed with emotion.. I just felt exttremely calm and centered and clear.felt more emoional before the session.. but during just felt peace.
After the gazing everyone just sat there for about 10 minutes and said nothing.It was very clear energy..not ecstatic for me-- but extremely calming like a placid lake.
Then they asked me if was doing the next session so they culd save me the seat.I said no.Then i
got a drink of water and left.I talked to one usher about a few things such as talking in his picture. She said he doesnt know he is doing it.She said he has a wife and family -- but never talks in public.
Here are some pictures of the hotel and the lobby and scene.