11 11 Everywhere
I have been seeing 11 11 absolutely everywhere I go. Even when we took a camping trip 11 11 popped up in the most unlikely place ! I have always known that it is a spiritual symbol and whenever I see it that I am on the right path and am where I am supposed to be. I think it's a way for my guides to communicate with me.I recently spoke to a minister and she said that she felt that there was a lot of angels around me and this is what the symbol meant and why it keeps appearing to me. To be…
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I can't believe I created this group 8 years ago. I started using Ashtar Command a few years before that when i was 21. I'm 30 now.
I still see it.
Happy 11/11 everyone! May you conquer your fears and reach your goals!
This always follows me 11:11., When I look at the clock, radio frequency .... I read somewhere that the Divine plan is to transform 3.5 galaxies in the 11 sky light on Pamant.Am found a capital meditation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4lQl3z_MPo&feature=share&li...
I find that 11:11 shows me answers. If i am pondering something and I figure it out or am heading in the right direction I see 11:11 on the clock. I enjoy it:) It is there for me to show me syncronisities and truth.
Numbers show up for me at certian times. Like when i am being a bitch to my man, I will see the number seventeen. Trail and error has shown me that it means I need to chill out. I am too angry. I have always been a calm easy going person untill lately.
Is this happening to anyone else?
Wonderful. Amasing, Heavenly....All Love.....
but How......don't understand Sarah.....
much Love....
I keep seeing it. 11:11 - The universe is open to you
I believe there are many facets to the 11:11, not one is right or wrong. I think each person will use the 11:11 in different ways. I've seen the 11:11 for about 15 years or so and especially heavy this past 8 months. It's like an insatiable search. Even though I've seen 11:11 and other number groups, doors have been opening more lately for me to not just search but to understand. I believe it's about re-uniting the soul family. I'm the last in my line, no children. I think it's time for me to finish out this life, as nature intends and break the chains of 3D. I dream often of the "family", running away, hiding out. I'm an only child with a happy childhood, never ran away from home. I recently read my dream journals of the 80's and 90's. The puzzle pieces are fitting together now. How I "ran" from the family (descent into 3D matter) doing my own thing (free will); how I'm "found" (awakened) and brought "home" (ascending). It makes peaceful sense. Sounds a WHOLE lot like the prodigal son story in the Bible. I'm sure there is more to learn about the other facets of the 11:11 and if I know the pattern, I'll be shown. 11:11 is a mirror in which to see the self. The twin flames moving into the group of soul twins which moves into the Soul family. Hope this helps. Take care. Selena